To appear. (with William Bennett, Christopher Green, and Kristine Yu) Acoustic correlates of harmony classes in Somali. To appear in Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. [Pre-publication version]
To appear. Not crazy after all these years? Perceptual grounding for long-distance vowel harmony. [Pre-publication version]
2016. Asymetric generalisation of harmony triggers. In Gunnar Hansson, Ashley Farris-Trimble, Kevin McMullin and Douglas Pulleyblank, eds., Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting on Phonology.
2016. Positive constraints and finite goodness in Harmonic Serialism. In Joe Pater and John McCarthy, eds., Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism (Equinox Press, Advances in Optimality Theory series). [Pre-publication version]
2013. Perceptual motivations for parasitic restrictions in vowel harmony. In Yelena Fainleib and Nicholas LaCara and Yangook Park, eds., Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. Vol. I, pp.259-268.
2012. (with John McCarthy and Kevin Mullin) Reduplication in Harmonic Serialism. Morphology 22(2):173-232. [Supersedes McCarthy et al. (2010), Copying Prosodic Constituents].
2012. Harmony is myopic. Linguistic Inquiry 43(2): 301-309. [Pre-Publication Version]
2012. (with Riikka Ylitalo) Variability and trigger competition in Finnish disharmonic loanwords. In Nathan Arnett and Ryan Bennett, eds., Proceedigns of the 30th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. pp. 195--204.
2011. Locality and globality in phonological variation. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 29(2):423-465. [Pre-Publication Version]
2011. Competing Triggers: Transparency and opacity in vowel harmony. PhD Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
2011. Domain specificity and Vata ATR spreading. In University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 17(1), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium.
2008. (with Emily Elfner) Reduplication without RED: Evidence from diddly-infixation. Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Natasha Abner and Jason Bishop
2016. Alien phonotactics: What can Science Fiction tell us about implicit knowledge? Poster presented at NELS 47. [Poster]
2015. What changes and what stays the same: Is Harmonic Serialism with positive constraints still Optimality Theory? Presented at the W(h)ither OT? Fringe Meeting at the 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting. [Handout]
2014. Cumulative constraint interaction and trigger competition in vowel harmony. Presented as part of the iGRA colloquium series at Universität Leipzig. [Handout]
2013. Neither necessary nor sufficient: Re-thinking the role of contrast in vowel harmony. Poster presented at the 21st Manchester Phonology Meeting. [Poster]
2009. Constraint's on what's not there: The role of serial derivations in subtractive truncation. Presented at HUMDRUM, April 2009.
2009. (with Emily Elfner) What can Ned Flanders tell us about linguistic knowledge? Diddly-infixation and the poverty of the stimulus. Hampshire College Cognitive Science Lunch Talk. (note: video in the slides not included)
2007. Reduction and syncope in Klamath reduplication. Presented at the 15th Manchester Phonology Meeting. (handout | poster)