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Peat Geomorphology

Geomorphology is the study of landforms. We will look briefly at the patterns of peat erosion and the geomorphic processes which erode the peat and created the resulting landscape.

Patterns of peat erosion

Bower (1961) identified two principal forms of gully erosion from aerial photographs as shown in the diagram opposite.

TYPE 1 erosion

Block diagram showing two types of gully erosion  Photo showing Type 1 erosion

(after Bower, 1961)

TYPE 2 erosion

Type 2 erosion

Gully erosion

The four stages of gully erosion

There are thought to be four stages of gully erosion:

Processes of peat erosion

Initial studies of peat erosion in the Pennines by Bower concluded that the principal erosion mechanisms over the South Pennines were:

Radley's theory of peat erosion however focuses on wind erosion.

Frost action (needle ice formation)

Needle ice

Now continue with your visit to the themes pages, and consider water quality in the Dark Peak.

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Page Overview

The landscape and landforms of blanket peat.

Patterns of peat erosion
The work of Bower & Radley.

Gully erosion


Blanket peat must be 'prepared' before being eroded.

Peat Themes Pages:

- Introduction.
- Peat's hidden history.
- Peat erosion.
- Peat geomorphology.