Backward stochastic partial differential equations with jump
(with Oksendal and Proske)
Stochastic differential equations with non-Lipschtiz coefficients.
(with Shizan Fang)
Perturbed Skorohod equations and perturbed reflected diffusion processes
(with Ron Doney)
Ito-Ventzell formula and forward stochastic differential equations driven by compensated Poisson measures
(with Bernt Oksendal)
The Stable Manifold Theorem For SPDEs
(with S. Mohammed and H. Zhao)
Large deviations for perturbed reflected SDEs
(with Lijun Bo)
Large deviations for SDEs on $S^d$
(with Q.Wang)
Stochastic Calculus for Dirichlet Processes
(with Z. Chen, P. Fitzsimmons and K. Kuwae)
Stochastic evolution of jump type: existence, uniqueness of slutions and large deviation principles
(with M. Rockner)
Perturbation of symmetric Markov processes
(with Z. Chen, P. Fitzsimmons and K. Kuwae)
Global flows of stochastic diferential equations
(with S.Fang and P. Imkeller)
Large deviations for stochastic non linear beam equations
Optimal control of SPDEs with delay and time-advanced backward SPDEs