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Peat - introduction

What is peat?

How does it form?

A tree stump

Types of Peat Bog

1. Topogenous - Where the water source is drainage into the system.

2. Ombrogenous - Where the water source is rainfall only.

When was it formed?

What are the characteristics of blanket peat in the Dark Peak?

Blanket peat

Uses of Peat

Blanket peat over Shelf Moor
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Page Overview

What is peat?
How does it form?

Peat Themes Pages:

- Introduction.
- Peat's hidden history.
- Peat erosion.
- Peat geomorphology.

The virtual tour is the best introduction to the Dark Peak's peat environment - it is advised you take this tour before proceeding through the themes pages.

The themes are organised:

- Themes
- Geology
- Vegetation
- Peat
- Water quality
- Landslides
- Spatial data