"I don't believe I can really do without teaching. The reason is, I have to have something so that when I don't have any ideas and I'm not getting anywhere I can say to myself, 'At least I'm living; at least I'm doing something; I'm making some contribution' - it's just psychological." - Richard Feynman.
Modules led
Academic Years 2025-: MATH48292 and MATH68292, Statistical Machine learning.
Academic Year 2024-25: MATH48122 and MATH68122, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (with Tim Waite).
Academic Years 2018-25: MATH48061 and MATH68061, Multivariate Statistics.
Academic Year 2018-19: Statistics and Machine Learning for MSc in Data Science.
Academic Year 2017-18: MATH38061, MATH48061 and MATH68061, Multivariate Statistics.
Academic Year 2016-17: CHEN10011 Engineering Mathematics 1.
Academic Year 2013-14: CO901 Networks, Self Organisation and Emergence.
Academic Years 2010-12: MA390: Topics in Mathematical Biology.
Other teaching (not comprehensive)
I offer MSc Projects in Statistics, Data Science, and Applied Mathematics.
I offer Undergraduate Projects at levels 3 and 4 for 1 or 2 semesters.
Supervisions for 1st year Calculus, Vectors and Differential Equations.
Lecturer on Communicable Diseases and Immunisation module. Students on this course can download this MATLAB code to investigate the properties of the simple SIR model. Download and extract this ZIP archive, then type 'sir_gui' at the MATLAB command prompt when all files are in the working directory.
Lecturer on The Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution 2014: Dynamics of Infectious Diseases.
Lecturer on Food, Water & Environmental borne disease diagnosis, surveillance & outbreak investigation.
Lecturer on Winter School in Network Theory and Applications.