Julia McMorrow - [Julia.McMorrow@man.ac.uk].
Chief Editor.
Contributed: Vegetation / topography images, Remote Sensing images ....
Chief Editor.
Contributed: Vegetation / topography images, Remote Sensing images ....
Cassandra Worman - [cassandra_worman@yahoo.com].
Project Assistant.
Content assemblage and image manipulation and creation.
Project Assistant.
Content assemblage and image manipulation and creation.
Kate Richardson - [kate.richardson@man.ac.uk].
Geomorphology, geology and landslide curator, advisor and editor.
Geomorphology, geology and landslide curator, advisor and editor.
Martin Evans - [martin.evans@man.ac.uk].
Peat formation, peat erosion and water quality curator, advisor and editor. Provided field photos and water quality data.
Peat formation, peat erosion and water quality curator, advisor and editor. Provided field photos and water quality data.
Chris Perkins - [c.perkins@man.ac.uk].
Spatial data advisor. Provide links to external spatial data information.
Joe Macquaker - [Joe.Macquaker@man.ac.uk].
Geology advisor.
Geology advisor.

Page last updated February 2003.
Content © Cassandra Worman and Julia McMorrow, 2002.
Website designed by The Cartographic Unit, School of Geography.
Content © Cassandra Worman and Julia McMorrow, 2002.
Website designed by The Cartographic Unit, School of Geography.