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Water Quality - Blanket Peat

Hydrology of Blanket Peat

Small streams over bare peat

One of the major features that makes peat so unique is the contribution that water makes to its characteristics:

Sediment Yields from Blanket Peat Catchments

What streamflow data tells us

Peat stream

Peat Slides

Methods preventing sediments reaching water supplies

To protect the water contained in the Longdendale reservoirs, preventative measures have been used throughout the catchment:

Infiltration in peatland

Infiltration characteristics of different vegetation habitats
Vegetation cover Infiltration characteristics
Cotton grass moorland Infiltration capacity easily reached - excess overland flow
Bilberry and crowberry Infiltration capacity rarely reached and only in exceptional storms does overland flow occur

Characteristics of peat streams

Electroconductivity graph of a flashy stream

Solute origin - Where do solutes come from?

1. Atmospheric sources.

2. Windblown dust, pollen and other airborne materials.

3. Dry deposition of gases e.g. NOx' s and SO2.

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Page Overview

Hydrology of Blanket Peat.

Sediment yeilds.

Streamflow data.

Peat slides.

Preventing pollution of reservoirs.

Torside Reservoir

Water infiltration in peat.

Characteristics of peat streams.

Origin of solutes found in peat water.

- Themes
- Geology
- Vegetation
- Peat
- Water quality
- Landslides
- Spatial data