Teaching (Recent):
- Course MATH35020: Elasticity
and Viscous Fluid Dynamics ( 3rd year, 2024- )
- Course MATH65031/45031: Stability
Theory (Msc + 4th year, 2014-23)
- Course MATH10232: Calculus and Applications B
- Course MAT35072: Mathematical Modelling,
Transport Phenomena and Reactive Flow (3rd year,
- Course MATH60682/MATHT45142: Combustion
Theory (Msc + 4th year, 2005-11)
- Course MATH10131: Calculus and Vectors (2010-11)
- Mathematics 2R1/MATH29671 (2nd Year, Series,
Laplace Transforms, functions of several variables, 2008-09)
- Course 423/MSC 542: Numerical Solution of
Differential Equations (Msc + 4th
year, 2002-07)
- Course U213: Hamiltonian dynamical systems (2nd
year, 2004-06)
- Course 2Q2: Further Mathematics for civil
engineers (2nd year, 2000-04)
Administrative Roles
- Postgraduate
(PGR) Director for the PhD programs in Applied
Mathematics and Numerical
Analysis (2021-23)
- Chair of the
Mathematics School Board (2016-21)
I lead the research activities in the field of combustion in the school
of Mathematics at the University of Manchester. This is a fascinating
multi-disciplinary area of applied mathematics.
- Fields of competence/research:
Combustion, fluid mechanics, numerical and asymptotic methods, heat
and mass transfer, stability theory.
- Major Research topics:
Flame propagation in mixing layers (e.g. triple flames). Ignition and
extinction fronts in premixed combustion. Turbulent combustion.
Stability of flames. Droplet combustion at
high pressure (rocket engines, diesel engines). Convective mixing,
ignition and combustion of fuel pockets. Ignition and development of
premixed flames under gravity.
- Investigation approach:
numerical and perturbation methods.
Publications (Downloadable):
- Pearce, P. and Daou, J. Taylor
dispersion and thermal expansion effects on flame propagation in a
narrow channel. J. Fluid Mech. (2014)
Daou J. and Daou R. Flame Balls in
Mixing Layers. Combustion and Flame (2014).
Pearce, P. and Daou, J. Rayleigh
Bénard instability generated by a diffusion fllame. J. Fluid
Mechanics (2013).
Al-Malki, F. and Daou, J. Triple-flame
propagation against a Poiseuille flow in a channel with porous
walls. Combustion Theory and Modelling (2013)
Pearce, P. and Daou, J. The effect of
gravity and thermal expansion on the propagation of a triple flame
in a horizontal channel. Combustion and Flame 160 (2013).
Daou, J. Strained premixed flames:
effect of heat-loss, preferential diffusion, and the reversibility
of the chemical reaction. Combustion Theory and Modelling 15:437-454
Daou, J. and Al-Malki, F.
Triple-flame propagation in a parallel flow: an analytical study.
Combustion Theory and Modelling 14:177-202 (2010).
Daou, J. Asymptotic analysis of flame
propagation in weakly-strained mixing layers under a reversible
chemical reaction. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 13:189-213
Daou, J., Al-Malki, F. and Ronney, P.
Generalized Flames Balls. Combustion Theory and Modelling 13:269-294
Daou, J. Premixed flames with a reversible
reaction: propagation and stability. Combustion Theory and
Modelling, 12:349-365 (2008).
Daou, J. and Sparks, P. Flame propagation in a
small scale parallel flow. Combustion Theory and Modelling,
11:697-714 (2007).
Daou, J., and Dold, J. Effect of heat loss on flame edges in a
non-premixed counterflow within a thermo-diffusive model. Combustion
Theory and Modelling, 8:683-699 (2004).
Daou, J., and Dold, J. Effect of heat loss on flame edges in a
premixed counterflow. Combustion Theory and Modelling 7:221-242
Daou, J.,
Dold, J., and Matalon, M. The thick flame asymptotic limit and
Damkohler’s hypothesis. Combustion Theory and Modelling 6:141-153
and Matalon, M. Influence of conductive heat-losses on the
propagation of premixed flames in channels. Combustion and Flame
128:321-339 (2002).
and Matalon M. Flame propagation in Poiseuille flow under adiabatic
conditions. Combustion and Flame 124:337-349 (2001).
, Matalon M. and Linan, A. Premixed edge flames under transverse
enthalpy gradients. Combustion and Flame 121:107-121 (2000).
and Linan, A. Ignition and extinction fronts in counterflowing
premixed reactive gases. Combustion and Flame 118:479-488 (1999).
and Linan, A. The role of unequal diffusivities in ignition and
extinction fronts in strained mixing layers. Combustion Theory and
Modelling 2:449-477 (1998).
J. Ignition and combustion of fuel pockets moving in an oxidizing
atmosphere. Combustion and Flame 115:383-394 (1998).
and Rogg, B. Convective burning of gaseous fuel pockets and
supercritical droplets. Combustion and Flame 115:145-157 (1998).
and Rogg, B. Influence of gravity on the propagation of initially
spherical flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
26:1275-1281 (1996).
Haldenwang, P. and Nicoli, C. Supercritical burning of liquid oxygen
(LOX) droplet with detailed chemistry. Combustion and Flame,
101:153-169, (1995).
Research Projects (for
prospective PhD and MSc students, and as 4th year projects)
Several projects are available related to the mathematical theory of
flame propagation, a fascinating multi-disciplinary area of applied
mathematics involving ordinary and partial differential equations. The
approach will typically adopt a combination of analytical techniques
(asymptotic methods) and/or numerical techniques (solution of ODEs or
PDEs, mostly parabolic and elliptic). The multi-disciplinary experience in
combustion involved will be useful for tackling research problems in other
fields of application, and wil constitute a valuable asset for jobs in
industry (such as the automobile or the aerospace industry). Depending on
the preference of the candidate, each of the projects can be tailored in
its scope and the methodology of study.
Sample of suggested projects:
- Ignition in a flow field (such as a Poiseuille
flow) and in mixing-layers. The main aim is to determine the critical
energy of the initial hot kernel (or spark) to ignite a flowing reactive
- Propagating Flames and their Stability:
This involves the investigation of the various instabilities of
flames using analytical and/or numerical approaches. The
flames will be modelled as travelling wave solutions to
reaction-diffusion-convection equations, which may, or may not, include
full coupling with the hydrodynamics (the Navier-Stokes equation).
- Flame propagation in a multi-scale flow based
on a Hamilton-Jacobi type equation (describing the normal propagation of
the flame) and comparison with results based on the basic conservation
- Flame initiation and propagation in spatially non-uniform
mixtures: This is a problem of considerable interest in
combustion, whenever the reactants are spatially separated. The approach
will be based on asymptotic and/or numerical methods. The
Combustion basics needed for the projects will be provided and explained
to the candidate.
- Laminar aspects of turbulent combustion: The
idea is to ask if the fundamental questions of turbulent combustion can
be answered for simple laminar flows. Since the answer is often no, we
shall formulate and study problems to answer these questions in simpler
laminar-flow situations.
- Generalized Flame Balls and their Stability:
balls are balls of burnt gas in a reactive mixture, which constitute
stationary solutions to non-linear Poisson's equations. These were first
described by the famous Russian physicist Zeldovich (the father of
Combustion Theory) about 70 years ago. The fact that these solutions are
typically unstable provides a powerful fundamental criterion for
successful ignition, i.e. determines the minimum energy (of the spark)
required to generate propagating flames. Several projects are available
to extend the study of these fascinating flames (mainly their existence
and stability) to take into account realistic effects such as the
presence of flow-field, non-uniformity of the reactive mixture,
proximity of walls, etc.
- Taylor dispersion in premixed combustion:
In 1953, the British physicist G.I. Taylor published an
influential paper describing the enhancement of diffusion processes by a
(shear) flow, a phenomenon later termed Taylor dispersion. This
has generated to date thousands of publications in various areas
involving transport phenomena, none of which, surprisingly, in the field
of combustion. In 1940, the German chemist G. Damköhler postulated two
hypotheses which have largely shaped current views on the propagation of
premixed flames in turbulent flow fields. The project consists of
pioneering investigations linking Taylor dispersion and Damköhler’s
hypotheses, and is expected to provide significant insight into
turbulent combustion.
Please contact me for any related query.
Dr. Joel Daou |
University of Manchester, Alan Turing Building |
Oxford Road |
Manchester M13 9PL |
UK |
Phone: |
(44-161) 200 3218 |
Fax: |
(44-161) 200 3669 |
Email: |
joel.daou@manchester.ac.uk |