The Research Team - Oleg Khlevniuk
Name:Dr Oleg Khlevniuk
Date of birth:
7 July, 1959.
Place of birth:
Vinnitsa, Ukraine
Higher education:
- Undergraduate Degree, Vinnitsa Institute, Ukraine, 1980
- Ph.D. USSR Academy of Sciences, 1985
- D.Soc.Sci. Higher Education Committee of Russian Federation, 1996
Posts Held:
- Editorial Assistant on the journal Kommunist/Svobodnaia mysl
- Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, State Archive of the Russian Federation (1994-present)
Recent and Relevant Publications:
- Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 248 pp. (with Yoram Gorlizki, see above)
- The History of the GULAG. 1930-1941. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004)
- The History of Stalins Gulag. Collected Documents in 7 volumes. Moscow. 2004 (co-editor).
- Stalin-Kaganovich Correspondence, 1931-1936 (New Haven: Yale UP, 2003) (edited, with R.W. Davies et al.)
- Sistema tsentr-regiony v 1930-1950-e gody. Predposylki politizacii nomenklatury Cahiers du Monde Russe, 44, 2-3 (April-September 2003): 253-268
- Politburo TsK VKP (b) i Sovet Ministrov SSSR 1945-1953 (Moscow: Rosspen, 2002), 655 pp. (chief editor)
- Party and NKVD: Power Relationships in the Years of the Great Terror in B. McLoughlin, K. McDermott (ed.) Stalins Terror. High Politics and Mass Repression in the Soviet Union. Palgrave Macmillan. 2003, pp. 21-33
- The First Generation of Stalinist Party Generals in E.A. Rees (ed.) Central-Local Relations in the Stalinist State. 1928-1941. Palgrave Macmillan. 2002, pp. 37-64.
- Pisma vo vlast, 1928-1939: zaiavleniia, zhaloby, donosy. Pisma v gosudarstevennye struktury I sovetskim vozhdiam (Moscow: Rosspen, 2002) edited with A. Livshin and I.B. Orlov
- Stalin i Kaganovich: perepiska 1931-1936 (Moscow: Rosspen, 2001) (chief editor)
- Stalin, stalinizm, sovetskoe obschestvo. Sbornik statei. (Moscow: MGU, 2000) edited, with G.Sh. Sagatelian and B.S. Ilizarov
- Kak Lomali NEP: stenogrammy plenumov TsK VKP (b) 1928-1929 gg. (Moscow, 2000) edited, with V.P. Danilov and A. Iu. Vatlin
- Politburo: mekhanizmy politicheskoi vlasti v 1930-e gody (Moscow: Rosspen, 1996)
- Stalins Letters to Molotov, 1925-1936 (New Haven: Yale UP, 1995) edited with Lars T. Lih and Oleg V. Naumov
- In Stalins Shadow: the career of Sergo Ordzhonikidze (White Plains, NY: M E Sharpe, 1995)
Dr Khlevniuk has assisted successfully on four earlier ESRC projects:
- R000 233142, Applicants E A Rees and R W Davies, Economic Decision-making and Development in the Soviet Command Economy, 1 November 1991-31 October 1994
- R000 235636, Applicants E A Rees and R W Davies, Economic Development and Centre-Local Relations in the Soviet Economy, 1 November 1994-31 October 1997
- R000 237388, Applicants E A Rees and R W Davies, The Soviet Politburo and Economic Decision-making and Development in the Stalin Era, 1 December 1997 30 November 2001
- R000222676, Applicant Yoram Gorlizki, The Soviet Politburo and Decision-making in the Late Stalin Era, August 1998-January 2001
Other Information:
Dr Khlevniuk is chief editor of the international series of archival publications Documents of Soviet History, where he has edited six volumes; he also sits on the editorial boards of the journals Cahiers du Monde Russe, Kritika, and Slavonica.