Zhiguo Ding
Fellow of the IEEE,
Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
Address: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
The University of Manchester,
M13 9PL, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1613064779
Email: zhiguo.ding@manchester.ac.uk
Brief Bio
Zhiguo Ding received his B.Eng in Electrical Engineering from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2000, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College London in 2005. He is currently a Professor in Communications at the University of Manchester, a Distinguished Adjunct Professor at Khalifa University, and an Academic Visitor at Princeton University. Previously, he had been working in Queen's University Belfast, Imperial College, Newcastle University and Lancaster University.
Dr Ding' research interests are 6G networks, communications and signal processing. His h-index is over 100 and his work receives 60,000+ Google citations. He is serving as an Area Editor for the IEEE TWC, TCOM and OJ-COMS, an Editor for IEEE TVT, COMST, and OJ-SP, and was an Editor for IEEE TCOM, IEEE WCL, IEEE CL and WCMC. He received the best paper award of IET ICWMC-2009 and IEEE WCSP-2014, the EU Marie Curie Fellowship 2012-2014, the Top IEEE TVT Editor 2017, IEEE Heinrich Hertz Award 2018, IEEE Jack Neubauer Memorial Award 2018, IEEE Best Signal Processing Letter Award 2018, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award 2020, IEEE SPCC Technical Recognition Award 2021, and IEEE VTS Best Magazine Paper Award 2023. He is a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher in two disciplines (2019-2023), an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer, and a Fellow of the IEEE.
Our recent research works are listed as follows:
- Flexible-Antenna Systems: A Pinching-Antenna Perspective
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
- A Simple Study on the Optimality of Hybrid NOMA
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
- Hybrid NOMA Assisted OFDMA Uplink Transmission
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
- Next Generation Multiple Access for IMT Towards 2030 and Beyond
( the link for the paper ).
- BackCom Assisted Hybrid NOMA Uplink Transmission for Ambient IoT
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
- Hybrid NOMA downlink transmission
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
- Utilizing Imperfect Resolution of Near-Field Beamforming: A Hybrid-NOMA Perspective
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
- Resolution of near-field beamforming and its impact on NOMA
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
- NOMA-Based Coexistence of Near-Field and Far-Field Massive MIMO Communications
( the link for the paper , codes at Github).
To Prospective Students:
I am always looking for self-motivated students who want to pursue a PhD degree in the general area of wireless communications. Please drop me an email with your CV.