Joel Daou

Associate Professor

Qualifications: MSc, PhD (Marseilles).

Department of Mathematics
University of Manchester, Alan Turing Building
Oxford Road , Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Room 2.129

Conference on Combustion & Flame Instabilities in Confined Geometries
Manchester,  17-18 July 2024

Teaching (Recent):

Administrative Roles (Recent):


I lead the research activities in the field of combustion in the school of Mathematics at the University of Manchester. This is a fascinating multi-disciplinary area of applied mathematics.

Selected Publications (Downloadable):

Research Projects (for prospective PhD and MSc students, and as 4th year projects)

Several projects are available related to the mathematical theory of flame propagation, a fascinating multi-disciplinary area of applied mathematics involving ordinary and partial differential equations. The approach will typically adopt a combination of analytical techniques (asymptotic methods) and/or numerical techniques (solution of ODEs or PDEs, mostly parabolic and elliptic). The multi-disciplinary experience in combustion involved will be useful for tackling research problems in other fields of application, and wil constitute a valuable asset for jobs in industry (such as the automobile or the aerospace industry). Depending on the preference of the candidate, each of the projects can be tailored in its scope and the methodology of study.

Sample of suggested projects:


Please contact me for any related query.

Dr. Joel  Daou

University of Manchester, Alan Turing Building

Oxford Road

Manchester M13 9PL

Phone: (44-161) 200 3218 
Fax: (44-161) 200 3669