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Networks and hierarchies in the Soviet provinces

The Research Team - Yoram Gorlizki

Dr Yoram Gorlizki


Name:Professor Yoram Gorlizki




Higher education:

1986 BA Hons. (Geography), First Class, University of Cambridge; 1987 Russian Language Postgraduate Diploma, Strathclyde University; 1992 D.Phil (PhD), University of Oxford, 'De-Stalinization and the Politics of Russian Criminal Justice, 1953-1964'

Posts Held:

  • 1991-94 Research Fellow in Social Sciences, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
  • 1994-2006 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Manchester
  • 2006-present Professor of Politics, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester

Recent and Related Research:


  • Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004) 248 pp. (with Oleg Khlevniuk)
  • Politburo TsK VKP (b) i Sovet Ministrov SSSR 1945-1953 (Moscow: Rosspen, 2002), 655 pp, edited with Oleg Khlevniuk and others.

  • Regional’naia Politika N.S.Khrushcheva. Tsk KPSS i Mestnye Partiinye Komitety, 1953-1964 (Moscow: Rosspen, 2009), 774 pp. Edited with Oleg Khlevniuk and others

Articles and Book Chapters

  • ‘Scandal in Riazan: Networks of Trust and the Social Dynamics of Deception, Kritika, 14, 2 (April 2013): 261-296
  • ‘Structures of Trust after Stalin,’ Slavonic and East European Review, 91, 1 (January 2013): 119-146
  • ‘Governing the Interior: Extraordinary Forms of Rule and the Regional Party Apparatus in the Second World War,” Cahiers du Monde Russe, 52, nos. 2-3 (April 2011): 321-340
  • ‘Too Much Trust: Regional Party Leaders and Local Political Networks Under Brezhnev,” Slavic Review, 69, 3 (Fall 2010): 676-700
  • ‘The Political (Dis)Orders of Stalinism and National Socialism,’ (with Hans Mommsen), in Michael Geyer and Sheila Fitzpatrick, eds., Beyond Totalitarianism: Nazism and Stalinism Compared (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 41-86
  • (with Oleg Khlevniuk) 'Stalin and His Circle' in Ronald G. Suny, ed., The Cambridge History of Russia: Vol.3 (Cambridge: CUP, 2006), 243-267
  • 'Policing Post-Stalin Society: The Militsiia and Public Order under Khrushchev' Cahiers du Monde Russe, 44, nos.2-3 (April-September 2003): 465-480
  • Ordinary Stalinism: The Council of Ministers and the Soviet Neo-patrimonial State, 1945-1953, Journal of Modern History 74, no.4 (December 2002): 699-736
  • Stalins Cabinet: The Politburo and Decision-Making in the Post-war Years, Europe-Asia Studies 53, no.2 (March 2001): 291-312
  • Rules, Incentives and Soviet Campaign Justice after World War II, Europe-Asia Studies 51, no.7 (November 1999): 1245-1266
  • 'Delegalization in Russia: Soviet Comrades' Courts in Retrospect,' The American Journal of Comparative Law, 48, no.3 (November 1998): 403-425
  • 'Political Reform and Local Party Interventions Under Khrushchev,' Peter Solomon, ed., Reforming Justice in Russia, 1864-1994: Power, Culture and the Limits of Legal Order (New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1997), 258-282
  • 'Anti-Ministerialism and the USSR Ministry of Justice, 1953-56: A Study in Organizational Decline,' Europe-Asia Studies, 48, no. 8 (December 1996): 1279-1318
  • Party Revivalism and the Death of Stalin, Slavic Review, 54, no.1 (Spring 1995): 1-22

Grants/Applications :

  • £36,735 ESRC Award (sole applicant) The Soviet Politburo and Decision-Making in the Late Stalin Era (ESRC Award Number R000222676) 1 August 1998-31 January 2001.
  • £139,402 ESRC Award (sole applicant) 'Networks and Hierarchies in the Soviet Provinces', award number R000230880 (March 2005-September 2008).