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All Papers | Key Papers by Topic

2024 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 | 99 | 97


H.M.So, L.Bose, P.Dudek, G.Wetzstein, "PixelRNN: In-pixel Recurrent Neural Networks for End-to-end-optimized Perception with Neural Sensors", IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2024, pp.25233-25244, June 2024.

L.Bose, P.Dudek, "Mapping Image Transformations Onto Pixel Processor Arrays", arXiv:2403.16994, 25 March 2024.

P.Dudek, "Factor Machine: Mixed-signal Architecture for Fine-Grained Graph-Based Computing", arXiv:2402.12130, 12 January 2024.


L.Bose, P.Dudek, S.Carey, J.Chen, "Live Demonstration: Scamp-7", Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, CVPRW 2023, pp. 3994-3995, June 2023

E.Ozer, J.Kufel, J.Biggs, A.Rana, F.J.Rodriguez, T.Lee-Clark, A.Sou, C.Ramsdale, S.White, S.K.Garlapati, P.Valliappan, A.Rahmanudin, V.Komanduri, G.S.Saez, S.Gollu, G.Brown, P.Dudek, K.C.Persaud, M.L.Turner, S.Murray, S.Bates, R.Treloar, B.Newby, J.Ford "Malodour classification with low-cost flexible electronics", Nature Communications, vol. 14, 777 (2023), 106685, doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36104-z, February 2023

V.Tischler, P.Dudek, J.Wijekoon, L.A.Majewski, Y.Takeda, S.Tokito, M.L.Turner, "An integrate-and-fire neuron circuit made from printed organic field-effect transistors", Organic Electronics, vol. 113 (2023), 106685, doi: 10.1016/j.orgel.2022.106685, pp.1-6, February 2023


Y.Liu, L.Bose, R.Fan, P.Dudek, W.Mayol-Cuevas, "On-sensor binarized CNN inference with dynamic model swapping in pixel processor arrays", Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 7, issue 67, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.909448, pp.1-16, 15 August 2022

H.M.So, J.N.P.Martel, P.Dudek, G.Wetzstein, "MantissaCam: Learning Snapshot High-dynamic-range Imaging with Perceptually-based In-pixel Irradiance Encoding", International Conference on Computational Photography, ICCP 2022, Pasadena, CA, 1-3 August 2022 (Best Demo Award)

P.Dudek, T.Richardson, L.Bose, S.Carey, J.Chen, C.Greatwood, Y.Liu, W.Mayol-Cuevas, "Sensor-level computer vision with pixel processor arrays for agile robots", Science Robotics , vol. 7, issue 67, doi: 10.1126/scirobotics.abl7755, June 2022

L.Bose, J.Chen, S.Carey and P.Dudek, "Pixel Processor Arrays For Low Latency Gaze Estimation", IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, IEEVR 2022, pp 970-971, March 2022 (Best Demo Award)


L.Bose, J.Chen, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Sand Castle Summation for Pixel Processor Arrays", 17th International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2021, September 2021

Y.Liu, L.Bose, J.Chen, S.J.Carey, P.Dudek, W.Mayol-Cuevas, "Bringing A Robot Simulator to the SCAMP Vision System", Workshop on On- and Near-sensor Vision Processing (ONSVP), International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2021, 4 June 2021 (Best Poster Award)

Y.Liu, J.Chen, L.Bose, P.Dudek, W.Mayol-Cuevas, "Direct Servo Control from In-Sensor CNN Inference with A Pixel Processor Array", Workshop on On- and Near-sensor Vision Processing (ONSVP), International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2021, 4 June 2021

Y.Liu, L.Bose, C.Greatwood, J.Chen, T.Richardson, S.J.Carey, P.Dudek, W.Mayol-Cuevas, "Agile reactive navigation for a non-holonomic mobile robot using a pixel processor array", IET Image Processing , 2021, p1-10, doi:10.1049/ipr2.12158, March 2021


Y.Liu, L.Bose, J.Chen, S.J.Carey, P.Dudek, W.Mayol-Cuevas, "High-speed Light-weight CNN Inference via Strided Convolutions on a Pixel Processor Array", British Machine Vision COnference, BMVC 2020, paper 126, p.1-14, September 2020

A.McConville, L.Bose, R.Clarke, W.Mayol-Cuevas, J.Chen, C.Greatwood, S.Carey, P.Dudek and T.Richardson, "Visual Odometry Using Pixel Processor Arrays for Unmanned Aerial Systems in GPS Denied Environments", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol 7, article 126, doi:10.3389/frobt.2020.00126, September 2020

L.Bose, P.Dudek, J.Chen, S.J.Carey, W.Mayol-Cuevas, "Fully embedding fast convolutional networks on pixel processor arrays", European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2020, pp.488-503, August 2020 [video]

G.Haessig, D.Garcia-Lesta, G.Lenz, R.Benosman, P.Dudek, "A mixed-signal spatio-temporal signal classifier for on-sensor spike sorting", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2020, Seville, doi:10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9180442, Seville, May 2020

T.Delbruck et al., "Lessons Learned the Hard Way", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2020, Seville, p.1-18, doi: 10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9180983, May 2020

S.J.Carey, L.Bose, T. Richardson, W.Mayol-Cuevas, J.Chen and P.Dudek, "Live Demonstration: CNN Inference on the Focal Plane with a Pixel Processor Array", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2020, Seville, doi: 10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9180959, May 2020

J.N.P.Martel, L.K.Müller, S.J.Carey, P.Dudek and G.Wetzstein, "Neural Sensors: Learning Pixel Exposures for HDR Imaging and Video Compressive Sensing with Programmable Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 42, Issue 7, pp. 1642-1653, doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2986944, July 2020

J.Chen, Y. Liu, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Proximity Estimation Using Vision Features Computed on Sensor", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2020, June 2020

J.N.P.Martel, L.K.Müller, S.J.Carey, P.Dudek and G.Wetzstein, "Neural Sensors: Learning Pixel Exposures for HDR Imaging and Video Compressive Sensing with Programmable Sensors", International Conference on Computational Photography, ICCP 2020, Saint-Louis, April 2020


L.Bose, J.Chen, S.J.Carey, P.Dudek and W.Mayol-Cuevas, "A Camera That CNNs: Towards Embedded Neural Networks on Pixel Processor Arrays", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2019, Seoul, pp.1335-1344, October 2019

C.Greatwood, L.Bose, T.Richardson, W.Mayol-Cuevas, R.Clarke, J.Chen, S.J.Carey, and P.Dudek, "Towards drone racing with a pixel processor array", Proceeding of 11th International Micro Air Vehicle Competition and Conference, IMAV 2019, Madrid, Spain, 2019, pp.76–82, October 2019

L.Bose, J.Chen, S.J.Carey, P.Dudek and W.Mayol-Cuevas, "Live Demonstration: Digit Recognition On Pixel Processor Arrays", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPR 2019, Long Beach, California, June 2019


C.Greatwood, L.Bose, T.Richardson, W.Mayol-Cuevas, J.Chen, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Perspective Correcting Visual Odometry for Agile MAVs using a Pixel Processor Array", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2018, Madrid, pp.987-994, October 2018

J.Chen, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Scamp5d vision system and development framework", Association for Computing Machinery, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, ICDSC 2018, Eindhoven, September 2018

P.Dudek, "Vision", in "Living machines: A handbook of research in biomimetics and biohybrid systems", T.J Prescott, N.Lepora and P.F.M.J.Verschure (Eds.), ISBN: 9780199674923, Oxford University Press, April 2018 (preprint - pdf)

J.N.P.Martel, L.K.Müller,S.J.Carey, J.Müller, Y.Sandamirskaya and P.Dudek "Real-Time Depth From Focus on a Programmable Focal Plane Processor", in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers vol 65, no.3, pp. 925-934, March 2018


L.Bose, J.Chen, S.J.Carey, W.Mayol-Cuevas and P.Dudek, "Visual Odometry for Pixel Processor Arrays", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV 2017, pp.4614-4622, October 2017

C.Greatwood, L.Bose, T.Richardson, W.Mayol-Cuevas, J.Chen, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Tracking control of a UAV with a parallel visual processor", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2017, Vancouver, pp.4248-4254, September 2017

J.Chen, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Feature Extraction using a Portable Vision System", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Workshop on ision-based Agile Autonomous Navigation of UAVs, IROS 2017, Vancouver September 2017

J.N.P.Martel, L.K.Müller, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek "High-Speed Depth from Focus on a Programmable Vision Chip Using a Focus Tunable Lens", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2017, Baltimore, pp.1150-1153, May 2017

J.N.P.Martel, L.K.Müller,S.J.Carey, J.Müller, Y.Sandamirskaya and P.Dudek "Live Demonstration: Depth from Focus on a Focal Plane Processor Using a Focus Tunable Liquid Lens", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2017, Baltimore, pp.1742-1743, May 2017


J.N.P. Martel, Y.Sandamirskaya and P.Dudek "A Demonstration of Tracking using Dynamic Neural Fields on a Programmable Vision Chip", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Distributed Smart Camera, ICDSC 2016, Paris, pp.212-213, Sept 2016 (Best Demo Award)

J.N.P.Martel, L.K.Müller, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Parallel HDR tone mapping and auto-focus on a cellular processor array vision chip", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2016, Montreal, pp.1430-1433, May 2016

P.Dudek, "Current end Emergent Topics – Sensory Systems", in "A Short History of Circuits and Systems", F.Maloberti, A.C.Davies (Eds.), ISBN: 9788793379718, River Publishers, Aalborg, May 2016

J.N.P.Martel and P.Dudek, "Vision Chips with In-pixel Processors for High-performance Low-power Embedded Vision Systems", Workshop on Architectures and Systems for Real-time Mobile Vision Applications (ASR-MOV), International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, CGO'16, March 2016

J.N.P.Martel, L.K.Müller, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "A real-time high dynamic range vision system with tone mapping for automotive applications", International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Applications, CNNA 2016, Dresden, August 2016


M.V.Nair and P.Dudek, "Practical Gradient-Descent for Memristive Crossbars", International Conference on Memristive Systems, MEMRISYS 2015, November 2015

J.N.Martel, M.Chau, M.Cook and P.Dudek, "Pixel interlacing to trade off the resolution of a Cellular Processor Array against more registers", European Conference on Circuits Theory and Design, ECCTD 2015, pp.1-4, September 2015

M.V.Nair and P.Dudek, "Gradient-descent-based learning in memristive crossbar arrays", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2015, Killarney , pp.1-7, July 2015

D.Walsh and P.Dudek, "An Event-Driven Massively Parallel Fine-Grained Processor Array", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2015, Lisbon, pp.1346-1349, June 2015

J.N.Martel, M.Chau, P.Dudek and M.Cook, "Toward Joint Approximate Inference of Visual Quantities on Cellular Processor Arrays", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2015, Lisbon, pp.2061-2064, June 2015

P.Mroszczyk and P.Dudek, "Trigger-Wave Asynchronous Cellular Logic Array for Fast Binary Image Processing". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Regular Papers Vol 62, Issue 2, pp.497-506, January 2015


P.Mroszczyk and P.Dudek, "Tunable CMOS Delay Gate With Improved Matching Properties". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Regular Papers, Vol 61, Issue 9, pp.2586-2595, September 2014

S.Carey and P.Dudek, "Vision Chip with High Accuracy Analog S2I Cells", Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2014, Notre Dame, July 2014

B.Wang, P.Mroszczyk and P.Dudek, "A New Method for Fast Skeletonization of Binary Images on Cellular Processor Arrays", Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2014, Notre Dame, July 2014

D.Walsh and P.Dudek, "Object Sorting Using a Distributed Manipulator Array", Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2014, Notre Dame, July 2014

B.Wang and P.Dudek, "A Fast Self-tuning Background Subtraction Algorithm". IEEE Change Detection Workshop (CDW-2014) at IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Patern Recognition, CVPR 2014, Columbus, 23-28 June 2014

P.Mroszczyk and P.Dudek, "The Accuarcy and Scalability of Continuous-Time Bayesian Inference in Analogue CMOS Circuits", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2014, pp.1576-1579, Melbourne, June 2014

S.Carey, A.Zarandy and P.Dudek, "Characterization of processing errors on analog fully-programmable cellular sensor-processor arrays", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2014, pp.1580-1584, Melbourne, June 2014

S.Carey, D.Barr, B.Wang, A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Live Demonstration: A Sensor-Processor Array Integrated Circuit for High-Speed Real-Time Machine Vision", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2014, pp.447-447, Melbourne, June 2014 (Best Demo Award)

I.Georgilas, A.Adamatzky, D.Barr, P.Dudek and C.Melhuish, "Metachronal waves in cellular automata: Cilia-like manipulation in actuator arrays", Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimisation (NICSO 2013), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 512, 2014, pp 261-271


S.J.Carey, D.R.W.Barr, B.Wang, A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Mixed signal SIMD processor array vision chip for real-time image processing", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol 77, Issue 3, pp.385-399, December 2013

S.J.Carey, D.R.W.Barr and P.Dudek, "Low Power High-Performance Smart Camera System based on SCAMP Vision Sensor". Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol 59, Issue 10, Part A, pp.889-899, November 2013

D.R.W. Barr, D.Walsh and P.Dudek, "A Smart Surface Simulation Environment", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2013, October 2013.

P.Mroszczyk and P.Dudek, "Trigger-Wave Propagation in Arbitrary Metrics in Asynchronous Cellular Logic Arrays", European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD 2013, Dresden, Germany, 8-12 September 2013

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "A General-purpose Vision Processor with 160x80 Pixel-Parallel SIMD Processor Array", IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, 23-25 September 2013

B.Wang and P.Dudek, "AMBER: Adapting Multi-resolution Background Extractor", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013, Melbourne, Australia, 15-18 September 2013

P.Mroszczyk and P.Dudek, "Tunable CMOS Delay Gate with Reduced Impact of Fabrication Mismatch on Timing Parameters", IEEE International NEWCAS Conference 2013, Paris, pp.1-4, June 2013.

S.J.Carey, A.Lopich, D.R.W.Barr, B.Wang and P.Dudek, "A 100,000 fps Vision Sensor with Embedded 535 GOPS/W 256x256 SIMD Processor Array", VLSI Circuits Symposium 2013, Kyoto, pp.C182-C183, June 2013


S.J.Carey, D.R.W.Barr, B.Wang, A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Mixed signal SIMD cellular processor array vision chip operating at 30,000 fps", IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2012, pp. 324-327, December 2012

T.Zhou, P.Dudek and B.E.Shi, "Development of robot self-identification based on visuomotor prediction", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL 2012), pages 1-2, November 2012

J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, "VLSI circuits implementing computational models of neocortical circuits", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 210, Issue 1, pp.93-109, September 2012

D.Walsh and P.Dudek, "A Compact FPGA Implementation of a Bit-Serial SIMD Cellular Processor Array", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2012, Turin, August 2012

B.Wang and P.Dudek, "Coarse Grain Mapping Method for Image Processing on Fine Grain Cellular Processor Arrays", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2012, Turin, August 2012

D.R.W.Barr, S.J.Carey and P.Dudek, "Low Power Multiple Object Tracking and Counting using a SCAMP Cellular Processor Array", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2012, Turin, August 2012

S.J.Carey, D.R.W.Barr, B.Wang, A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Locating High Speed Multiple Objects using a SCAMP-5 Vision-Chip", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2012, Turin, August 2012

J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, "Heterogeneous Neurons and Plastic Synapses in a Reconfigurable Cortical Neural Network IC", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2012, pp. 2417-2420, Seoul, May 2012

P.Mroszczyk and P.Dudek, "Trigger-Wave Collision Detecting Asynchronous Cellular Logic Array for Fast Image Skeletonization", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2012, pp. 2563-2566, Seoul, May 2012, (Best Student Paper Award)

D.Walsh and P.Dudek, "A field programmable array core for image processing", Proceedings of the ACM/SIGDA international symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, pp. 266-266, February 2012


A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "A SIMD Cellular Processor Array Vision Chip With Asynchronous Processing Capabilities", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, vol 58, issue 10, pp. 2420-2431, October 2011

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Architecture and Design of a Programmable 3D-Integrated Cellular Processor Array for Image Processing", IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-Soc 2011, pp. 349-353, Hong Kong, October 2011

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Asynchronous Cellular Logic Network as a Co-Processor for a General-Purpose Massively Parallel Array", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Volume 39, Issue 9, pages 963–972, September 2011

S.Carey, D.R.W.Barr and P.Dudek, "Demonstration of a Low Power Image Processing System using a SCAMP3 Vision Chip", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, ICDSC 2011, 22-25 August 2011, Ghent

T.Zhou, P.Dudek and B.Shi, "Self-Organizing Neural Population Coding for Improving Robotic Visuomotor Coordination", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2011, pp. 1437-1444, San Jose, California, 31 July-5 August 2011

G.Indiveri, B.Linares-Barranco, T.J.Hamilton, A.van Schaik, R.Etienne-Cummings, T.Delbruck, S.C.Liu, P.Dudek, P.Häfliger, S.Renaud, J.Schemmel, G.Cauwenberghs, J.Arthur, K.Hynna, F.Folowosele, S.Saighi, T.Serrano-Gotarredona, J.Wijekoon, Y.Wang and K.Boahen, "Neuromorphic Silicon Circuits", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 5:73. pp 1-23, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2011.00073, 2011

P.Dudek, “SCAMP-3: A Vision Chip with SIMD Current-mode Analogue Processor Array”, in “Focal-Plane Sensor-Processor Chips” A.Zarandy (Ed.), ISBN: 978-1-4419-6474-8, p.17-43, Springer, 2011

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, “ASPA: Asynchronous-Synchronous Focal Plane Sensor Processor Chip”, in “Focal-Plane Sensor-Processor Chips” A.Zarandy (Ed.), ISBN: 978-1-4419-6474-8, p.73-104, Springer, 2011

S.Carey, A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "A Processor Element for a Mixed Signal Cellular Processor Array Vision Chip", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2011, pp.1564-1567, Rio de Janeiro, May 2011

J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, "Analogue CMOS Circuit Implementation of a Dopamine Modulated Synapse", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2011, pp.877-880, Rio de Janeiro, May 2011

A.Lopich, D.Barr, B.Wang and P.Dudek, "Real-Time Image Processing on ASPA2 Vision System", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2011, pp. 1989-1989, Rio de Janeiro, May 2011 (Best Demo Award)

P.Abshire, A.Bermak, R.Berner, G.Cauwenberghs, S.Chen, J.B.Christen, T.Constandinou, E.Curulciello, M.Dandin, T.Datta, T.Delbruck, P.Dudek, A.Eftekhar, R.Etienne-Cummings, G.Indiveri, M.K.Law, B.Linares-Barranco, J.Tapson, W.Tang Y.Zhai, "Confession Session: Learning from Others Mistakes", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2011, Rio de Janeiro, pp 1149-1162, May 2011

A.Lopich, P.Dudek, "Cellular Processor Array Design in 3D Integrated Circuit Technology", Workshop on 3D integration, Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2011, Geneva, March 2011


K.Brohan, A.Cope, K.Gurney and P.Dudek, "Reinforcement learning in a self-organised representation of feature space", Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, EpiRob 2010, Örenäs Slott, Sweden, 5-7 November 2010

K.Brohan, K.Gurney and P.Dudek, "Using reinforcement learning to guide the development of self-organised feature maps for visual orienting", Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6353/2010, pp.180-189, September 2010

A.Cope, J.Chambers, D.Barr, P.Dudek and K.Gurney, "Systems level model integration and embodiment: a case study with gaze control", Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience, BCCN 2010, Berlin, September 2010

M.Laiho, E.Lehtonen, A.Russel and P.Dudek, "Memristive synapses are becoming reality", The Neuromorphic Engineer, 10.2417/1201011.003396, 26 November 2010

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "An 80×80 general-purpose digital vision chip in 0.18 μm CMOS technology", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2010, pp 4257-4260, May 2010

P.Dudek, A.Lopich and V.Gruev, “Vision Sensor with a SIMD Processor Array in a Vertically Stacked 3D Integrated Circuit Technology”, Workshop on 3D integration, Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2010, Dresden, March 2010.

M.Geese and P.Dudek, "Autonomous Long Distance Transfer on SIMD Cellular Processor Arrays", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2010, Berkeley, pp. 365-370, February 2010 (Best Paper Award)

S.Mandal, B.Shi and P.Dudek, "Binocular Disparity Calculation on a Massively-Parallel Analog Vision Processor", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2010, Berkeley, pp. 285-289, February 2010

S.Razmjooei and P.Dudek, "Approximating Euclidean Distance Transform with Simple Operations in Cellular Processor Arrays", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications, CNNA 2010, Berkeley, pp. 181-185, February 2010


Y.Wang, T.Wu, G.Orchard, P.Dudek, M.Rucci and B.Shi, "Hebbian Learning of Visually Directed Reaching by a Robot Arm", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference,  BioCAS 2009, pp.205-208, 2009

J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, "A CMOS circuit implementation of a spiking neuron with bursting and adaptation on a biological timescale", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, BioCAS 2009, pp.193-196, December 2009

D.R.W.Barr and P.Dudek, "APRON: A Cellular Processor Array Simulation and Hardware Design Tool”EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Article ID 751687, 9 pages, 2009

P.Dudek, A.Lopich and V.Gruev, “A pixel-parallel cellular processor array in a stacked three-layer 3D silicon-on-insulator technology”, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD 2009, pp.193-197, August 2009

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, Hardware Implementation of Skeletonization Algorithm for Parallel Asynchronous Image ProcessingJournal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer, Volume 56, Number 1, pp. 91-103, July 2009


J.Harkin, F.Morgan, S.Hall. P.Dudek, T.Dowrick and L.McDaid, "Reconfigurable Platforms and the Challenges for Large-Scale Implementations of Spiking Neural Networks", IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2008, pp.483-486, September 2008

D.R.W.Barr and P.Dudek, "A Cellular Processor Array Simulation and Hardware Prototyping Tool", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2008, pp.213-218, July 2008 (Best Paper Award)

D.R.W.Barr and P.Dudek, "Demonstration of the APRON Processor Array Simulation Software",  IEEE Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2008, pp.2-2, July 2008

D.Hillier and P.Dudek, "Implementing the Grayscale Wave Metric on a Cellular Array Processor Chip", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2008, pp.120-124, July 2008

C.Alonso-Montes, D.L.Vilariño, P. Dudek and M.G.Penedo, "Fast Retinal Vessel Tree Extraction: A Pixel Parallel Approach", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol 36, issue 5-6, pp.641-651, July-September 2008

M.Huelse, D.R.W.Barr and P.Dudek, "Cellular Automata and Non-static Image Processing for Embodied Robot Systems on a Massively Parallel Processor Array", Automata-2008, Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata, pp.504-513, Luniver Press, 2008.

J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, "Integrated Circuit Implementation of a Cortical Neuron", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2008, pp 1784-1788, May 2008

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "ASPA: Focal Plane Digital Processor Array with Asynchronous Processing Capabilities", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2008, pp 1592-1596, May 2008

D.L.Vilariño, P.Dudek, D.Cabello, "Focal-Plane Moving Object Segmentation for Real-Time Video Surveillance", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2008, pp 1600-1603, May 2008

J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, "Compact Silicon Neuron Circuit with Spiking and Bursting Behaviour", Neural Networks, Vol 21, Number 2-3, pp 524-534, March/April 2008


A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Implementation of an Asynchronous Cellular Logic Network as a Co-Processor for a General-Purpose Massively Parallel Array", European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD 2007, pp.84-87, Seville, Spain, August 2007

C.Alonso-Montes, P.Dudek, D.L.Vilarino and M.G.Penedo, "On Chip implementation of a Pixel-Parallel Approach for Retinal Vessel Tree Extraction", European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD 2007, pp.511-514, Seville, Spain, August 2007

D.R.W.Barr, P.Dudek, J.Chambers and K.Gurney, “Implementation of Multi-layer Leaky Integrator Networks on a Cellular Processor Array”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2007, Orlando, Florida, pp.1560-1565, August 2007

J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, "Spiking and Bursting Firing Patterns of a Compact VLSI Cortical Neuron Circuit", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2007, Orlando, Florida, pp.1332-1337, August 2007 (Best Paper Award)

P.Dudek, "Vision Chips with Pixel-Parallel Cellular Processor Arrays ", Information Technologies Conference, Gdansk University of Technology Faculty of ETI Annals, No.5, pp.1-8, May 2007

D.L.Vilarino and P.Dudek, "Evolution of Pixel Level Snakes Towards an Efficient Hardware Implementation ", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2007, pp.2678-2681, May 2007


J.H.B.Wijekoon and P.Dudek, “A simple analogue VLSI circuit of a cortical neuron”,”, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2006, pp.1344-1347, December 2006

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, “A processing element for a digital asynchronous/synchronous vision chip”, IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems CSS 2006, Acta Press, Proceedings vol.531, 6 pages, November 2006

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, “Global operations on SIMD cellular processor arrays: towards functional asynchronism”, International Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception and Sensing, CAMPS 2006, pp.18-23, September 2006

P.Dudek, “Adaptive sensing and image processing with a general-purpose pixel-parallel sensor/processor array integrated circuit”, International Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception and Sensing, CAMPS 2006, pp.1-6, September 2006

D.R.W.Barr, S.J.Carey, A.Lopich and P.Dudek, “A Control System for a Cellular Processor Array”, IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2006, pp.176-181, Istanbul, August 2006

P.Dudek and D.L.Vilarino, “A Cellular Active Contours Algorithm Based on Region Evolution”, IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2006, pp.269-274, Istanbul, August 2006

P.Dudek, D.R.W.Barr, A.Lopich and S.J. Carey, “Demonstration of real-time image processing on the SCAMP-3 vision system”, IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2006, pp.13-13, Istanbul, August 2006

D.L.Vilarino and P.Dudek, “Testing Pixel Level Snakes”, IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2006, pp.19-19, Istanbul, August 2006

P.Dudek and S.J.Carey, "A General-Purpose 128x128 SIMD Processor Array with Integrated Image Sensor", Electronics Letters, vol.42, no.12, pp.678-679, June 2006

P.Dudek, "An Asynchronous Cellular Logic Network for Trigger-Wave Image Processing on Fine-Grain Massively Parallel Arrays", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II, vol. 53, no.5, pp. 354-358, May 2006

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Architecture of a VLSI cellular processor array for synchronous/asynchronous image processing", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2006, pp.3618-3621, May 2006

V.D.Juncu, M.Rafiei-Naeini and P.Dudek , "Integrated circuit implementation of a compact discrete-time chaos generator",  Analogue Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol.46, Issue 3, pp.275-280, March 2006


P.Dudek and V.D.Juncu, "An area and power efficient discrete-time chaos generator circuit", European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD'05, Cork, Ireland, Vol. 2, pp. 87-90, , 29 Aug - 1 Sept 2005

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Architecture of Asynchronous Cellular Processor Array for Image Skeletonization", European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD'05, Cork, Ireland, Vol. 3, pp. 81-84, 29 Aug - 1 Sept 2005

P.Dudek,  "Implementation of SIMD Vision Chip with 128x128 Array of Analogue Processing Elements", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2005, Kobe, pp.5806-5809 , May 2005

A.Lopich and P.Dudek, "Asynchronous Cellular Processor Array for Skeletonization of Binary Images", Conference on Postgraduate Research in Electronics, Photonics and Related Fields, PREP'2005, Lancaster, UK

P.Dudek and P.J.Hicks, "A General-Purpose Processor-per-Pixel Analog SIMD Vision Chip", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 13-20, January 2005


P.Dudek,  "Fast and Efficient Implementation of Trigger-Wave Propagation on VLSI Cellular Processor Arrays", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2004, pp.117-122, Budapest, July 2004

P.Dudek,  "Accuracy and Efficiency of Grey-level Image Filtering on VLSI Cellular Processor Arrays", IEEE Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, CNNA 2004, Budapest, pp.123-128, Budapest, July 2004

P.Dudek,  "A 39x48 General-Purpose Focal-Plane Processor Array Integrated Circuit", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2004, Vancouver, vol.V, pp.449-452, May 2004 


P.Dudek and V.D.Juncu,  "Compact Discrete-Time Chaos Generator Circuit", Electronics Letters, Vol.39, No. 20, pp. 1431-1432, October 2003

P.Dudek,  "A Flexible Global Readout Architecture for an Analogue SIMD Vision Chip", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2003, Bangkok, Thailand, vol.III, pp.782-785, May 2003

P.Dudek,  "A Processing Element for an Analogue SIMD Vision Chip", European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD'03, Krakow, Poland, vol.III, pp.221-224, September 2003


P.Dudek and P.J.Hicks, "A General-Purpose Vision Chip with a Processor-Per-Pixel SIMD Array", European Solid State Circuits Conference, ESSCIRC 2001, Villach, Austria, pp.228-231, September 2001

P.Dudek and P.J.Hicks, "An analogue SIMD focal-plane processor array", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2001, Sydney, Australia, vol.IV, pp.490-493, May 2001


P.Dudek and P.J.Hicks, "A CMOS General-Purpose Sampled-Data Analogue Processing Element", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 467-473, May 2000

P. Dudek, S. Szczepanski and J.V. Hatfield, "A High-Resolution CMOS Time to Digital Converter Utilising a Vernier Delay Line", IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol.35, no.2, pp. 240- 247, February 2000

P.Dudek and P.J.Hicks, "A CMOS General-Purpose Sampled-Data Analogue Microprocessor", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2000, Geneva, Switzerland, vol.II, pp.417-420, May 2000


P.Dudek and P.J.Hicks, "An SIMD Array of Analogue Microprocessors for Early Vision", Proceedings of the Conference on Postgraduate Research in Electronics, Photonics and Related Fields, PREP'99, Manchester, UK, pp.359-362, February 1999, (Best Paper Award)


P. Dudek and J.V. Hatfield, "A Zero Dead-Time, High Temporal Resolution, Time-of-Flight Particle Detector IC", Proceedings of the Eurosensors XI Conference, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 1341-1344, September 1997