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lecture 5: conclusion

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1. conclusion

In this lecture we discussed how to use images to enhance the visual appearance of your site. We looked at the different types of images, how to acquire and then prepare them for use online, and how to make them accessible to the maximum number of users.

We also considered the technicalities of publishing your site. More will be said on that next week (see right-hand column), because you need to know about the non-technical aspects of publishing your site: e.g. things such as how to get a good URL, and how not to fall foul of laws like copyright and defamation. Most people have not published things in the past and are not aware that certain laws apply to them, so it is very important that you understand the implications of web publishing.

2. what's coming in lecture 6

With the four sets of techniques you've learnt so far - text formatting, links, tables and images - you have all the basic HTML you need to write quite sophisticated pages. Everything that will come later, in the Advanced Web Techniques option (if you take it) is just padding, really. A great many good-looking, sophisticated web sites use nothing more than these four techniques.

It is very important, though, that you use these techniques in ways that ensure your site is accessible to the maximum number of users. Often, this involves no more than writing clean, valid HTML, and next week we will look at how you can use code validators to check the integrity of your page. But there are other techniques you can use to help out users who:

  • are using browsers other than Internet Explorer
  • browse using only the keyboard, instead of using a mouse
  • do not download, or see, images
  • use a browser which reads out the page using speech synthesis, instead of displaying it on a screen.

If you think these topics are of no concern to you, please adjust that opinion - they are in fact a key part of good web design. And there are lots of marks available for them in the course work, so if you want a top mark you will need to engage with next week's material.

On that subject, next week's lecture will also review what is expected of you in the week 8 course work - particularly how to respond to the week 4 feedback which you will have by then. It also covers some more aspects of publishing your site, like copyright.


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