This research was supported by EPSRC (project
GR/T26832/01, 01/04/2005-31/07/2008) and performed in co-operation with the Acoustics Research
Centre at Salford University. The main project task consists of theoretical
development and experimental implementation of a new technique for active
shielding of noise. The approach provides a new alternative to current active
noise control techniques that require sampling of the domain of the acoustic
field. The principal innovation of the approach includes the capabilities of
volume noise cancellation and automatic separation of incoming (“friendly”) and
outgoing (“adverse”) components.

Experimental implementation of the theoretical solution. ○: wanted sound pressure, ♦: the
sound pressure of noise and wanted sound without control, and +: total sound
pressure of noise and wanted sound, and controls. Bottom graph is a zoom-in of
the result in the 320-500Hz frequency range.
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8. Lim, H., Utyuzhnikov, S. V., Lam, Y. W., Turan, A., Avis, M. R., Ryaben'kii, V.
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9. Utyuzhnikov,
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11. Lim, H., Utyuzhnikov, S.
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Lim H., Utyuzhnikov S
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Ntumy, E., and Utyuzhnikov, S.V., “Active Sound Control in 3D Bounded
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Utyuzhnikov, S.V.,
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15. Комментарии
к препринту
от 2016 г.N
27,” Активная
поля желательных
от внешнего
шума в реальном
Utyuzhnikov, S.V., “A
Practical Algorithm for Real-time Active Sound Control with Preservation of
Interior Sound”, Computers & Fluids,
2017, 157: 175-181.