View West across Sykes Moor from the lower end of the Y-Lobe
The photo below shows the lower, western end of the Y-lobe. This is the southernmost of the two expanses of peat forming the arms of the Y
Erosion Agents:
- Surface wash and creep operate on the peat surface.
- Wind erosion also plays a part - The peat is dried by the wind and particles are transported in the airflow.
Exposed peat over the Y-Lobe
The 'Y-lobe' was created an accidental fire in the late 1960s.
- The vegetation cover was lost, exposing the peat below and triggering erosion.
- There has been very little natural regeneration of the vegetation.
- The shape and area of the peat exposure has hardly changed between 1970 and the 1998 aerial photos.
- It was reseeded in 2004 by Moors for the Future and the landowners as part of the moorland restoration programme.
- The burned rootmat from a more recent accidental fire can be seen in the background.