The Research Team - Viktor Kondrashin
Name:Dr Viktor Kondrashin
Higher education:
- Undergraduate Degree (History), Belinskii Penza State Pedagogical University, 1983
- Ph.D. The Famine of 1932-33 in the Volga Region, Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- D.Soc.Sci., The Peasant Movement of 1918-1922 in the Volga Region, Samara State University, 2001
Posts Held:
- Lecturer, Dept of Social Sciences, 1986-88
- Professor of History and Dept. Chair, Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University, 1997-Present
Recent and Relevant Publications:
- Golod 1932-1933 godov v rossiiskoi derevne (Penza, 2003)
- Golod: 1932-33 gg v sovetskoi derevne (na materialakh Povolzh’ia, Dona i Kubani) (Samara, 2002) (with D. Penner)
- Аграрные реформы в России в ХХ веке в современной отечественной историографии // Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион. 2002. № 3. Гуманитарные науки. С. 18 – 29.
- Современный этап в развитии историографии аграрных преобразований в России в ХХ в. // Социальная история российской провинции в контексте модернизации аграрного общества в XVIII-XX вв.: Мат-лы междунар. конф. (май 2002 г.). Тамбов, 2002. С. 14 March, 201418-1922 гг. // Сборник статей, посвященный 80-летию А.М.Анфимову. М.: Институт Российской истории РАН, 2003. С. 45 – 61.
- Krestianskoe dvizhenie v Povolzhe v 1918-1922 gg. (dokumenty i materialy) (Moscow: Rosspen, 2002), 944 pp. (co-edited)
- Tragediia sovetskoi derevni: kollektivizatsiia I raskulachivanie, 1931-1933 gg. T. 3 (dokumenty I materialy) (Moscow: Rosspen, 2001), 1008 pp. (co-edited)
- Krestianskoe dvizhenie v Povolzhe v 1918-1922 gg. (Moscow: Ianus-K, 2001)
- 80 let v edinom stroiu (Samara: MPS, 2001) (co-edited)
- Istorik V.I. Lebedev (Penza, 2000)
- Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD. 1918-1939. T.1 1918-1922 (dokumenty i materialy) (Moscow: Rosspen, 1998), 864 pp. (co-edited)
- Fillip Mironov. Tikhii Don v 1917-1921 gg. Dokumenty i materialy. (Moscow, 1997) 792 pp. (coedited)
Worked successfully on the following externally funded projects:
- Soros-funded project on Peasant Revolution in Russia, supervised on the R 14 March, 2014 funded by the Maison de Sciences de L'homme on The Soviet Village through the Eyes of the VChK-OGPU-NKVD, supervised by A. Berelowich and V.P.Danilov, 1995-1997
- NCEEER and NEH grant for project on Tragedy in the Soviet Countryside: Collectivization and Dekulakization, 1927-1939, supervised by Roberta Manning and Viktor Danilov, 1996-98
- Grant from the Ford Foundation on the theme of Peasant Uprisings in the Volga Region 1918-1921, 1998-99
- Project leader for RHSF grant on Penza's History through Archival Documents, 2003-2004. Leader of projects, Penza's history through archival documents, grant funded by RHSF