Professor C.T.J. Dodson

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, School of Mathematics ,
University of Manchester,  Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Welcome to Kit Dodson's homepage

Research: differential geometry and stochastic geometry; books, proceedings     [CTJ Dodson Amazon Author Page]     [Tensor Geometry on Facebook]
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Other: walking, windsurfing, sailing ,eating out, snowboarding, and local history

Research Interests + Preprints

I Differential geometry: Global differential geometry of manifolds; spaces of connections; universal connections; infinite dimensional Banach and Frechet manifolds and bundles; harmonic lifts and maps. Applications: differential equations, pseudo-Riemannian geometry and general relativistic cosmology; information geometry, information topology---neighbourhoods of randomness, uniformity, and independence. Books, Conference Proceedings     [CTJ Dodson Amazon Author Page]     [Tensor Geometry on Facebook]

II Stochastic geometry: Characterization of stochastic processes; near-random states. Applications: Structure of stochastic porous media and fluid transport properties.

Links: London Mathematical Society + American Mathematical Society + Mathematics in the Media
European Mathematical Society + Biographies of Great Mathematicians + Journal of Geometry and Physics
Mathematical Moments--Mathematics in Science, Technology and Society + Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics
Luis Cordero's Geometry Gallery+ Astronomy Now + NASA+ NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory