Personal Homepage of Mark Kambites

Mark's Software

This page features a few pieces of software and widgets I have written. Please feel free to send me comments, bug reports and other feedback, except where the descriptions indicate that they should go elsewhere!


SmallOverlap is a GAP 4 package which implements new, highly efficient algorithms for computing with finitely presented semigroups and monoids whose defining presentations satisfy small overlap conditions (in the sense of J.H.Remmers). It is still at an early stage of development and may well contain bugs; needless to say, it is provided "as is" with no warranty, and all feedback is extremely welcome. For full details of installing and using the package please see the manual.


JOMP is a preprocessor for the Java language, which allows programmers to parallelise Java code with minimal effort, just by adding directives to the source code indicating which operations can safely be performed in parallel. In technical terms, it uses Java's native threads model to implement a variant of the OpenMP shared memory parallel programming standard. The JOMP compiler is itself written in pure platform-independent Java, and has been used and extended by researchers around the world. I developed the compiler whilst working at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) and am no longer actively involved in its development. The latest version can be downloaded from the JOMP homepage on the EPCC website; comments, bug reports and requests for support should all be sent to EPCC.

Manchester Beamer Theme (local users only)

This is a simple Beamer theme for creating presentations with LaTeX using the University of Manchester colours and logo. Note that I make no claim that it complies with the University's style guide. To install, download the file manbeamer.tar, unpack it in the same directory as your presentation (or anywhere in your TeX path) and then use \usetheme{Manchester} in your TeX file. The file manex.tex contains a short example presentation which also serves as a manual. As usual with Beamer, you must (at least under UNIX/Linux) process your presentation with pdflatex; it won't display properly as DVI or Postscript. The design is based on the Boadilla theme by Manual Carro, and is quite minimal and uncluttered. Just as with Boadilla, the option secheader will add a bar with section and subsection headings at the top. The University colours, if you want to make explicit use of them, are called ManchesterPurple, ManchesterYellow and ManchesterGrey. If you use it, please let me know and give me your thoughts on how to improve it.

This page is maintained by Mark Kambites.   It was retrieved on 23rd January 2025.   The text was last manually edited on 26th September 2018 but dynamically generated content may have changed more recently.
Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect policy of the University of Manchester or any other organisation.
Information is correct to the best of the author's knowledge but is provided without warranty.
All content is protected by copyright, and may not be reproduced or further distributed without permission.