Dr Jay Taylor
Neumann Fellow


The following is a list of recent talks that I have given. Where possible notes or slides for the talks are linked.

Recent By Year


19th Nov 20 Unitriangularity and Decomposition Matrices of Unipotent Blocks
Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory, IAS, Princeton, USA
31st Jan 20 Classifying isomorphism classes of algebraic groups
Computational and algorithmic methods workshop, Groups Representations and Applications, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
7th Jan 20 Representations and unipotent classes
Introductory/instructional workshop, Groups Representations and Applications, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
12th Apr 18 Deligne–Lusztig induction and almost characters
Representations of Finite and Algebraic Groups, MSRI, Berkeley, USA
17th Oct 17 Strutcture of Root Data and Smooth Regular Embeddings
New Perspectives in Representation Theory of Finite Groups, BIRS, Banff, Canada
(Slides are available here)
20th Mar 14 Character Sheaves and GGGRs
Global/Lobal Conjectures in Representation Theory of Finite Groups, BIRS, Banff, Canada
(Slides are available here)

Recent Invited

7th May 24 Modular Reduction of Nilpotent Orbits
Number Theory Seminar, University of Sheffield, UK
27th Feb 24 Modular Reduction of Nilpotent Orbits
Algebra Seminar, Oxford University, UK
7th Dec 23 Modular Reduction of Nilpotent Coadjoint Orbits
Algebra Seminar, University of York, UK
13th Dec 22 Bounding Character Values at Regular Semisimple Elements
Algebra Seminar, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Germany
30th Sep 22 Bounding Character Values at Regular Semisimple Elements
Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar, Colorado State University, USA
27th Sep 22 Rationality Questions for Finite Reductive Groups
Lie Theory Seminar, CU Boulder, Colorado, USA
8th Apr 22 Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
Pure Maths Colloquium, University of Manchester
22nd Mar 22 Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
Pure Maths Colloquium, University of St. Andrews
23rd Feb 22 Some Asymptotic Variants of a Conjecture of Thompson
Algebra Seminar, University of Aberdeen, UK
28th Jan 21 Rationality Properties of Kawanaka Characters
Seminar Gruppen und Darstellungen, TU Kaiserslautern
14th Oct 20 Unitriangularity of Decomposition Matrices of Unipotent Blocks
(Virtual) Algebra Seminar, Queen Mary University
22nd Apr 20 Unitriangularity of Decomposition Matrices of Unipotent Blocks
(Virtual) Algebra Seminar, University of Birmingham
6th Mar 20 Unitriangularity of Decomposition Matrices of Unipotent Blocks
Algebra Seminar, Newcastle University
20th Feb 20 Unitriangularity of Decomposition Matrices of Unipotent Blocks
London Algebra Colloquium, City University
10th Feb 20 Unitriangularity of Decomposition Matrices of Unipotent Blocks
Algebra Seminar, University of York


18th Oct 23 Rationality of Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
Group Theory and Number Theory: Interactions, Princeton, USA
6th Oct 23 Real Elements in Finite Reductive Groups
Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2023, Frankenstein, Germany
5th Sep 23 Bounding Character Values at Regular Semisimple Elements
LMS Regional Workshop on Lie Theory, York, UK
3rd Apr 23 How p-groups Impact the Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
British Mathematical Colloquium 2023, Bath, UK
5th Dec 22 Rationality Questions for Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
PRIMA 2022, Vancouver, Canada
12th May 22 Rationality Questions for Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
Counting Conjectures and Beyond, Issac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
12th Apr 22 Rationality Questions for Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
Future directions in algebraic groups and Lie algebras in the UK, University of Birmingham, UK
17th Mar 22 Some Asymptotic Variants of a Conjecture of Thompson
58th ARTIN Meeting, University of Manchester, UK
14th Jul 17 Action of Automorphisms on Irreducible Characters of Symplectic Groups
Representation Theory in Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
6th Jan 17 Action of Automorphisms on Irreducible Characters of Symplectic Groups
AMS JMM Special Session - Representations and Related Geometry in Lie Theory, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, USA
27th May 16 Self Normalising Sylow 2-Subgroups
Seventy-third BLOC Meeting, City University, London, UK
15th Apr 15 Generalised Gelfand–Graev Characters in Small Characteristics
Representations of Finite Groups, Oberwolfach, Germany
5th Dec 14 Inducing Characters of Weyl Groups
Nikolaus Conference 2014, RWTH Aachen, Germany
6th Sep 13 Decomposing Generalised Gelfand–Graev Representations (GGGRs)
Brauer's Problems - 50 Years On (honouring Geoff Robinson's 60th Birthday), Manchester, England
28th Jun 13 On Lusztig's Conjecture for Character Sheaves of Classical-Type Groups
Cohomology in Lie Theory, Oxford, England
(Slides are available here)