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Site 7: Torside - Long Gutter Edge landslides

Landslides are very common in the Dark Peak, especially on Snake Pass (e.g. the Lady Clough landslide) and the Longdendale valley.

On an OS map, these landslips are visible by the tight series of arc-shaped contour lines running parallel to the reservoir with a flatter area behind. Long Gutter Edge is one of these landslips.

The diagram on the right is a digital elevation model (DEM) - the lighter the colour, the higher the ground. The box shows the position of the block diagram of the landslips below.

The profile line EF shows the position of the valley cross section where you can see the landslides' shape.

Location of the Long Gutter Edge Landslide.

Link to an explanation of Long Gutter Edge Landslide

This block diagram right shows the landslip at Long Gutter Edge - it corresponds to the box drawn on the DEM above and on the location map.

Using ideas from the Alport landslip site, can you see where the back of the landslide and the lip of the slumped material are located? Some answers.

See the effects of recent storm events.

Link to an explanation of the Torside Landslide profile

The profile right is a slice through the block diagram along the line EF.

The HyMap image right shows the location of the profile and the land cover types.

Link to the Torside HyMap annotated image

See a ground view of the profile where you can see the Longdendale Trail and National Trust visitors centre.

See the annotated aerial photograph of the Torside area again.

To see a 1:25,000 OS map of the Torside region, go to the Get-a-Map website, and enter the grid reference SK073972 into the search box.

Link to an explanation of the Torside Reservoir Digital Elevation Model

Finally, here is a new view of the area, this time a digital elevation model (DEM).

It is a southwesterly view over the Torside Reservoir towards Bleaklow.

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These landslips are thought to be caused by the removal of glacial ice.This caused the already weak material on the valley sides to slump once the ice supporting it melted away.

Views of Long Gutter Edge landslides

More information about the photos above and Long Gutter Edge landslides.

- 1. Lady Clough
- 2. Alport Moor
- 3. Alport Low
- 4. Hern Stones
- 5. Bleaklow
- 6. Sykes Moor
- 7. Torside