Professor Jian-Bo Yang
Jian-Bo’s webpages by clicking on the following hyperlinks
111. A. Taroun,
J. B. Yang and D. Lowe, “Construction
risk modelling and assessment: insights from a literature review”, Journal
of the Built and Human Environment Review, Vol.4, No. 1, pp.87-97, 2011.
112. X. S. Si, C. H. Hu, J. B.
Yang and Z. J. Zhou, “A new
prediction model based on belief rule base for system's behaviour prediction”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.19, No.4, pp.636-651, 2011.
113. Y. W. Chen, J. B. Yang, D.
L. Xu, Z. J. Zhou and D. W. Tang, “Inference
analysis and adaptive training for belief rule based systems”, Expert Systems with
Applications, Vol.38, No.10, pp.12845-12860, 2011.
114. B. Li, H. W. Wang, J. B.
Yang, M. Guo and C. Qi, “A
belief-rule-based inventory control method under nonstationary and uncertain
demand”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.38, No.12, pp.14997-15008, 2011.
115. Z. J. Zhou, C.
H. Hu, J. B. Yang, D. L. Xu and D. H. Zhou, “Online
updating belief-rule-based systems using the RIMER approach”, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans,
Vol.41, No.6, pp.1225-1243, 2011.
116. C. H. Hu, X. S.
Si, J. B. Yang and Z. J. Zhou, “Online
updating with a probability-based prediction model using expectation
maximization algorithm for reliability forecasting”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol.41, No.6, pp.1268-1277, 2011.
117. J. B. Yang, D. L.
Xu, X. L. Xie and A.K. Maddulapalli, “Multicriteria
evidential reasoning decision modelling and analysis - prioritizing voices of
customer”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.62,
pp.1638–1654, 2011.
118. Z. J. Zhou, C.
H. Hu, D. L. Xu, J. B. Yang and D. H. Zhou, “Bayesian
reasoning approach based recursive algorithm for online updating belief rule
based expert system of pipeline leak detection”, Expert
Systems with Applications, Vol.38, pp.3937-3943, 2011.
119. X. S. Si, C. H.
Hu, J. B. Yang, Q. Zhang, “On the dynamic
evidential reasoning algorithm for fault prediction”, Expert Systems with Applications,
Vol.38, No.5, pp.5061-5080, 2011.
120. D. W. Tang, J. B. Yang, K.
S. Chin, Z. S. Y. Wong and X. B. Liu, “A methodology
to generate a belief rule base for customer perception risk analysis in new
product development”, Expert Systems with
Applications, Vol.38, No.5, pp.5373-5383, 2011.
121. S. L. Yang, Y. Ma, D. L. Xu
and J. B. Yang, “Minimizing
total completion time on a single machine with a flexible maintenance activity”, Computers &
Operations Research, Vol.38, pp.755-770, 2011.
122. X. B. Liu, F. Pei, J. B.
Yang, and S. L. Yang, “An MAGDM approach
combining numerical values with uncertain linguistic information and its
application in evaluation of R&D projects”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.
3, No.5, pp.575-589, 2010.
123. X. L. Xie, J. B.
Yang, D. L. Xu, A. K. Maddulapalli and Q. P. Yang, “Uncertainty
and preference modelling for multiple criteria vehicle evaluation”, International
Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.3, No.6, pp.688-708,
124. J. B. Yang, Y. H.
Wong, D. L. Xu, X. B. Liu and R. E. Steuer, “Integrated
bank performance assessment and management planning using hybrid minimax
reference point – DEA approach”, European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol.207, pp.1506–1518, 2010.
125. Z. J. Zhou, C.
H. Hu, D. L. Xu, J. B. Yang and D. H. Zhou, “New
model for system behaviour prediction based on belief-rule-based systems”, Information
Sciences, Vol.180, pp.4834–4864, 2010.
126. C. H. Hu, X. S. Si and J. B.
Yang, “System
reliability prediction model based on evidential reasoning algorithm with
nonlinear optimization”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.37,
No.3, pp.2550-2562, 2010.
127. C. H. Hu, X. S. Si and J. B.
Yang, “Dynamic
evidential reasoning algorithm for systems reliability prediction”, International Journal
of Systems Science, Vol.41, No.7, pp.783-796, 2010.
128. M. Zhou, X. B. Liu, J. B.
Yang, “Evidential
reasoning-based nonlinear programming model for MCDA under fuzzy weights and
utilities”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol.25, No.1,
pp.31-58, 2010.
129. Z. J. Zhou, C.
H. Hu, J. B. Yang, D. L. Xu, M. Y. Chen, and D. H. Zhou, “A
sequential learning algorithm for online constructing belief rule based systems”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.37, pp.1790–1799, 2010.
130. K. S. Chin, Y.
M. Wang, K. K. Poon and J. B. Yang, “Failure
mode and effects analysis by data envelopment analysis”, Decision
Support Systems, Vol.48, No.1, pp.246-256, 2009.
131. H. W. Wang, H. X. Liu and J.
B. Yang, “Dynamic
analysis of a two-stage supply chain - a switched system theory approach”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Vol.43, No.1, pp.200-210, 2009.
132. K. S. Chin, D. W. Tang, J. B. Yang, S. Y. Wong and H. W. Wang, “Assessing
new product development project risk by Bayesian network with a systematic
probability generation methodology”, Expert Systems with Applications,
Vol.36, No.6, pp.9879-9890, 2009.
133. M. Zhou, X. B. Liu and J. B. Yang,
"Organisational R&D project performance assessment based on the
enhanced evidential reasoning approach", Journal of Hefei University of
Technology (Natural Science), Vol.32, No.8, 2009 (in Chinese).
134. Y. M. Wang, K. S. Chin, K. K. G. Poon, J. B. Yang, “Risk
evaluation in failure mode and effects analysis using fuzzy weighted geometric
mean”, Expert
Systems with Applications, Vol.36, pp.1195-1207, 2009.
135. Y. M. Wang, J. B. Yang, D.
L. Xu and K. S. Chin, “Consumer
preference prediction by using a hybrid evidential reasoning and belief
rule-based methodology”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36,
pp.8421–8430, 2009.
136. G. L. Kong, D. L. Xu, X. B.
Liu and J. B. Yang, “Applying a belief
rule-base inference methodology to a guideline-based clinical decision support
system”, Expert Systems, Vol.26, No.5, pp.391-408, 2009.
137. J. Ren,
J. Wang, I. Jenkinson, D. L. Xu, J. B. Yang, “An
offshore risk analysis method using fuzzy Bayesian network”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
Engineering, Vol.131, No.4, 2009.
138. M. Luque, J. B. Yang and B. Y. H. Wong, “PROJECT method:
a new interactive method based on the gradient projection and reference point
techniques”, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans,
Vol.39, No.4, pp.864-879, 2009.
139. M. Guo, J. B. Yang, K. S.
Chin, H. W Wang and X. B. Liu, “Evidential
reasoning approach for multi-attribute decision analysis under both fuzzy and
interval uncertainty”, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.17, No.3, pp.683-697, 2009.
140. B. Y. H. Wong, M. Luque, J. B. Yang, “Using interactive multiobjective methods to solve DEA problems with value
judgements”, Computers &
Operations Research, Vol.36, No.2, pp.623-636, 2009.
141. K. S. Chin, J. B. Yang, J. Lam and M. Guo, “An
evidential reasoning-interval based method for new product design assessment”, IEEE transactions on Engineering
Management, Vol.56, No.1, pp.142-156, 2009.
142. Z. J. Zhou, C. H. Hu, J. B.
Yang, D. L. Xu and D. H. Zhou, “Online
updating belief-rule-based system for pipeline leak detection under expert
intervention”, Expert Systems with Applications,
Vol.36, pp.7700–7709, 2009.
143. K. S. Chin, Y. M. Wang, J.
B. Yang, and K. K. G. Poon, “An
evidential reasoning based approach for Quality Function Deployment under
uncertainty”, Expert Systems with Applications,
Vol.36, pp.5684–5694, 2009.
144. J. B. Yang, Y. H. Wong, D. L. Xu and T. J. Stewart,
DEA-oriented performance assessment and target setting using interactive MCDA
methods”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.195, pp.205–222,
145. K. S. Chin, Y. M. Wang, G. K. K. Poon and J. B. Yang, “Failure mode
and effects analysis using a group-based evidential reasoning approach”, Computers & Operations Research,
Vol.36, pp.1768 – 1779, 2009.
146. K. S. Chin, A.
Chan and J. B. Yang, “Development of a
fuzzy FMEA based product design system”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.36,
No.7-8, pp.633-649, 2008.
147. Juan Carlos
Augusto, Jun Liu, Paul McCullagh, Hui Wang and Jian-Bo Yang, “Management
of uncertainty and spatio-temporal aspects for
monitoring and diagnosis in a smart home”, International
Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.1, No. 4, pp.361-378,
148. J. Liu, J. B. Yang, D. Ruan, L. Martinez, and J. Wang, “Self-tuning
of fuzzy belief rule bases for engineering system safety analysis”, Annals of Operations Research,
Vol.163, No.1, pp.143-168, 2008.
149. K. S. Chin, D. L. Xu, J. B.
Yang and J. P. K. Lam, “Group-based
ER-AHP system for product project screening”, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol.35, pp.1909-1929, 2008.
150. G. L. Kong, D.
L. Xu and J. B. Yang, “Clinical Decision
Support Systems: A review on knowledge representation and inference under
uncertainties”, International
Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.1, No.2, pp.159-167,
151. J. F. Tang, K. L. Yung, I.
Kaku and J. B. Yang, “The scheduling of
deliveries in a production-distribution system with multiple buyers”, Annals of Operations Research, Vol.161, pp.5–23, 2008.
152. J. Ren, I. Jenkinson, J.
Wang, D. L. Xu and J. B. Yang, “A methodology to
model causal relationships on offshore safety assessment focusing on human and
organisational factors”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol.39,
pp.87-100, 2008.
153. X. L. Xie, D. L. Xu, J. B.
Yang, J. Wang, J. Ren and S. Yu, “Ship selection
using a multiple criteria synthesis approach”, Journal of Marine Science and
Technology, Vol.13, pp.50-62, 2008.
154. D. L. Xu, J. B. Yang, B. Carlé, F. Hardeman and
D. Ruan, “Application of
intelligent decision system to nuclear waste depository option analysis”, International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology,
Vol.2, No.2, pp.146-165, 2008.
155. M. A. S. Monfared and J. B.
Yang, “Design of
integrated manufacturing planning, scheduling and control systems: a new
framework for automation”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.33, No.5-6, pp.545-559, 2007.
156. R. Chang, H. W. Wang and J. B. Yang, “An algorithm
for training parameters in belief rule-bases based on the gradient and
dichotomy methods”, Systems
Engineering, Special Issue, pp.287-291, 2007 (in Chinese).
157. M. Guo, J. B.
Yang, K. S. Chin, and H. W. Wang, “Evidential
reasoning based preference programming for multiple attribute decision analysis
under uncertainty”, European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol.182, No.3, pp.1294- 1312, 2007.
158. J. Ren, J. Wang, I. Jenkinson, D. L. Xu and J. B.
Yang, “A
Bayesian network approach for offshore risk analysis through linguistic
variables”, China Ocean Engineering -
An International Journal, Vol.21, No.3, pp.371-388, 2007.
159. Y. M. Wang and J. B. Yang, “Measuring the
performances of decision making units using interval efficiencies”, Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics, Vol.198, No.1, pp.253-267, 2007.
160. Y. M. Wang, K. S. Chin and J. B. Yang, “Three new models
for preference voting and aggregation”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.58, pp.1389-1393,
161. X.
B. Liu, M. Zhou, J. B. Yang and S. L. Yang, “Assessment of
strategic R&D projects for car manufacturers based on the evidential
reasoning approach”, International Journal of Computational
Intelligence Systems, Vol.1, 2007.
162. P. K. Lam, K. S. Chin, J. B. Yang and W. Liang “Self-assessment
of conflict management in client-supplier collaborative new product development”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.107, No.5, 2007.
163. Y.
M. Wang, K. S. Chin and J. B. Yang, “Measuring the
performances of decision making units using geometric average efficiency”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.58, pp.929–937,
164. J. B. Yang, J. Liu, D. L.
Xu, J. Wang and H. W. Wang, “Optimization
models for training belief rule based systems”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A, Vol.37, No.4, pp.569-585, 2007.
165. K. N. Papamichail, G. Alves, S. French, J. B. Yang and R. Snowdon “Facilitation practices
in decision workshops”, Journal of the Operational Research Society,
Vol.58, pp.614-623, 2007.
166. L. Martinez Lopez; J. Liu,
D. Ruan and J. B. Yang, “Dealing with
Heterogeneous Information in Engineering Evaluation Processes”, Information Sciences, Vol.177, pp.1533–1542, 2007.
167. Y. M. Wang, J. B. Yang and
D. L. Xu, “On
the Combination and Normalization of Interval-valued Belief Structures”, Information Sciences, Vol.177, pp.1230–1247, 2007.
168. D. L. Xu, J. Liu, J. B.
Yang, G. P. Liu, J. Wang, I. Jenkinson, J. Ren, “Inference and
learning methodology of belief-rule-based expert system for pipeline leak
detection”, Expert Systems with Applications,
Vol.32, No.1, pp.103-113, 2007.
169. J. He, K. S. Chin, J. B.
Yang and D. L. Zhu, “Return
policy model of supply chain management for single-period products”, Optimisation Theory
and Applications, Vol. 129, No.2, pp. 293–308, 2006.
170. D. L. Xu, G. McCarthy and J.
B. Yang, “Intelligent
decision system and its application in business innovation self-assessment”, Decision Support
Systems, Vol.42, pp.664-673, 2006.
171. Y.
M. Wang, J. B.
Yang and D. L. Xu, “The
evidential reasoning approach for multiple attribute decision analysis using
interval belief degrees”, European Journal of Operational Research,
Vol.175, No.1, pp.35-66, 2006.
172. Y.
M. Wang, J. B.
Yang and D. L. Xu, “Environmental
Impact Assessment Using the Evidential Reasoning Approach”, European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol.174, No.3, pp.1885-1913, 2006.
173. D. L. Xu, J. B. Yang and Y.
M. Wang, “The ER
approach for multi-attribute decision analysis under interval uncertainties”, European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol.174, No.3, pp.1914-1943, 2006.
174. Y.
M. Wang, J. B.
Yang, D. L. Xu and K. S. Chin, “On the
centroids of fuzzy numbers”, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, Vol.157, No.7, pp.919-926, 2006.
175. J. B. Yang, J. Liu, J. Wang,
H. S. Sii and H. W. Wang, “A belief rule-base inference
methodology using the evidential reasoning approach – RIMER”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A: Systems
and Humans, Vol.36, No.2, pp.266- 285, 2006.
176. J. B. Yang, Y. M. Wang, D.
L. Xu and K. S. Chin, “The evidential
reasoning approach for MCDA under both probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties”, European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol. 171,
No.1, pp.309-343, 2006.
177. H. W. Wang, J. Efstathiou and J. B. Yang, “Entropy-based
complexity measures for dynamic decision-making”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and
Impulsive Systems, Series B, Applications and
Algorithms, Vol.12, No.5-6, pp.829-848, 2005.
178. L. Martinez, J. Liu, J. B.
Yang and F. Herrera, “A
multi-granular hierarchical linguistic model for design evaluation based on
safety and cost analysis”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems,
Vol.20, pp.1161–1194, 2005.
179. Y. M. Wang, J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu, “Interval
weight generation approaches based on consistency test and interval comparison
matrices”, Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Vol.167, pp.252–273, 2005.
180. Z. L. Yang, J. Wang, S.
Bonsall, J. B. Yang and Q. Fang, “A subjective
risk analysis approach for container supply chains”, International Journal
of Automation and Computing, No.1, pp.85-92, 2005 (Presented at the CACSUK
2004 Annual Conference, Liverpool, September 2004 and given the Best Paper
Award by the Conference Programme Committee).
181. D. L. Xu and J. B. Yang, “An intelligent decision
system based on the evidential reasoning approach and its applications”, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, No.3,
pp.73-80, 2005.
182. K. S. Chin, J. Lam, J. S. F. Chan, K. K. Poon and J.
B. Yang, “A CIMOSA
presentation of an integrated product design review framework”, International Journal of
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.84, No.4, pp.260-278, 2005.
183. J. Ren, I. Jenkinson,
H. S. Sii, J. Wang, D. L. Xu and J. B. Yang, “An offshore
safety assessment framework using fuzzy reasoning and evidential synthesis
approaches”, Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology (IMarEST), No.A6, pp.3-16, 2005.
184. J. Liu, J. B. Yang, J. Wang
and H. S. Sii, “Engineering system
safety analysis and synthesis using fuzzy rule-based evidential reasoning
approach”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 21,
pp.387-411, 2005.
185. Y. M. Wang, R. Greatbanks and J. B. Yang, “Interval
efficiency assessment using data envelopment analysis”, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, Vol.153, pp.347-370, 2005.
186. H. S. Sii,
J. Wang, A. G. Eleye-Datubo, J. B. Yang and J. Liu, “Safety assessment of
FPSO turret-mooring system using approximate reasoning and evidential reasoning” Marine Technology and SNAME News, Vol.42, No.2, pp.88-102, 2005.
187. Y.
M. Wang, J. B.
Yang and D. L. Xu, “A two-stage
logarithmic goal programming method for generating weights from interval
comparison matrices”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.152, No.3, pp.475-498, 2005.
188. M. A. S. Monfared and J B
Yang, “A
multi-level intelligent scheduling and control system for an automated flow
shop manufacturing environment”, International Journal of Production Research,
Vol.43, No.1, pp.147-168, 2005.
189. Y.
M. Wang, J. B.
Yang and D. L. Xu, “A
preference aggregation method through the estimation of utility intervals”, Computers & Operations Research, Vol.32,
pp.2027-2049, 2005.
190. M.A.S. Monfared and J B
Yang, “Design
of an intelligent manufacturing scheduling and control system using fuzzy
logic: sensitivity analysis and parameter optimisation”, International Journal of Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Vol.15,
No.2, pp.89-104, 2004.
191. H. S. Sii,
J. Wang, J. B. Yang and J. Liu. “Application
of fuzzy logic approaches to safety assessment in maritime engineering
applications”, Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, No.A5,
pp.45-58, 2004 (Given 2003/2004 IMarEST Denny Medal
by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology).
192. H.
S. Sii, J. Wang, I. Jenkinson. J. B. Yang and L. Liu, “A design-decision
support framework for evaluation of design options/proposals using a
fuzzy-logic-based composite structure methodology”, Journal of Engineering
Design, Vol.15, No.5, pp.493-514,
193. M. R. Deng, W. X. Xu and J.
B. Yang, “Estimating the attribute
weights through evidential reasoning and mathematical programming”, International
Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM),
Vol.3, No.3, pp.419-428, 2004.
194. Y. Ge, J. B. Yang, N.
Proudlove and M. Spring, “System dynamics
modelling for supply chain management—a case study on a supermarket chain in
the UK”, International Transactions on Operational
Research, Vol.11, No.5, pp.495-509, 2004.
195. J. Wang, H. S. Sii, A. Pillay, J. B. Yang, S. Kim and A. Saajedi, “Use of advances in
technology in marine risk assessment”, Risk
Analysis, Vol.24, No.4, pp.1011-1033, 2004.
196. J. Liu, J. B. Yang, J. Wang,
H. S. Sii and Y. M. Wang, “Fuzzy rule-based
evidential reasoning approach for safety analysis”, International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 33, No.2-3, pp.183-204, 2004.
197. D. F. Li and J. B. Yang, “Fuzzy linear
programming technique for multiattribute group
decision making in fuzzy environments”, Information Sciences,
Vol.158, pp.263-275, 2004.
198. D. L. Xu and J. B. Yang, “Intelligent
decision system for self-assessment”, Journal
of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol.12, 43-60, 2003.
199. A. M. Ahmed, B. G. Dale and
J. B. Yang, “Self-assessment
methodology: the route to business success”, Quality Management
Journal, Vol.10, No.1, pp.43-57, 2003.
200. M. Li and J. B. Yang, “A decision model
for self-assessment of business process based on the EFQM excellence model”, International Journal
of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol.20, No.2&3, pp.163-187, 2003
(Given 2004 Outstanding Paper Award by the Emerald Literati Club).
201. J. Liu, J. B. Yang, J. Wang
and S. H. Sii, “Review of
uncertainty reasoning approaches as guidance for maritime and offshore
safety-based assessment”, Journal of UK Safety and Reliability Society,
Vol.23, No.1, pp.63-80, 2002/3 (ISSN: 0961-7353).
202. M. Sonmez, J. B. Yang, G.
Graham and G.D. Holt, “An
evidential reasoning based decision making process for pre-qualifying
construction contractors”, Journal of Decision Systems, Special issue
on Decision Making on Urban & Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3-4, pp.355 –
381, 2002.
203. Y. C. Tsai, K. S. Chin and
J. B. Yang, “A hybrid QFD
framework for new product development”, The Asian Journal of Quality,
Volume 3, No.2, pp.138-158, 2002.
204. J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu, “On the evidential
reasoning algorithm for multiattribute decision
analysis under uncertainty”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol.32, No.3, pp.289-304, 2002.
205. J. B. Yang and D. Li, “Normal vector
identification and interactive tradeoff analysis
using minimax formulation in multiobjective
optimisation”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems
and Humans, Vol.32, No.3, pp.305-319, 2002.
206. J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu, “Nonlinear information
aggregation via evidential reasoning in multiattribute
decision analysis under uncertainty”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol.32, No.3, pp.376-393, 2002.
207. M. Sonmez, G. Graham and J.
B. Yang and G. D. Holt, “Applying evidential
reasoning to pre-qualifying construction contractors”, Journal of Management
in Engineering, Vol.18, No.3, pp.111-119, 2002.
208. M. R. Deng, J. B. Yang and
Y. Pan, “An
application of rough sets to modelling and utilising data warehouse”, Journal of Systems
Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.10, No.4, pp.489-496, 2001.
209. J. B. Yang, B. G. Dale and
C. H. R. Siow, “Self-assessment of
excellence: an application of the evidential reasoning approach”, International Journal
of Production Research, Vol.39, No.16, pp.3789-3812, 2001.
210. C. H. R. Siow, J. B. Yang
and B. G. Dale, “A new modelling
framework for organisational self-assessment: development and application”, Quality Management
Journal, Vol.8, No.4, pp.34-47, 2001.
211. J. B. Yang, “GA-based adaptive dynamic
programming approach for scheduling in FMS environments”, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics, Vol.31, No.5,
pp.824-835, 2001.
212. M. Sonmez, J. B. Yang and G.
D. Holt, “Addressing the
contractor selection problem using an evidential reasoning approach”, Engineering,
Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.198-210, 2001.
213. J. B. Yang, J. Wang, D. L.
Xu, B. G. Dale, O. Kieran and T. Ruxton, “Multiple
criteria decision analysis applied to safety and cost synthesis”, Journal of UK Safety
and Reliability Society, Vol.21 No.2, pp.42-63, 2001.
214. J. Wang and J. B. Yang, “A
subjective safety based decision making approach for evaluation of safety
requirements specifications in software development”, International Journal
of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.35-57,
215. J. B. Yang, “Rule
and utility based evidential reasoning approach for multiple attribute decision
analysis under uncertainty”, European Journal of Operational Research,
Vol. 131, No.1, pp.31-61, 2001.
216. J. B. Yang, “Minimax reference
point approach and its application for multiobjective
optimisation”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.126, No.3,
pp.90-105, 2000.
217. D. L. Xu and J. B. Yang, “Intelligent decision
system via evidential reasoning”, ACE-UK Proceeding, Vol.3, No.1, Spring
Edition, pp.19-31, 2000.
218. D. Li, J. B. Yang and M. P.
Biswal, “Quantitative
parametric connections between methods for generating noninferior solutions in multiobjective optimisation”, European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol.117, No.1, pp.84-99, 1999.
219. J. B. Yang, “Gradient projection
and local region search for multiobjective
optimisation”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.112, No.2,
pp.432-459, 1999.
220. J. G. Lin and J. B. Yang, “GA Based multiple
objective optimisation for determining viscoplastic
constitutive equations for superplastic alloys”, International Journal
of Plasticity, Vol.15, pp.1181-1196, 1999.
221. J. B. Yang and P. Sen, “Multiple attribute
design evaluation of large engineering products using the evidential reasoning
approach”, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol.8, No.3, pp.211-230, 1997,
ISSN 0954-4828.
222. J. B. Yang, P. Sen and P.
Meldrum, “Multiple
attribute evaluation in engineering decision support using limited compensation
and reference designs”, Information and Systems Engineering,
Vol.2, No.3 & 4, pp.159-181, 1996, ISSN 0929-9610.
223. J. Wang, J. B. Yang and P.
Sen, “Safety based design
and maintenance optimisation of large marine engineering systems”, Applied Ocean Research,
Vol.18, pp.13-27, 1996, ISSN 0141-1187.
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