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Tim Cootes: Research
I currently focus on:
- Statistical models of shape and appearance
- Model matching algorithms
- Methods of computing correspondence across sets of shapes and images
- Applications in medical image analysis and face image interpretation
I've had a great deal of fun developing statistical models of both shape
and appearance, which have proved very useful for interpretting images of
many different kinds. They are used in `Active Shape Models' (ASMs)
and `Active Appearance Models' (AAMs) which iteratively deform to fit to image data.
We've used them for locating
bones and organs in medical images, for face and gesture recognition and
for industrial inspection.
I'm also working on corresponding sets of shapes/images so as to find
optimal shape/appearance models.
In the case of shapes, this involves finding sets of corresponding points across the
group of shapes, which can then be used to build compact shape models.
In the case of images, we are developing methods of finding the diffeomorphisms
(smooth, invertible mappings) between the images, effectively corresponding them.
This work involves combining ideas from the statistical model building literature
with those from the non-rigid medical image registration literature.
The most comprehensive description of our research into ASMs and AAMs is given in this
(PDF, 120 pages, Updated Oct 2001).
This contains a detailed description of all our work on statistical models of
shape and appearance, and is the best place to get details of the algorithms.
- A 15 page overview paper about ASMs and AAMs (a useful introduction)
- A more detailed (26 page) introduction to statistical shape models and ASMs
I've started compiling timelines of key papers and developments in a few areas,
to make it easier to discover who did what, and when. They're not yet completed,
and any feedback will be appreciated.
Timeline of developments in ASM/AAMs (pdf)
Timeline of developments in correspondence for model-building (pdf)
Lecture Notes and Talks
My Keynote talk at SCIA2015 (pdf)
My Keynote talk at ACCV2010 (pdf)
Mathematical Methods Course Notes
Computer Vision Lectures CS3432
Some lectures on ASMs and AAMs (Powerpoint)
An overview talk on groupwise registration (gzipped tar file of Powerpoint+videos)
C++ Design For Research Tutorial (using VXL)
(Old C++ Design For Research Tutorial in HTML) (html)
General Notes
A Framework for Constructing Deformable Atlases (ps)
Conference Notes
Papers that caught my eye at ICCV2001 (Postscript slides, 90k)
Papers that caught my eye at ICCV2003 (pdf)
Papers that caught my eye at ECCV2004 (pdf)
Papers that caught my eye at ECCV2006 (pdf)
Papers that caught my eye at MICCAI2006 (pdf)
Papers that caught my eye at ECCV2012 (pdf)
Papers that caught my eye at MICCAI2012 (pdf)
See here for some videos of AAM search etc.
Some other groups using ASMs/AAMs or doing related work.
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