- PSSL 101. The 101st Peripatetic
Seminar on Sheaves and Logic (PSSL 101) will be held
on the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th 2017
at the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds.
Following the tradition of the PSSL, this is
intended to be an informal meeting, covering all
areas of category theory and its applications. Talks
by PhD students and young researchers are
particularly encouraged. For a history of the
PSSL, please see here.
- Pre-PSSL lectures. There will be
two lectures in the afternoon of Friday 15th
September (14:30-15:30 and 16:00-17:00) to be given
by Jiri Rosicky and Andrew Brooke-Taylor, on
connections between locally presentable categories,
set theory, and model theory.
Click on a title to see the abstract of the talk, or see this page for the
complete list.
Abstracts of talks
See here.
- Jiří Adámek (Braunschweig)
- Ingo Blechschmidt (Augsburg)
- Benno van den Berg (Amsterdam)
- Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Leeds)
- John Bourke (Macquarie)
- Nigel Burke (Cambridge)
- Paolo Capriotti (Nottingham)
- Gianpietro Colato (Louvain)
- Georgios Charalambous (Cambridge)
- Alex Corner (Sheffield Hallam)
- Antonin Delpeuch (Oxford)
- Ivan Di Liberti (Masaryk)
- Christian Espindola
- Eric Faber (Cambridge)
- Yuning Feng (Birmingham)
- Cesare Gallozzi (Leeds)
- Nicola Gambino (Leeds)
- Enrico Ghiorzi (Cambridge)
- Julia Goedecke (Leicester)
- Marino Gran (Louvain)
- Sina Hazratpour (Birmingham)
- Peter Hines (York)
- Martin Hyland (Cambridge)
- Peter Johnstone (Cambridge)
- Jürgen Koslowski (Braunschweig)
- Nicolai Kraus (Nottingham)
- Marco Larrea-Schiavon (Leeds)
- Richard Matthews (Leeds)
- Sean Moss (Cambridge)
- Jaap van Oosten (Utrecht)
- Simona Paoli (Leicester)
- Vaia Patta (Oxford)
- Gun Pinyo (Nottingham)
- Jiří Rosický (Masaryk)
- Andrew Smith (Leicester)
- Raffael Stenzel (Leeds)
- Andrew Swan (Amsterdam)
- Paul Taylor (Birmingham)
- Christopher Townsend
- Joost van Dijk (Amsterdam)
- Dominic Verdon (Oxford)
- Dominic Verity (Macquarie)
- Jakob Vidmar (Leeds)
- Jonathan Weinberger (Darmstadt)
- Octavio Zapata (University College London)

Travelling to Leeds
From Leeds Bradford Airport,
you can either take a taxi or bus line 757, which
leaves in front of the airport and goes to Leeds
Train Station.
From Manchester Airport, there
are frequent trains from Manchester Airport to
Leeds Train Station (either direct or via
Manchester Piccadilly). The journey takes
approximatively 75 minutes.
- By car: please see the instructions here.
If you wish to park on campus, it is necessary to
contact us well in advance, since all parking must be
pre-booked by a member of staff.
Arriving at the University of Leeds
- Directions to the University of Leeds can be
dowloaded from this
- Walking directions from Leeds Train Station can be
found here.
- A campus map can be downloaded from this
All lectures, including the pre-PSSL lectures, will be in
the MALL (Rooms 8.01 & 8.02) on level 8 of the School
of Mathematics.
Coffee breaks
Coffee breaks will be in the Reading Room (Room 9.31)
on level 9 of the School of Mathematics.
For lunch on Saturday, please see
this link
for a list and a map of coffee bars and restaurants
around or near the campus of the University of Leeds
which will be open on Saturday.
Social dinner
The social dinner will be at the Red
Chilli restaurant at 7pm on Saturday 16th September.
The address of the restaurant is 6 Great George Street,
Leeds, LS1 3DW.
There are various hotels nearby where you can book
accommodation on your own, e.g.:
Cheaper alternatives include the following:
Registration and submission of talks
There is no registration fee. To register
and submit a talk, please download the form below:
and return it by email to
n.gambino AT leeds.ac.uk by Friday
1st September 2017.
Organizing committee
- Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Leeds)
- Nicola Gambino (Leeds)
- Peter Johnstone (Cambridge)
This page was last modified on
January 9th, 2018 by Nicola Gambino