Professor Stephen Flint

Steve graduated from Leeds University with a PhD in geology in 1982 and spent 4 years in the research laboratories of Shell in the Netherlands. Following more than 20 years at the University of Liverpool, publishing over 150 articles in the peer-reviewed scientific literature Stephen joined the University of Manchester in 2012. He established the Stratigraphy Group in 1990 and since then 29 PhD students and 22 Post-Docs of 10 nationalities have worked under Steve’s direction (along with John Howell for 10 years in the 1990s and with Dave Hodgson since 2003) on clastic sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy and reservoir-prediction projects worldwide, using a combination of outcrop and subsurface datasets. A common thread to all Steve’s work has been the development of international partnerships with oil companies, Universities and research organizations.
Steve served as SEPM International Councillor (2012-2014) and is on the Editorial Board of Petroleum Geoscience. He has a long-term interest in knowledge exchange and high level training for the oil industry, having taught specialist short courses in Shell and Saudi Aramco for many years. Over the last 15 years he has led field-based courses for many hundreds of geoscientists and petroleum engineers from around the world to reservoir analogue outcrops all worked by the Stratigraphy Group in the USA, Argentina and most notably the famous deep-water clastics of the Karoo basin, South Africa.