Course Materials for MATH20902 : Discrete Mathematics

Available Resources

Lecture Notes

The notes linked below are meant as an example for those considering the module in 2020-21: I'll provide similar, complete notes for all the materials I'll discuss (on video) this year. For additional reading I urge you to have a look at the online versions of Dieter Jungnickel's very useful book, Graphs, Networks and Algorithms. I wrote the course while studying a copy of the 2nd edition, but you might also like to look at the 4th edition, which appeared in 2013.

You can also get the notes for the whole term in a single file.

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Opportunities for feedback

The main channel for formal, written feedback in this module is the coursework. It will be a problem set similar to the ones below, but devoted to an application that uses the ideas from the course. You'll prepare written solutions and I'll mark them over the Easter Break, providing both written comments and a mark. In addition, the weekly examples classes provide further opportunities for verbal feedback and—for students who bring written solutions to the exercises—on-the-spot marking and written feedback as well.

Problem Sets & Solutions

The problem sets, which appear roughly every week throughout the term, are an important part of the course. I always publish the problems and the solutions at the same time.

Problems Solutions

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Coursework & Exams

Coursework End-of-Term Formative Assessment Exams

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Intended Learning Outcomes

Once you've successfully completed this module you should be able to:

  • Define what it means for two graphs to be isomorphic and determine, with rigorous supporting arguments, whether two (small) graphs are isomorphic.
  • Explain what the chromatic number of a graph is, determine it for small graphs and apply the idea to scheduling problems.
  • Say what it means for a graph to be Eulerian and determine whether small graphs or multigraphs are Eulerian.
  • Say what it means for a graph to be Hamiltonian and use the Bondy-Chávtal theorem to prove that a graph is Hamiltonian.
  • Construct the graph Laplacian and apply the Matrix-Tree Theorem to count the number of spanning trees or spanning arborescences contained in a graph.
  • Construct the adjacency matrix of a graph and exploit the connection between powers of the adjacency matrix to count walks. Also, define the operations of tropical arithmetic, construct the weight matrix associated with a weighted graph and use its tropical matrix powers to find the lengths of shortest paths.
  • Given a project defined by a set of tasks, along with their their durations and prerequisites, use critical path analysis to determine how quickly the project can be completed.
  • Say what it means for a graph to be planar; state and apply Kuratowski's theorem and determine whether a graph is planar or not.