-6G multiple access techniques
-Information theory and physical layer security
-Localization, channel estimation and equalization
-Cross-layer design and throughput analysis for wireless sensor networks
-Multiple-input multiple-output systems, multicarrier and cooperative wireless systems.
Miss. Yujie Ma, machine learning for flexible-antenna systems, started from Jan. 2025
Miss. Wenqi Huang, NOMA assisted MEC, started from Jan. 2022
Mr. Yushen Lin, machine learning algorithms for NOMA networks, started from Jan. 2022
Dr. Dingjia Lin, 2021-2025
Dr. Burak Goktas, 2020-2024
Dr. Tianqi Wang, 2020-2024
Dr. Ximing Xie, 2019-2023
Dr. Yunus Dursun, 2019-2023
Dr. Shiyu Jiao, 2019-2023
Dr. Haodong Li, 2016-2022
Dr. Suhaib Al Basit, 2015-2021
Dr Fang Fang, 2018 -2020 (with Durham University)
Dr. Kaidi Wang, 2015-2020 (with Surrey University)
Dr. Lucinda Newbury, 2015-2020 (now with Lancaster University)
Dr Yi Yuan, 2018-2019 (now with Loughborough University)
Dr. Wei Liang, 2016-2018 (now with Northwestern Polytechnical University)
Dr. Gaofeng Pan, 2016-2018 (now with Sichuan University)
Dr. Shiyang Hu, "Transceiver Design for Wireless Power Transfer", 2013-2016 (now with CAICT, Beijing)
Dr. Kanapathippillai Cumanan, 2012-2015 (now with York University as a Lecturer)
Dr. Anvar Tukmanov, "Cross-layer Design for Cooperative Networks", Oct. 2010-Jun. 2015 (now with BT)
Prof. Weikai Xu, Xiamen University, Oct. 2013 - Sept. 2014
Mr. Zheng Yang, Southwest Jiaotong University, Mar. 2014 - Sept. 2014
Dr. Peng Xu, University of Science and Technology China, Jan. 2012 - May 2012.
Dr. Shouhong Zhu, worked on the topic of collaborative localization for WSNs (now with Rinicom, UK)
Dr. Yogesh Anil Nijsure, "Designing Cognitive Radar", graduated in 2012
Prof. Tariq Umer, "On the Connectivity of Wireless Ad-hoc Vehicular Networks", graduated in 2012 (now with COMSATS Pakistan)
Dr. C. Y. Leow, "On the Design of MIMO Transceivers", graduated at 2012 and jointly supervised with Prof. Leung at Imperial College (now with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
Dr. Zhengguo Sheng, "Wireless Cooperative Networks", graduated at 2012 and jointly supervised with Prof. Leung at Imperial College (now with The university of British Columbia, Canada)
-Scalable Hybrid Architecture for Wireless Collaborative Federated Learning, supported by EPSRC, 2023-2026, Principle Investigator
-A holistic design of secure vehicular networks: communications, data caching and blockchain services, EU-RISE, Principle Investigator at UoM, 2021-2024
-A Unified Multiple Access Framework for Next Generation Mobile Networks By Removing Orthogonality (MANGO), supported by EPSRC, 2017-2020, Principle Investigator
-Application of RF MIMO to visible light communications, supported by EPSRC IAA, 2016-2017, Coordinator.
-Simultaneously Wireless Information and Energy Transfer, supported by EPSRC, 2015-2018, Principle Investigator
-Advancing the State of the Art of MIMO, H2020-RISE, Coordinator
-Improving Wireless Information Security by Using Physical Layer Dynamics, supported by Royal Society, 2015-2017, Principle Investigator
-Massive MIMO for Future Wireless Communication Networks, supported by EPSRC, 2014-2017, Principle Investigator
-Fundamental Limits of Network Coding in Wireless Networks, supported by FP7 Marie Curie Fellowship, 2012-2014, Principle Investigator, collaborating with Prof. Vincent Poor at Princeton University, US.
-Novel Sensing Network for Intelligent Monitoring, (NEWTON), supported by EPSRC, 2012-2016, Co-investigator
-A systematic study of physical layer network coding: from information-theoretic understanding to practical DSP algorithm design, supported by EPSRC, 2012-2015, Principle Investigator.
-Application of cooperative diversity to WiMAX mobile systems, supported by EPSRC KTS, 2011-2012, Principle Investigator.
-Dynamic Transmission Protocols and Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks with Cooperative Diversity, supported by EPSRC, 2008-2011, Principle Investigator.
-Study of Cross Layer Ad-hoc Network Systems, supported by MoD & Ultra Electronics, 2008-2009, Co-Investigator
-Novel Integrated Wireless e-HEALTH System for Life Style Management, supported by DC-KTN & Rinicom, 2008-2011, Principle Investigator.
@2023 Frank Ding. This work is licensed under CC BY NC ND 4.0.