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The Virtual Tour Route

Start of the tour: Lady Clough Landslides

Location of the Lady Clough landslides, The start of the tour

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Lady Clough to Alport Moor

Getting to Alport Moor

Follow the footpath up Nether North Grain opposite the landslide.

Take the path past the sign on peat history up onto the moor.

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Alport Moor to Alport Low

Getting to Alport Low

Retrace steps back down Nether North Grain, westwards along the A57 to Doctor's Gate, take path to join Pennine Way at Old Woman. Head north along the Pennine Way to reach Alport Low.

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Alport Low to Hern Stones

Alport Low to Hern Stones

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Hern Stones to Bleaklow Head

Hern Stones to Bleaklow Head

Follow the Pennine Way north to the summit of Bleaklow Head

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Bleaklow Head to Sykes Moor

Location of Sykes Moor

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Sykes Moor to Torside

Sykes Moor to Torside

Backtrack over the scarp slope onto the Pennine Way (following the red lines) or follow the small path through the moorland.

If you use the path, you'll pass the weather station the department set up for their research.


Long Gutter Edge Landslide

Location of Long Gutter Edge Landslide

The Long Gutter Edge landslide is at the northern edge of Sykes Moor, overlooking Torside Reservoir.

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