Other Research Topics

For current research topics, see here. The following partial selection has been taken from a full list of approx. 200 papers and book chapters in the publications list here. If you have difficulty finding a paper, please email me.

Colour constancy

  1. Colour constancy: A review and table of 80 colour constancy indices
  2. Colour appearance: A review
  3. Is colour constancy phenomenal or projective?
  4. Explaining colour constancy in natural scenes
  5. Does colour constancy exist?
  6. Colour constancy with and without an illuminant cue
  7. Do instructions and task affect colour-constancy judgements?
  8. Spatially parallel detection of violations of colour constancy
  9. Displacement colour constancy
  10. Minimalist surface-colour matching
  11. Colour constancy with real three-dimensional scenes and objects
  12. Minimum-variance cone-excitation ratios and the limits of relational colour constancy
  13. Dependence of relational colour constancy on the extraction of a transient sign
  14. Colour constancy under fast illuminant changes
  15. Relational colour constancy in achromatic and isoluminant images
  16. Relational colour constancy from invariant cone-excitation ratios
  17. Operational approach to colour constancy
  18. Minimalist surface-colour matching

Surface colour

  1. Frequency of metamerism in natural scenes
  2. Predicting frequency of metamerism by the entropy of colours
  3. Using colour to retrieve information from natural scenes
  4. Information limits on surface identification by apparent colour
  5. Low-dimensional models of reflectance spectra
  6. Perceptual limits on low-dimensional models of Munsell reflectance spectra
  7. Nonparametric nonlinear alternative to von Kries scaling?
  8. Information limits on neural identification of surface colour
  9. Dependence of illuminant estimates on number of surfaces
  10. How many perceptually distinct surface colours in natural scenes?
  11. Statistics of cone-exictation ratios in  natural scenes
  12. Dichoptically detecting changes in cone-excitation ratios
  13. Detecting natural changes of cone-excitation ratios in simple and complex coloured images
  14. Estimating surface spectral reflectance with an RGB camera

Receptoral and post-receptoral coding

  1. Chromatic function of the cones: A review
  2. Coding efficiency of CIE colour spaces
  3. Anomalous loss in blue-green wavelength discrimination with brief monochromatic stimuli
  4. Isolation of opponent-colour mechanisms at increment threshold
  5. Test and field spectral sensitivities reveal unitary opponent-colour processes
  6. Rod- and cone-mediated interactions in fine-grain motion
  7. Rod-cone interaction in the after-flash effect
  8. Interactions between blue- and red-sensitive colour mechanisms in metacontrast masking
  9. Changes in field spectral sensitivities of red-, green- and blue-sensitive colour mechanisms on small fields

Motion processing

  1. Fine-grain motion as a perceptual probe of neuronal connectivity
  2. Differences in specialization of the central and peripheral retina for motion and acuity
  3. Overshoot of curvature in apparent motion
  4. Apparent motion and preferred paths in the rotation group SO(3)
  5. Apparent motion and the calculus of variations
  6. Response of the eye to moving spatially periodic patterns
  7. Model of the eye's response to moving spatially periodic stimuli
  8. Stroboscopic motion: movement without direction

Statistical applications

  1. Model-free estimation of the psychometric function
  2. Non-parametric local polynomial estimates of stimulus-response functions
  3. Automatic repeated-loess decomposition of sums of oscillatory curves
  4. Bootstrap threshold estimates from psychometric functions
  5. Superiority of bootstrap to incremental and probit variance estimators of thresholds
  6. Bootstrap variance estimators for the parameters of small-sample sensory-performance functions
  7. Second- and third-order natural scene statistics

Fuzzy geometry

  1. Fuzzy topological groups
  2. Fuzzy differentiation
  3. Fuzzy C1 manifolds
  4. Classical and fuzzy differential methods in shape analysis
  5. Elements of a fuzzy geometry for visual space

Search and detection

  1. Reference frame for rapid visual processing of line orientation
  2. Asymmetries of saccadic eye movements in oriented-line-target search
  3. Visual search in natural scenes explained by local colour properties
  4. Limitations of rapid parallel processing in the detection of long and short oriented line targets
  5. Multiple groups of orientation-selective visual mechanisms underlying rapid orientated-line detection
  6. Orientation contrast vs orientation in line-target detection
  7. Asymmetries in oriented-line detection indicate two orthogonal filters in early vision
  8. Horizontal-vertical filters in early vision predict anomalous line-orientation identification frequencies
  9. Parallel detection of oriented line targets

Line and curvature discrimination

  1. Cue for contour-curvature discrimination
  2. Viewpoint-invariant Weber fractions and standard contour-curvature discrimination
  3. Artificial neural networks simulating texture segmentation and target detection in line-element images
  4. Parallel categorical coding of contour curvature
  5. Discrimination and identification of briefly viewed line gaps and offsets
  6. Discrimination and identification of briefly viewed curved lines
  7. Irrelevance of local position information in adaptation to random arrays of geometric elements

Object and pattern recognition

  1. Recognizing novel three-dimensional objects by summing signals from parts and views
  2. Minimal information to determine affine shape equivalence
  3. Natural groups of transformations for apparent motion and object shape and colour
  4. Statistical analysis of human sensitivity to phase perturbations in natural images
  5. Statistical analysis of human sensitivity to phase perturbations in natural images
  6. Second- and third-order statistics in the discriminability of natural images
  7. Qualitative cues in the discrimination of affine-transformed minimal patterns
  8. Operating on spatial relations
  9. Horizontal-vertical structure in the visual comparison of rigidly transformed patterns
  10. Selective internal operations in the recognition of locally and globally point-inverted patterns
  11. Visual comparison of patterns under point-inversion, positional symmetry, and separation 
  12. Structure of visual space and generalized pattern recognition
  13. Transformation and relational-structure schemes for visual pattern recognition
  14. Visual comparison of rotated, reflected, and displaced random-dot patterns

Colour vision in inherited and acquired defects in the eye

  1. Cone photoreceptor mosaic disruption associated with M-cone-opsin mutation
  2. Progressive tritanopia revealed with adaptive-optics imaging
  3. Colour constancy of red-green dichromats and anomalous trichromats
  4. Anomalous trichromats' judgments of surface colour in natural scenes
  5. Colour constancy of red-green dichromats
  6. Colour constancy of protanopes with natural reflectance spectra
  7. Colour constancy of tritanopes

Defects of vision in multiple sclerosis and optic neurits

  1. Improved conduction with 4-aminopyridine in patients with multiple sclerosis
  2. Correlation of MRI lesions with visual deficit in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
  3. Rod- and cone-mediated visual function in multiple sclerosis
  4. Paradoxical effects of temperature in multiple sclerosis
  5. Differences in luminance and chromatic funtion near a scotoma
  6. Visual function in hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
  7. Visual loss in multiple sclerosis and previous optic neuritis
  8. Variations in temporal response with retinal location in optic neuritis
  9. Paradoxical effects of temperature in multiple sclerosis
  10. Nonselective losses in chromatic and luminance sensitivity in multiple sclerosis
  11. Variability of visual threshold in multiple sclerosis
  12. Chromatic and luminance flicker perception in multiple sclerosis

Defects of vision in diabetes

  1. Short-term changes in blood glucose in visual pathway function in type 1 diabetes mellitus (IDDM)
  2. Colour discrimination and electroretinography in aretinopathic IDDM patients
  3. Blood glucose changes over 3 months and colour discrimination in aretinopathic IDDM patients
  4. Diabetes associated increases in lens optical density on colour discrimination in IDDM
  5. Detection of colour vision abnormalities in IDDM patients with angiographically normal retinas
  6. Abnormalities hue discrimination with very brief stimuli in diabetes mellitus and in optic neuritis
  7. Abnormalities in hue discrimination revealed with brief stimuli in diabetes mellitus and in optic neuritis

(c) D. H. Foster, 2022

d.h.foster@manchester.ac.uk | +44 (0)161 306 3888 | www.eee.manchester.ac.uk/d.h.foster 
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK