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Peat Erosion


Exposed peat

Much of the blanket peat in the UK is eroded or actively eroding. This leads to:

There are many different stages and types of peat erosion which were introduced in the virtual tour - we suggest you take the tour before you proceed through the rest of the themes pages.

Consequences of erosion

Sphagnum flush

Causes of blanket peat erosion

There are many causes of peat erosion. Once it is initiated, is often a viscous circle to further erosion of the landscape.

Fresh and fiberous peat is resistant to erosion. Removal of peat from a bare surface typically requires some 'weathering' process to loosen surface particles.

The main weathering processes are frost action and dessication.

The pattern of peat erosion is varied across the British Isles, as well as throughout the Dark Peak, and is therefore thought to be the result of a series of distinct process, initiated at different times and by different causes...

Humans remove vegetation by:

Effect of fire on moorlands
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Page Overview




Peat Themes Pages:

- Introduction.
- Peat's hidden history.
- Peat erosion.
- Peat geomorphology.