
M. Vaezi, Z. Ding, and H. V. Poor, Multiple Access Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Beyond. Springer, 2018.
R. He and Z. Ding, Applications of Machine Learning in Wireless Communications, IET Press, 2019.
Y. Liu, Z. Qin and Z. Ding, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Massive Connectivity, SpringerBrief, 2020.
Y. Liu, L. Liu, Z. Ding, and X. Shen, Next Generation Multiple Access, Wiley, 2024.

Referred publications

All the codes for our paper can be found at arxiv
( codes at Github).

Pinching Antennas
[71] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, Flexible-Antenna Systems: A Pinching-Antenna Perspective, IEEE Trans. Commun., submitted.
( the link for the original paper , codes at Github, the revised paper includes 5 new simulation figures about hardware impairments )
[70] Y. Xu, Z. Ding and G. Karagiannidis, Rate Maximization for Downlink Pinching-Antenna Systems, IEEE Commun. Lett., submitted.,
( the link for the paper )
[69] K. Wang, Z. Ding and R. Schober, Antenna Activation for NOMA Assisted Pinching-Antenna Systems, IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., submitted.,
( the link for the paper )
[68] S. A. Tegos, P. D. Diamantoulakis, Z. Ding, G K. Karagiannidis, Minimum Data Rate Maximization for Uplink Pinching-Antenna Systems, IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., submitted.,
( the link for the paper )
[67] C. Ouyang, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, and Z. Ding, Array Gain for Pinching-Antenna Systems (PASS), IEEE Commun. Lett., submitted.,
( the link for the paper )
[66] Z. Yang, N. Wang, Y. Sun, Z. Ding, R. Schober, G. K. Karagiannidis, V. W. S. Wong, O. A. Dobre, Pinching Antennas: Principles, Applications and Challenges, IEEE Wireless Commun., submitted.,
( the link for the paper )

A short overview about NOMA in IMT 2020 Framework
[65] Z. Ding, R. Schober, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, Next Generation Multiple Access for IMT Towards 2030 and Beyond, Science China: Information Sciences, 2024.,
( the link for the paper )

Hybrid NOMA (related to MEC-NOMA and near-field communications)
[64] Z. Ding, A Simple Study on the Optimality of Hybrid NOMA, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, submitted.
( the link for the paper , codes at Github)
[63] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, Hybrid NOMA Assisted OFDMA Uplink Transmission , IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, submitted.,
( the link for the paper , codes at Github)
[62] Z. Ding, BackCom Assisted Hybrid NOMA Uplink Transmission for Ambient IoT, IEEE Trans. Communications, submitted.,
( the link for the paper , codes at Github)

NOMA in Near-Field Communication Networks
[61] Z. Ding, R. Schober, H. V. Poor, Design of Downlink Hybrid NOMA Transmission, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, submitted.,
( the link for the paper , codes at Github)
[60] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, Utilizing Imperfect Resolution of Near-Field Beamforming: A Hybrid-NOMA Perspective, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, submitted.,
( the link for the paper , codes at Github)
[59] Z. Ding, Resolution of Near-Field Beamforming and Its Impact on NOMA, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepted..
[58] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, NOMA-Based Coexistence of Near-Field and Far-Field Massive MIMO Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepted 2023.

Using NOMA to Reduce AoI
[57] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, NOMA-Assisted Grant-Free Transmission: How to Design Pre-Configured SNR Levels?, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepted, 2023.
[56] Z. Ding, O. Dobre, P. Fan, and H. V. Poor, A New Design of CR-NOMA and Its Application to AoI Reduction, IEEE Communications Letters, accepted, 2023.
[55] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, Impact of NOMA on Age of Information: A Grant-Free Transmission Perspective, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, accepted, 2023.
[54] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, Age of Information: Can CR-NOMA Help?, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, accepted, accepted.

New Thoughts About MIMO-NOMA (including THz-NOMA)
[53] Z. Ding, Potentials and Limits of Using Preconfigured Spatial Beams as Bandwidth Resources: Beam Selection vs Beam Aggregation submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, codes at Github.
[52] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, Joint Beam Management and Power Allocation in THz-NOMA Networks to appear in IEEE Trans. Communications, 2023
[51] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, Design of THz-NOMA in the Presence of Beam Misalignment, IEEE Communications Letters, 2022
[50] Z. Ding, NOMA Beamforming in SDMA Networks: Riding on Existing Beams or Forming New Ones? IEEE Communications Letters, 2022

NOMA-MEC (Hybrid NOMA can also be used for near-field communications)
[J49] Z. Ding, D. Xu, R. Schober and H. V. Poor, Hybrid NOMA Offloading in Multi-User MEC Networks, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, 2022 (codes at Github).
[J48] Z. Ding, D. W. K. Ng, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, Delay Minimization for NOMA-MEC Offloading, IEEE Signal Processing Letter, 2019.
[J47] Z. Ding, J. Xu, O. A. Dobre and H. V. Poor, Joint Power and Time Allocation for NOMA-MEC Offloading, IEEE TVT, 2020.
[J33] Z. Ding, P. Fan, and H. V. Poor, Impact of Non-orthogonal Multiple Access on the Offloading of Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE Trans. Commun., to appear in 2019.

NOMA with Backscattering
[J45] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, Advantages of NOMA for Multi-User BackCom Networks, IEEE Communication Letters, 2021 (codes at Github).
[J44] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, On the Application of BAC-NOMA to 6G umMTC, IEEE Communication Letters, accepted (codes at Github).
[J43] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, No-Pain No-Gain: DRL Assisted Optimization in Energy-Constrained CR-NOMA Networks,IEEE Trans. Communications, 2021 (Python codes, a presentation video) .
[J42] Z. Ding, Harvesting Devices’ Heterogeneous Energy Profiles and QoS Requirements in IoT: WPT-NOMA vs BAC-NOMA, , IEEE Trans. Communications, accepted.

[J41] Z. Ding, L. Lu, F. Fang, O. A. Dobre, G. K. Karagiannidis, N. Al-Dhahir, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, A State-of-the-Art Survey on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE, 2022.
[J40] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, A Simple Design of IRS-NOMA Transmission, IEEE Communications Letters, accepted.
[J39] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, On the Impact of Phase Shifting Designs on IRS-NOMA, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, accepted.

SIC for NOMA and Grant-Free NOMA
[J38] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, Unveiling the Importance of SIC in NOMA Systems - Part II: New Results and Future Directions, IEEE Communication Letters, accepted.
[J37] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, Unveiling the Importance of SIC in NOMA Systems - Part I - State of the Art and Recent Findings , IEEE Communication Letters, accepted.
[J36] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, A New QoS-Guarantee Strategy for NOMA Assisted Semi-Grant-Free Transmission, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications 2021.
[J35] Z. Ding, R. Schober, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, Simple Semi-Grant-Free Transmission Strategies Assisted by Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Trans. Communications, to appear in 2019.

[J34] Z. Ding, Robust Beamforming Design for OTFS-NOMA, IEEE Open Journal of the Communication Society, accepted.
[J33] Z. Ding, R. Schober, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, OTFS-NOMA: An Efficient Approach for Exploiting Heterogenous User Mobility Profiles, IEEE Trans. Communications, to appear in 2019.

The following is in chronological order
[J32] Z. Ding, M. Xu, Y. Chen, M. Peng and H. V. Poor, Embracing Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Future Wireless Networks, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, to appear in 2018.
[J31] Y. Liu, Z. Qin, M. Elkashlan, Z. Ding, A. Nallanathan and L. Hanzo, "Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond," in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 105, no. 12, pp. 2347-2381, Dec. 2017.
[J30] Z. Ding, Y. Zhu and Y. Chen, On the Compatibility Feature of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE TCCN Featured Paper, to appear in 2018.
[J29] Z. Ding, P. Fan, G. K. Karagiannidis, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, NOMA Assisted Wireless Caching: Strategies and Performance Analysis, IEEE Trans. Commun., submitted.
[J28] Z. Ding, X. Lai, G. K. Karagiannidis, R. Schober, J. Yuan, and V. Bhargava, A Survey on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Networks: Research Challenges and Future Trends, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–1, 2017.
[J27] Z. Ding, L. Dai, R. Schober and H. V. Poor, NOMA Meets Finite Resolution Analog Beamforming in Massive MIMO and Millimeter-Wave Networks, IEEE Communication Letters, to appear in 2017.
[J26] Z. Ding, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, Random Beamforming in Millimeter-Wave NOMA Networks, IEEE Access, 2017 ( its conference version will be presented at ICC-2017)
[J25] Z. Ding, Z. Zhao, M. Peng and H. V. Poor, On the Spectral Efficiency and Security Enhancements of NOMA Assisted Multicast-Unicast Streaming,, to appear at IEEE TCOM in 2017,
[J24] P. D. Diamantoulakis, K. N. Pappi, Z.Ding, and G. K. Karagiannidis, Wireless Powered Communications with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, 2016.
[J23] Z. Ding, Y. Liu, J. Choi, Q. Sun, M. Elkashlan, C-L. I and H. V. Poor, Application of Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in LTE and 5G Networks, IEEE Communication Magazine, 2016,,
[J22] Z. Chen, Z. Ding, X. Dai and G. K. Karagiannidis, On the Application of Quasi-Degradation to MISO-NOMA Downlink, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, to appear in 2016.
[J21] Z. Yang, Z. Ding, P. Fan and N. Al-Dhahir, A General Power Allocation Scheme to Guarantee Quality of Service in Downlink and Uplink NOMA Systems, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, 2016
[J20] Z. Zhang, Z. Ma, M. Xiao, Z. Ding and P. Fan, Full-Duplex Device-to-Device Aided Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technologies, 2016
[J19] J. Bao, Z. Ma, Z. Ding, G. K. Karagiannidis, and Z. Zhu, On the Design of Multiuser Codebooks for Uplink SCMA Systems, IEEE Communication Letters, 2016.
[J18] Z. Chen, Z. Ding and X. Dai, Beamforming for Combating Inter-cluster and Intra-cluster Interference in Hybrid NOMA Systems, IEEE ACCESS, 2016
[J17] P. Xu, Y. Yuan, Z. Ding, X. Dai and R. Schober, On the Outage Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with One-Bit Feedback, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear in 2016.
[J16] J. Cui, Z. Ding and P. Fan, A Novel Power Allocation Scheme under Outage Constraints in NOMA Systems, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, to appear in 2016
[J15] Y. Liu, M. Elkashlan, Z. Ding, and G. K. Karagiannidis, Fairness of User Clustering in MIMO Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Systems, IEEE Communication Letters, to appear in 2016.
[J14] Z. Ding, H. Dai and H. V. Poor, Relay Selection for Cooperative NOMA,, accepted by IEEE Wireless Communication Letter
[J13] Z. Ding, L. Dai and H. V. Poor, MIMO-NOMA Design for Small Packet Transmission in the Internet of Things, IEEE Access, to appear in 2016,
[J12] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, Design of Massive-MIMO-NOMA with Limited Feedback, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, to appear in 2016
[J11] Z. Ding, R. Schober, and H. V. Poor, A General MIMO Framework for NOMA Downlink and Uplink Transmission Based on Signal Alignment, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear in 2016 (
[J10] Y. Liu, Z. Ding, M. Elkashla and J. Yuan, Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in Large-Scale Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2016.
[J9] Y. Zhang, H. Wang, Q. Yang and Z. Ding, Secrecy Sum Rate Maximization in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Communication Letters, to appear in 2016
[J8] Z. Yang, Z. Ding, P. Fan and G. Karagiannidis, On the Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems with Partial Channel Information, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2016
[J7] Z. Ding, F. Adachi and H. V. Poor, The Application of MIMO to Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear in 2016,
[J6] Y. Liu, Z. Ding, M. Elkashlan, and H. V. Poor, Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, to appear in 2016.
[J5] P. Xu, Z. Ding, X. Dai and H. V. Poor, A New Evaluation Criterion for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Software Defined Networks,, IEEE Access, to appear in 2016 ( A title of Information Theoretic Perspective of Non-orthogonal Multiple Access was used during the revision of this paper)
[J4] M. F. Hanif, Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and G. K. Karagiannidis, A Minorization-Maximization Method for Optimizing Sum Rate in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems,, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, to appear in 2016
[J3] Z. Ding, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, Impact of User Pairing on 5G Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2016,
[J2] Z. Ding, M. Peng and H. V. Poor, "Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems, IEEE Communication Letters, to appear in 2015 (
[J1] Z. Ding, Z. Yang, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, "On the Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems with Randomly Deployed Users, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014.
[C2] Z. Qin, Y. Liu, Z. Ding, Y. Gao and M. Elkashlan, Physical Layer Security for 5G Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in Large-scale Networks, IEEE ICC, 2016.
[C1] P. Diamantoulakis, K. Pappi, Z. Ding and G. K. Karagiannidis, Optimal Design of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Wireless Power Transfer, IEEE ICC, 2016.
[J11] K. Liang, L. Zhao, Z. Ding and H. H. Chen, Double Side Signal Splitting SWIPT for Downlink CoMP Transmissions with Capacity Limited Backhaul, IEEE Communication Letter, 2016.
[J10] H. Pervaiz, L. Musavian, Q. Ni, and Z. Ding, Energy and Spectrally Efficient Transmission Techniques Under QoS Constraints Towards Green Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Access, to appear in 2015
[J9] Z. Ma, Z. Zhang, Z. Ding, P. Fan and H. Li, Key techniques for 5G wireless communications: network architecture, physical layer, and MAC layer perspectives, Science China Information Sciences, vol. 58 (4), Pages 1-20
[J8] J. Xu, T. Ratnarajah, M. Sellathurai and Z. Ding, Performance Analysis for Multi-Way Relaying in Rician Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Communications, to appear in 2015
[J7] W. Liu, Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and J. Xue, On Ergodic Secrecy Capacity of Random Wireless Networks with Protected Zones, IEEE Transactions on Communications, to appear in 2015,
[J6] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, Energy Harvesting Cooperative Networks: Is the Max-Min Criterion Still Diversity-Optimal?, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear in 2015,
[J5] S. Hu, Z. Ding and Q. Ni, Beamforming Optimization in Energy Harvesting Cooperative Full-Duplex Networks with Self-Energy Recycling Protocol, IET Communications, to appear in 2015.
[J4] Z. Yang, Z. Ding, P. Fan and G. Karagiannidis, "Outage Performance of Cognitive Relay Networks with Wireless Information and Power Transfer, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, to appear in 2015.
[J3] Z. Ma, Z. Zhang, Z. Ding, P. Fan and H. Li, "Key techniques for 5G wireless communications: network architecture, physical layer, and MAC layer perspectives, Science China Information Science, vol. 58, 2015.
[J2] Z. Yang, Z. Ding and P. Fan, "Performance Analysis of Cloud Radio Access Networks with Uniformly Distributed Base Stations, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, to appear in 2015.
[J1] Z. Ding, C. Zhong, D. W. Ng, M. Peng, H. A. Suraweera, R. Schober and H. V. Poor, "Application of Smart Antenna Technologies in Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer, IEEE Communication Magazine, to appear in 2015.
[J85] K. Cumanan, Z. Ding, M. Xu, and H. V. Poor, Secrecy Rate Optimization for Secure Multicast Communications, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2016.
[J84] K. Cumanan, Z. Ding, Y. Rahulamathavan, M. M. Molu, and H. H. Chen, Robust MMSE Beamforming for Multiantenna Relay Networks, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2016
[J83] Z. Zhang, Z. Ma, M. Xiao, G. K. Karagiannidis, Z. Ding, and P. Fan, Two-Timeslot Two-Way Full-Duplex Relaying for 5G Wireless Communication Networks, IEEE Trans. Communications, to appear in 2016.
[J82] A. E. Shafie, Z. Ding, N. Al-Dhahir, Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Artificial Noise Design for Secure MIMOME-OFDM Systems, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2016
[J81] P. Xu, Z. Ding, X. Dai and G. Karagiannidis, On the Private Key Capacity of the M-Relay Pairwise Independent Network, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, to appear in 2016.
[J80] Z. Zhang, Z. Ma, M. Xiao, G. Karagiannidis, Z. Ding and P. Fan, Two-Timeslot Two-Way Full-Duplex Relaying for 5G Wireless Communication Networks, IEEE TCOM, to appear in 2016.
[J79] Z. Zhao, M. Peng, Z. Ding, W. Wang and H. V. Poor, Cluster Content Caching: An Energy-Efficient Approach in Cloud Radio Access Networks, IEEE JSAC, to appear in 2016.
[J78] Z. Zhang, Z. Ma, M. Xiao, G. K. Karagiannidis, Z. Ding and P. Fan, Full-Duplex Two-Way and One-Way Relaying: Average Rate, Outage Probability and Tradeoffs, IEEE Trans. on Communications, to appear in 2016.
[J77] P. Xu, Z. Ding, X. Dai and G. K. Karagiannidis, Simultaneously Generating Secret and Private Keys in a Cooperative Pairwise Independent Network, IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, to appear in 2016.
[J76] S. Hu and Z. Ding, Secure Communication in Cooperative Network with Wireless Information and Power Transfer, IET Signal Processing, to appear in 2016.
[J75] G. Zheng, I. Krikidis, C. Masouros, S. Timotheou, D.Toumpakaris and Z. Ding, "Rethinking the role of interference in wireless networks, IEEE Communication Magazine, to appear in 2014.
[J74] P. Xu, Z. Ding, X. Dai, I. Krikidis and A. V. Vasilakos, "Alternative Relaying for Cooperative Multiple Access Channels in Wireless Vehicular Networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014
[J73] Z.Chu, K. Cumanan, Z. Ding, M. Johnston and S. L. Goff, "Secrecy Rate Optimizations for a MIMO Secrecy Channel with a Cooperative Jammer, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2014.
[J72] A.Tukmanov, S. Boussakta, Z. Ding, A. Jamalipour, "Outage Performance Analysis of Imperfect CSI-based Selection Cooperation in Random Networks, IEEE Trans. Communications, to appear in 2014.
[J71] Z. Ding, I.Krikidis, B. Sharif and H. V. Poor, "Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Cooperative Networks with Spatially Random Relays, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, to appear in 2014.
[J70] Z. Zhao, Z. Ding, M. Peng, W. Wang and J. Thompson, "On the Design of Cognitive Radio Inspired Asymmetric Network Coding Transmissions in MIMO Systems, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2014.
[J69] I. Krikidis, K. Kojiro, T. Stelios, Z. Ding, " A Low Complexity Antenna Switching for Joint Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in MIMO Relay Channels, IEEE Trans. Communications, to appear in 2014.
[J68] Z. Ding, S. Perlaza, I. Esnaola and H. V. Poor, "Power Allocation Strategies in Energy Harvesting Wireless Cooperative Networks IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, to appear in 2014
[J67] Z. Ding, Z. Ma and P. Fan, "Impact of Antenna Selection on Secure Two-way Relaying Communications with Artificial Noise, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, to appear in 2014.
[J66] P. Xu, Z. Ding, and X. Dai, " A General Framework of Wiretap Channel with Helping Interference and State Information ", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, to appear in 2014.
[J65] H. Liu, Z. Ding, L. Hao and P. Fan, " Precoding Design for Interference Suppression in Multi-cell Multi-user Networks ", IET Communications, to appear in 2014.
[J64] W. Miao, Z. Ding, X. Wang, B. Jiao and H. V. Poor, " Performance Analysis of Differential Spatial Modulation with Two Transmit Antennas IEEE Communication Letters, to appear in 2014.
[J63] K. Cumanan, Z. Ding, B. Sharif, G. Tian, and K.K. Leng, "Secrecy Rate Optimizations for an MIMO Secrecy Channel with a Multiple-Antenna Eavesdropper", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, to appear in 2014.
[J62] Z. Ding, K. K. Leung and H. V. Poor, "Interference Masking for Secure Wireless Broadcast Communications", IET Communications, Speicial issue on Secure Physical Layer Communications, to appear in 2014.
[J61] M. Sarkar, T. Ranarajah, and Z. Ding " Beamforming with Opportunistic Relaying for Wireless Security ", IET Communications, Speicial issue on Secure Physical Layer Communications, to appear in 2014.
[J60] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, " Cooperative Energy Harvesting Networks with Spatially Random Users IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.20, no.12, pp.1211-1214, Dec. 2013.
[J59] P. Xu, Z. Ding, and X. Dai, "Rate Regions for Multiple Access Channel with Conference and Secrecy Constraints", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol.8, no.12, pp.1961-1974, Dec. 2013.
[J58] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, "The Use of Spatially Random Base Stations in Cloud Radio Access Networks IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.20, no.11, pp.1138-1141, Nov.2013.
[J57] Z. Zhao, M. Peng, Z. Ding, W. Wang and H. H. Chen, "Denoise-and-Forward Network Coding for Two-Way Relay MIMO Systems", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, vol.63, no.2, pp.775-788, Feb. 2014.
[J56] M. Gan, Z. Ding and X. Dai, "Application of Analog Network Coding to MIMO Two-Way Relay Channel in Cellular Systems," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.20, no.7, pp.641,644, July 2013.
[J55] Z. Ding and H. V. Poor, A General Framework of Precoding Design for Multiple Two-way Relaying Communications", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.61, no.6, pp.153-,1535, March15, 2013.
[J54] Z. Ding, K. Cumanan, Z. Ma and P. Fan, Linear Detection for Cooperative Multiple Access Transmission Protocols, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, vol.62, no.6, pp.2807,2812, July 2013.
[J53] K. Cumanan, Y. Rahulamathavan, S. Lambotharan and Z. Ding, MMSE Based Beamforming Techniques for Relay Broadcast Channels, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, (to appear in 2013).
[J52] J. Yang, P. Fan and Z. Ding, Capacity of AF Two-way Relaying with Multiuser Scheduling in Nakagami-m Fading Communications", IET Electronic Letters, vol.48, no.22, pp.1432-1434, October 2012.
[J51] A. Tukmanov, Z. Ding, S. Boussakta and A. Jamalipour, On the Impact of Network Geometric Models on Multicell Cooperative Communication Systems", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol.20, no.1, pp.72-,81, February 2012.
[J50] Z. Ding, M. Peng and H. H. Chen, A General Relaying Transmission Protocol for MIMO Secrecy Communications", IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol.60, no.11, pp.3461-3471, November 2012.
[J49] Y. Nijsure, Y. Chen, C. Yuen, Y. H. Chew, Z. Ding, and S. Boussakta, Adaptive MIMO Radar Waveform Optimization Based on Mutual Information ", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol.49, no.2, pp.1374,1385, APRIL 2013.
[J48] Z. Zhao, Z. Ding, B. Han, W. Wang and M. Peng, On the User Performance of Orthogonal Projection Signal Alignment Scheme in MIMO Relay Systems ", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, special issue on MIMO Relays for Cooperative Wireless Networks, 2012.
[J47] Z. Ding, M. Xu, B. Sharif and J. Lu, A General Transmission Scheme for Bi-directional Communication by Using Eigenmode Sharing", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.30, no.8, pp.1477-1488, September 2012.
[J46] X. Zhang, Z. Ding, W. Wang and M. Peng, Multi-user Scheduling for Network Coded Two-Way Relay Channel in Cellular Systems", IEEE Trans . on Wireless Communications, vol.11, no.7, pp.2542,2551, July 2012.
[J45] Z. Ding, M. Xu, J. Lu and F. Liu, Improving Wireless Security for Bi-directional Communication Scenarios", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, vol.61, no.6, pp.284-,2848, July 2012.
[J44] P. Wang, Y. Yan, G. Tian, O. Bouzid, and Z. Ding, Investigation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring ", Journal of Sensors, vol. 2012, Article ID 156329.
[J43] S. Y. Le Goff and Z. Ding, Capacity-Approaching Signal Constellations for the Additive Exponential Noise Channel", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.1, no.4, pp.320-323, August 2012.
[J42] Y. Nijsure, Y. Chen, C. Yuen, Y. H. Chew, Z. Ding, and S. Boussakta, Novel System Architecture and Waveform Design for Cognitive Radar Radio Networks ", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, vol.61, no.8, pp.3630-3642, Oct. 2012.
[J41] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel and D. Towsley, On the Application of Cooperative Transmission to Secrecy Communications", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.30, no.2, pp.359-368, February 2012.
[J40] A. Tukmanov, Z. Ding, S. Boussakta and A. Jamalipour, On the Broadcast Latency in Finite Cooperative Wireless Networks", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol.11, no.4, pp.1307-1313, April 2012.
[J39] S, Zhu and Z. Ding, Bridging Gap Between MDS-Based and Optimum Network Localization via Efficient Refinement", IET Proceeding on Communications, vol.6, no.2, pp.132-142, April 2012.
[J38] M. Dehghan, D. L. Goeckel, M. Ghaderiy, and Z. Ding, Energy Efficiency of Cooperative Jamming Strategies in Secure Wireless Networks ", IEEE Wireless Communications, vol.11, no.9, pp.3025-3029, September 2012.
[J37] Z. Ding, I. Krikidis, B. Rong, J. S. Thompson, C. Wang, and S. Yang, On Combating the Half-Duplex Constraint in Modern Cooperative Networks: Protocols and Techniques", IEEE Wireless Communications, vol.19, no.6, pp.20-27, December 2012
[J36] C. Y. Leow, Z. Ding and K. Leung, Joint Beamforming and Power Management for Non-Regenerative MIMO Two-Way Relaying Channels", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, vol.60, no.9, pp.4374-4383, Nov. 2011.
[J35] I. Krikidis, Z. Ding and C. D. Charalambous, Non-Coherent Energy Detection with Orthogonal Signaling for an Uncoded Two-Way Relay Channel ", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technologies, vol.61, no.1, pp.404-409, Jan. 2012.
[J34] Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, Impact of Imperfect Channel State Information on Bi-directional Communications with Relay Selection", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.59, no.11, pp.5657-5662, Nov. 2011.
[J33] N. Wang, Z. Ding, X. Dai and A. V. Vasilakos, On Generalized MIMO Y Channels: Precoding Design, Mapping and Diversity Gain", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol.60, no.7, pp.3525-3532, Sept. 2011.
[J32] Z. Ding, T. Wang, M. Peng and W. Wang, On the Design of Network Coding for Multiple Two-way Relaying Channels", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol.10, no.6, pp.1820-1832, June 2011.
[J31] C. Leow, Z. Ding, and K. Leung, Linear Precoded Cooperative Trans. Protocol for Wireless Broadcast Channels", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., vol. 60, pp. 3509–3515, July 2011.
[J30] X. Zhang, Z. Ding, M. Peng, W. Wang, K. Leung, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Performance of Network Coding Assisted Scheduling Schemes and Their Applications in Uplink TDD CDMA Systems ", IET Proceeding on Communications, vol. 5, pp. 2558 – 2568, October, 2011.
[J29] P. Xu, X. Dai, Z. Ding, I. Krikidis and K. Leung, On Approaching MISO Upper Bound: Design of New Wireless Cooperative Transmission Protocols", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, pp. 2725 – 2737, August, 2011.
[J28] Z. Zhao, Z. Ding, M. Peng, W. Wang and K. Leung, On the A Special Case of Multi-way Relay Channel: When beamforming is not applicable", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, pp. 2046 – 2051, July, 2011.
[J27] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. Goeckel and D. Towsley, Opportunistic Relaying for Secrecy Communications ", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., vol. 10, pp. 1725 – 1729, June 2011.
[J26]S. Zhu and Z. Ding, Distributed Cooperative Localization of WSN with Convex Hull Constraint", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., vol. 10, pp. 2150 – 2161,July 2011.
[J25] Z. Ding and K. Leung, On the Combination of Cooperative Diversity and Network Coding for Wireless Uplink Trans., IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech.,vol.60,pp.1590-1601,May2011.
[J24] D. L. Goeckel, S. Vasudevan, D. Towsley. S. Adams, Z. Ding and K. Lueng, Artificial Noise Generation from Cooperative Relays for Everlasting Secrecy in Two-Hop Wireless Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 29, pp. 2067–2076, Dec. 2011.
[J23] S. Zheng, Z. Ding and K. Leung, Cooperative Wireless Networks: From Radio to Network Protocol Designs", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 49, pp. 64 – 69, May, 2011.
[J22] Z. Ding, I. Krikidis, J. Thompson and K. Leung, Physical Layer Network Coding and Precoding for the Two-Way Relay Channel in Cellular Systems, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 696 - 712, February 2011.
[J21] C. Y. Leow, Z. Ding, I K. Leung and D. L. Goeckel, On the Study of Analogue Network Coding For Multi-Pair, Bidirectional Relay Channels, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 670 - 681, February 2011.
[J20] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel and D. Towsley, Cooperative Transmission Protocols for Wireless Broadcast Channels", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., vol. 9, pp. 3701 - 3713, Dec. 2010.
[J19] Z. Ding and K. Leung, Cross-layer Routing Using Cooperative Transmission in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 29, no. 3, Mar. 2011.
[J18] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel and D. Towsley, A Relay Assisted Cooperative Transmission Protocol for Wireless Multiple Access Systems, IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 2425–2435, 2010.
[J17] S. Zhu and Z. Ding, Joint synchronization and localization using TOAs: A linearization based WLS solution,IEEE Journal on S. Areas in Comm.,vol.28,pp1017–1025,Aug. 2010.
[J16] S. Zhu and Z. Ding, Multi-source multi-destination relay network: Constrained optimization for higher diversity, IET Proceeding on Communications, no.12, pp. 1484-1494, Apr.2010.
[J15] Z. Ding, Z. Ma and K. Leung, Impact of Network Coding on System Delay for Multi-source Multi-destination Scenarios, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 831 – 841, February 2010.
[J14] S. Zhu and Z. Ding, A simple approach of range-based positioning with low computational complexity, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 2009.
[J13] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel and D. Towsley, On the study of network coding with diversity, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1247--1259, March 2009.
[J12] Y. Gong, Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah, and C. Cowan, Turbo Channel Estimation and Equalization for a Superposition-based Cooperative System IET Proceeding on Communications, pp. vol. 3, no. 11, 1790 – 1799, November 2009.
[J11] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, Spectrally Efficient Cooperative Diversity Protocol for Uplink Wireless Transmission, IET Proceeding on Signal Pro., vol. 3, no. 5, May 2009.
[J10] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and K. Leung, On the Study of Network Coded AF Transmission Protocol for Wireless Multiple Access Channels, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 4568--4574, November, 2008. (For some publication mistakes, the same paper was also appeared at Jan. 2009.)
[J9] S. Ahmed, Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, A Novel Cooperative Transmission Protocol with Full Diversity and Low Complexity Iterative Detection, IET Proceeding on Communications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 361--368, December 2008.
[J8] Z. Ding, Y. Gong, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, On the Performance of Opportunistic Cooperative Wireless Networks, IEEE Trans. on Comm., Vol. 56, No. 8, August 2008.
[J7] Z. Ding, W. Chen, and K. Leung, Distributed beamforming and power allocation for cooperative networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., Vol. 7,pp 1817--1822, 2008.
[J6] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah, and C. Cowan, , Semi-blind spatial equalization for MIMO Rayleigh fading channels, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, pp. 248-255, Jan. 2008.
[J5] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, On the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for Wireless Cooperative Multiple Access Systems, IEEE Trans. on Signal Proc., vol. 55, Sept. 2007.
[J4] Z. Ding, D.B. Ward and R. Nabar, , Joint channel estimation and symbol detection for space time coding systems, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., vol. 56, pp 2475-2486, Sept., 2007
[J3] Z. Ding, D.B. Ward and W. H. Chin, , A General Scheme for Equalization of Space-Time Block-Coded systems with unknown CSI, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 2737–2746, July 2006.
[J2] Z. Ding and D.B. Ward, Subspace approach to blind and semi-blind channel estimation for space-time block codes, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm.,pp. 257–362, March, 2005.
[J1] Z. Ding, D.B. Ward, Direct semi-blind MMSE equalization for STBC, IEEE Signal Processing Letter, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 380–383 May, 2005.

[53] Z. Ding, I.Krikidis, B. Sharif and H. V. Poor, " Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Cooperative Networks with Spatially Random Relays, IEEE International Conference in Communications, Sydney, Australia, 2014.
[52] P. Xu, Z. Ding and X. Dai, An improved achievable secrecy rate for the relay-eavesdropper channel, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Shanghai, 2013.
[51] Z. Zhao, B. Han, Z. Ding, M. Peng and W. Wang, A spectrum efficient broadcast scheme based network coding in cellular MIMO networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Shanghai, 2013.
[50] K. Cumanan, Y. Rahulamathavan, S. Lambotharan and Z. Ding, A mixed quality of service based linear transceiver design for multi-user MIMO network with linear transmit covariance constraints, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Shanghai, 2013.
[49] N. Wang, Z. Ding and X. Dai, An adaptive modulation scheme for two way relaying channel, IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC-12), 2012.
[48] Z. Ma, Z. Ding and P. Fan, Impact of Rateless codes on system delay and throughput for network coded multi-source multit-destination scenarios, IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob-12), 2012.
[47] P. Xu, Z. Ding, X. Dai, I. Krikidis and A. Vasilakos, A Novel Relay-Assisted Protocol for Cooperative Multiple Access Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-12), May, Canada, 2012.
[46] Z. Ding, M. Xu and J. Lu, Bi-directional Communication with Eigenmode Sharing, The 2011 International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing, Oct,China, 2011.
[45] I. Krikidis, Z. Ding and C. D. Charalambous, A Low-Cost Non-Coherent Transmission for Uncoded Two-Way Relay Channels, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GC-11) Workshop on Distributed Antenna Systems for Broadband Mobile Communications, Dec.,USA, 2011.
[44] C. Y. Leow, Z. Ding and K. Leung, Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation for MIMO Two-way Relaying Channels, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-11) Workshop on Planning and Optimization of Mobile Communication Networks, May, Japan, 2011.
[C43] Z. Ding, J. Feng, M. Peng, W. Wang and K. K. Leung, "Precoding Design for Multi-way Relaying Channel", Proc. of 5th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM) 2010, August 25-27, Beijing, China. (Invited paper)
[C42] Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, "Error Performance Bounds for Routing Algorithms in Wireless Cooperative Networks", Proc. of 5th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM) 2010, August 25-27, Beijing, China. (Invited paper)
[C41] Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, D. Goeckel and D. Towsley, On the Application of Cooperative Transmission to Wireless Broadcast Channels", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-10) 2010, May, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.
[C40] S. Zhu, Z. Ding and K. Markarian, TOA based joint synchronization and localization", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-10) 2010, May, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.
[C39] Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, Transmission Capacity of Decode-and-Forward Cooperation in Overlaid Wireless Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-10) 2010, May, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.
[C38] Z. Ding, Z. Ma and K. K. Leung, Impact of Network Coding on System Delay for Multi-source Multi-destination Scenarios", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-10) 2010, May, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.
[C37] Z. Ding, K. K. Leung and M. Peng, 'On the combination of network coding with diversity and opportunistic scheduling", IET Communications Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Computing, Shanghai, China, December 2009 (Best paper award).
[C36] Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, 'A Stochastic Geometry Approach to Transmission Capacity in Wireless Cooperative Networks", IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC-2009), Japan, September 2009.
[C35] S. Zhu and Z. Ding, "Multi-Source Multi-Destination Relay Network: An Interference-Free Multi-Beamforming Protocol", Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom -09), Hawaii, US, Nov. 2009
[C34] Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. Leung, "Transmission Delay Analysis with Finite Coding Length in Wireless Cooperative Networks", Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom -09), Hawaii, US, Nov. 2009
[C33] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, "Application of Joint Source-Relay Scheduling to Cooperative Multiple Access Channels", Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-09), Seoul, Korea, Jul. 2009.
[C32] C. Y. Leow, Z. Ding and K. Leung, "'Linear Precoded Cooperative Transmission Protocol for Wireless Broadcast Channels", Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-09), Seoul, Korea, Jul. 2009.
[C31] Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, Distributed and Power Efficient Routing in Wireless Cooperative Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-09) 2009, June 14-18, Dresden, Germany, 2009.
[C30] Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, Interference Subtraction with Supplementary Cooperation in Wireless Cooperative Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-09) 2009, June 14-18, Dresden, Germany,2009.
[C29] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, A new form of cooperative transmission protocol for multiple access channels, Military Communications Conference, (MILCOM-08), San Diego, CA, Nov. 2008.
[28] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, On the relay-assisted cooperative protocol for wireless multiple access channels, Second Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, London, Sept. 2008.
[C27] K.A. Noordin, Z. Ding, G. Markarian, On Increasing System Throughput for Non Real- Time Users using Hierarchical Modulation in IEEE802.16 Network, The IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks, Beijing, Oct. 2008.
[26] Z. Ding and K. Leung, On the Design of Opportunistic Decode-Forward Cooperative Transmission Protocol, Second Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, London, Sept. 2008.
[C25] Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, Cross-layer Routing Optimization for Wireless Networks with Cooperative Diversity, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC-2008), France, May 2008.
[24] S. Ganesan, Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and M. Sellathurai, STBC for Single Carrier Relay-Assisted Transmissions Over Frequency-Selective Channels, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-08), Canada, Jul. 2008.
[C23] Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, On the Distributed Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2008), Singapore, May 2008.
[C22] Z. Ding, Y. Gong, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, On the Diversity-multiplexing Tradeoff of Opportunistic Cooperative Diversity Protocols for Wireless Networks, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2008), Singapore, May 2008.
[C21] Y. Hao, D. L. Goeckel, Z. Ding, D. Towsley and K. Leung, ``Achievable Rates of Physical Layer Network Coding Schemes on the Exchange Channel'', Military Communications Conference, (MILCOM-07), Orlando, FL, Oct. 2007.
[C20] Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, ``On the capacity of network coding with diversity'', First Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, Washington D.C., Sept. 2007.
[C19] T. Ratnarajah, M. Sellathurai, and Z. Ding, ``On the Performance of Cooperative Communication via Best Relay Path'', 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (PIMRC07) Athens, Greece, Sept. 2007.
[C18] Z. Ding and K. Leung, ``On the cross-layer optimization of wireless cooperative networks'', First Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, Washington D.C., Sept. 2007.
[C17] Z. Ding, Y. Gong, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, Opportunistic Cooperative Diversity Protocols for Wireless Networks, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop. (ITW-07), Bergen, Norway, Jul. 2007.
[C16] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Cooperative Multiple Access Channels, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communicat. (ICC-07), Glasgow, UK, Jul. 2007.
[C15] S. Ahmed, Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, Cooperative Transmission Protocol With Full Diversity and Low Complexity Iterative Detection, Proc. the 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Asilomar 2006), Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 2006.
[C14] T. Ratnarajah, M. Sellathurai, and Z. Ding, Cyclic Coded N-Relay Protocols for Realizing Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks, Proc. the 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Asilomar 2006), Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 2006.
[C13] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, Cooperative Multiple Access Systems Using Superposition Modulation, Proc. the IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2006 (ITW’06), Chengdu, China, Oct. 2006.
[C12] Y. Gong and Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, A Novel Channel Estimator for a Superposition-based Cooperative System, Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-06), Italy, Sept. 2006.
[C11] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, On the performance of superposition cooperative diversity in wireless networks, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-06), US, Jul. 2006.
[C10] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah, C. Cowan and Y. Gong, HOS-Based Semi-Blind Spatial Equalization for MIMO Systems,Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-06),Italy, Sept. 2006.
[C9] Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah and C. Cowan, Adaptive semi-blind ICA-based spatial equalization for MIMO Rayleigh channels with optimal step size, Proc. the 31st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-06), France, May 2006.
[C8] Y. Gong, Z. Ding, and C. Cowan, MMSE turbo equalization for channels with co-channel interference, Proc. the 31st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-06), France, May 2006.
[C7] Z. Ding, D. Ward and R. Nabar, Joint channel estimation and detection for OSTBC, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communicat. (ICC-06), Turkey, Jun. 2006.
[C6] Z. Ding, T. D. Abhayapala and D. B. Ward, Semi-blind channel estimation for precoded STBC systems over correlated MIMO chanenls, in Proc. 7th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, 2006., pp. 171—174, Australia, Feb. 2006.
[C5] W. H. Chin, Z. Ding, and D.B. Ward, Iterative semi-blind equalization of space time block coded systems, in Proc. IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference . (VTC-05), Stockholm, May 2005.
[C4] Z. Ding and D.B. Ward, Semi-blind receiver algorithm for space time block coded OFDM systems, in Proc. the Sixth IMA Conf. on Mathematics in Signal Processing, December 2004.
[C3] Z. Ding and D.B.Ward, Semi-blind equalization for space time block codes and its ambiguity analysis, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communicat. (ICC-04), vol. 4, pp. 2357–2361, June 2004.
[C2] Z. Ding and D.B. Ward, Semi-blind channel estimation for space time block coded OFDM systems, in Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Signal Processing forWireless Communicat., London, UK, June 2004.
[C1] Z. Ding and D.B. Ward, Direct semi-blind equalization for space-time block codes, in Proc. London Communications Symp., pp. 89-92, London, UK, Sep. 2003.

@2023 Frank Ding. This work is licensed under CC BY NC ND 4.0.