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Building the Extension: Week 5

9 August: External Walls Completed

Walls finished! Porch begun
Internal wall in progress Rear window complete
View from above View from above

10 August: The Roof Begins

The roof timbers appear Don't they look splendid?
Porch walls complete Brickwork above the garage completed
Nice woodwork. Ben's room is a mess and he's not even in the country.
View from the garden

11 August: The Roof Structure in Place

Starting to look like a house
Nice lines. It's all done with minimal holes in the existing roof
Holes ready for the roof lights Uh-oh - looks like rain...

12 August: The Start of the Roof Covering

Today would not be a good day to rain. So we had rather spectacular thunderstorms and flash flooding. Numerous holes in the old roof felt let in buckets of water. Drat.
Despite this the roofers worked all day, and made considerable progress.
More than half felted
Looking up from below It's looking bigger
It's sunny now, but you should have seen it earlier.
Nice vaulting.

13 August: Roof felting is completed

It's now dry inside again

14 August: Floorboards down

It's now dry inside again
The sun shines again View from the house opposite

15 August: Tidying up the loft

We amused ourselves on Sunday by taking down the old roofing felt - a very messy job.
Before (from the extension) After
After (from the loft)View from above

Index | Next: Week 6