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Geographical Themes

It's highly recommended that you take the virtual tour before you begin looking at this section to get a feel about what the area is like.

The Peak District is an area of great interest to many different people. Here, we cover the main geographical themes that should be taken into account when discussing the Dark Peak.

The main themes are organised as follows:


Thumbnail image of the a Geology map of the area

Introduces the Peak District's geology.

Mudstones of the study area.

Geology of Longdendale.

Includes discussions of how geology effects the soils and vegetation of the area.


Thumbnail image of various vegetation habitats at Clough Edge

The vegetation habitats of the Dark Peak.

Contains a vegetation glossary of what plants you can expect to find, where to find them and hints on how to identify them.


Thumbnail image of exposed peat on Bleaklow

How peat forms

Causes of its erosion

How it's used for environmental reconstruction

Peat geomorphology.

Water Quality

Thumbnail image of a peaty stream

Water in the Dark Peak.

The hydrology of Blanket Peat.


Thumbnail image of Mam Tor

What are landslides?

How they occur.

Landslides in the Dark Peak.

Spatial Data

Thumbnail image of a Digimap extract

Lots more information of the types of spatial data available.

Lists the spatial data used throughout the site.

Links to other useful external sources of spatial data.

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Page Overview

Geology of the Dark Peak:
Millstone Grit, sandstones and shales.

Vegetation habitats of heather, bilberry and cotton grass moorlands, siliceous grassland and sphagnum moss.

Peat formation, erosion and degradation. Peat geomorphology and landscapes

Water quality of peat streams and catchments
The effects on the Longdendale Reservoirs and blanket peat hydrology.

Landslides at Alport, Lady Clough and Torside.

More about spatial information.

The themes are organised:

- Themes
- Geology
- Vegetation
- Peat
- Water quality
- Landslides
- Spatial data