4th February 2004
- An interesting new 'open source' Internet network mapping effort called
the Opte Project, directed by Barrett
Lyon. It is taking a standard approach of mass traceroutes to build
up topology graphs. It was also discussed in a Slashdot story, "Map
the Internet... In One Day?" November 14, 2003.
- Snowdon D.N., Churchill E.F., and Frecon E. 2003, Inhabited
Information Spaces: Living with your data, Springer. [Buy
the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]
- Chen W. and Wellman B. 2003, Charting
and Bridging Digital Divides Comparing Socio-economic, Gender, Life
Stage, and Rural-Urban Internet Access and Use in Eight Countries.
A report by NetLab, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University
of Toronto for AMD Global Consumer Advisory Board, October 2003.
- Hundley, R.O. Anderson, R.H., Bikson, T.K., and Neu C.R. 2003,
The Global
Course of the Information Revolution: Recurring Themes and Regional
Variations, MR-1680-NIC, RAND.
- How
Much Information? 2003. A report providing useful global estimates
of information production in various sectors including telecommunications
and the Internet by Peter Lyman and Hal R. Varian, School of Information
Management and Systems at the University of California, Berkeley. This
is an update of their 2000 study.
- O'Neill E.T., Lavoie B.F., and Bennett R., 2003, "Trends
in the Evolution of the Public Web, 1998-2002", D-Lib Magazine,
April, Vol. 9, No. 4.
- Crampton J.W., 2003, The
Political Mapping of Cyberspace, (Edinburgh University Press:
- Horn D., 2003, La
cybergéographie : éléments pour une approche socio-spatiale de l’Internet
(Cybergeography : towards a socio-spatial analysis of the Internet),
October 2003. The report provides a bibliography that attempts to represent
the diversity and dynamism of the field of Cybergeography.
Park H.W. and Thelwall M., 2003, "Hyperlink
analyses of the World Wide Web: A review", Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, Vol. 8, No. 4, July.
- Course title: "GEO666:
Geography of Information", fall 2003; Lecturer: Narushige
Shiode; Institution: Department of Geography, SUNY Buffalo.
23rd August 2003
- Byers S. and Kormann D., 2003, "802.11b
Access Point Mapping", Communications of the ACM, May,
Vol. 46, No. 5, pages 41-46.
- The Geowanking
mailing list provides a very useful and active forum for discussions
on networked geographies issues.
- "Grokking
the infoviz", The Economist, 19th June 2003.
- Cukier K.N., 2000, "The
Imperial Internet: Middle Eastern Internet Traffic and International
Relations", CAINET'00 Conference, Cairo, March 2000.
Communications Outlook 2003, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation
and Development, 27th May 2003.
- Townsend A.M., 2003 "Wired/Unwired:
The urban geography of digital networks", unpublished doctoral
dissertation, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT.
- A useful theme issue of the journal Environment and Planning A on
the The dialectics of geographic and virtual space, guest edited
by Yuko Aoyama and Eric Sheppard. The issue includes the following papers:
- Aoyama Y. and Sheppard E., 2003, "The
dialectics of geographic and virtual space" guest editorial,
Environment and Planning A, Vol. 35, No. 7, pages 1151-1156.
- Gorman S.P. and McIntee A., 2003, "Tethered
connectivity? The spatial distribution of wireless infrastructure",
Environment and Planning A, Vol. 35, No. 7, pages 1157-1171.
- Murphy A.J., 2003, "(Re)solving
space and time: fulfilment issues in online grocery retailing",
Environment and Planning A, Vol. 35, No. 7, pages 1173-1200.
- Aoyama Y., 2003, "Sociospatial
dimensions of technology adoption: recent M-commerce and E-commerce
developments", Environment and Planning A, Vol.
35, No. 7, pages 1201-1221.
- Niles S. and Hanson S., 2003, "The
geographies of online job search: preliminary findings from Worcester,
MA", Environment and Planning A, Vol. 35, No. 7,
pages 1223-1243.
- Wilson M., 2003, "Chips,
bits, and the law: an economic geography of Internet gambling",
Environment and Planning A, Vol. 35, No. 7, pages 1245-1260.
- Zook M.A., 2003, "Underground
globalization: mapping the space of flows of the Internet adult
industry", Environment and Planning A, Vol. 35,
No. 7, pages 1261-1286.
- Kolko J., 2001, "Silicon
mountains, silicon molehills: Geographic concentration and convergence
of Internet Industries in the US", Discussion Paper No.
2001/2, May 2001, World Institute for Development Economics Research.
- Blumenfeld L., 2003, "Dissertation
could be security threat: student's maps illustrate concerns about public
information", The Washington Post, 8th July 2003, page
- Course title: "Geography
of the Information Society", spring 2003; Lecturer: Paul Adams;
Institution: Department of Geography, The University of Texas at Austin.
27th April 2003:
- GeoURL is a directory service
for relating web pages to geographical locations, developed by Joshua
Schachter. It enables you to find web sites by geographic proximity.
You are free to register your web site with the service.
- Qvortrup L., (ed.), 2002, Virtual
Space: Spatiality in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds, Springer:
London. [Buy
the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]
- Fisher D. and Lueg C., (eds.), 2003, From
Usenet to CoWebs: Interacting with Social Information Spaces,
Springer: London. [Buy
the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]
- RAND, 2002, "Poor
connections: Trouble on the Internet frontiers", RAND Review,
vol 12, fall 2002.
- Economist, 2003, "The
revenge of geography", The Economist, 13th March 2003,
pages 22-27.
- McClellan J., 2003, "Get
caught mapping", The Guardian, Online section, 27th
March 2003, pages 1-3.
- Course title: "Geographies
of cyberspace", spring 2003; Lecturer: Martin Dodge; Institution:
Department of Geography, University College Lonon.
- Course title: "Geography
of the Information Society", fall 2001; Lecturer: Helen Couclelis;
Institution: Department of Geography, University of California Santa
18th December 2002:
- Huffaker B., Fomenkov M., Plummer D., Moore D. and Claffy K.,
2002, "Distance
Metrics in the Internet", IEEE International Telecommunications
Symposium (ITS), 8-12th September 2002, Natal, Brazil.
- 'Eyeballing' project pages showing the material geography of US telecommunications
infrastructure, byJohn Young at Cryptome.
It is a nice combination of public source maps and aerial photographs.
- Rocketfuel:
An ISP Topology Mapping Engine, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Washington. See their paper for more details,
Spring N., Mahajan R. and Wetherall D., 2002, "Measuring
ISP Topologies with Rocketfuel", SIGCOMM'02, 19-23rd
August 2002, Pittsburgh.
- Two recently published reports by TeleGeography. Global
Internet Geography 2003, September 2002, provides a wealth of statistics
including city-to-city international Internet bandwidth data. MANs
2003: Metropolitan Area Networks, August 2002, gives detailed information
on network infrastructure providers in major European and the USA cities,
including street-level maps.
- Kahn P., Lenk K. and Kaczmarek P., 2002, "Applications
of Isometric Projection for Visualizing Web Sites", Information
Design Journal, Vol. 1 No. 3, pages 209-235.
- Chi E.H., 2002, "Improving
Web Usability Through Visualisation", IEEE Internet Computing,
March-April 2002, pages 64-71.
- Press L., 2001, "Surveying
the Latin American Infrastructure", in Treverton G.F. and Mizell
L. (eds.) The Future of the Information Revolution In Latin America,
RAND, Santa Monica, CA, 2001.
- Press L., Foster W., Wolcott P. and McHenry W., 2002, "The
Internet in India and China", First Monday, October
2002, Vol. 7, No. 10.
- Bevan P., 2002, "The
Circadian Geography of Chat", paper presented at the AOIR
3.0 Conference, 13-16th October 2002.
- Downey G., 2001, "Virtual
Webs, Physical Technologies and Hidden Workers", Technology
and Culture, Vol. 42, No. 2, pages 209-235.
- Gorman S.P. and Malecki E.J., 2002, "Fixed
and fluid: stability and change in the geography of the Internet",
Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 26, No. 7-8, pages 389-413.
- Grubesic T.H., 2002, "Spatial
Dimensions of Internet Activity", Telecommunications Policy,
Vol. 26, No. 7-8, pages 363-387.
- Kellerman A. 2002, The
Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information, John Wiley &
Sons, Chichester, England. [Buy
the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]
- Klas I., 2002, "Wechselbeziehungen
zwischen Kulturgeographie und Internet", Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Freiburg i.Br., Geographie.
- Leamer E.E. and Storper M., 2001, "The
Economic Geography of the Internet Age", NBER Working Paper
No. 8450, August 2001.
- Malecki E.J., 2002, "The Economic Geography of the Internet's
Infrastructure", Economic Geography, Vol. 78, No. 4, pages
- Course title: "Geographies
of cyberspace", fall 2002; Lecturer: Greg Downey; Institution:
School of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
16th August 2002:
- Lakhina, A., Byers, J.W., Crovella, M. and Matta, I., 2002,
the Geographic Location of Internet Resources", Technical Report
2002-15, May 2002, Computer Science Department, Boston University.
- Yook, S-H., Jeong, H. and Barabasi, A-L., 2001, "Modeling
the Internet's Large-Scale Topology", Technical Report cond-mat/0107417,
Condensed Matter Archive, xxx.lanl.gov, July 2001.
- America's
Most Wired Cities 2002, by Guy Michael Currier, Yahoo! Internet
Life magazine, May 2002. (The version from April
2001 is also available).
- U.S.
Internet Geography 2003, a report from TeleGeography, July 2002.
Provides details statistics and maps of the Internet backbone industry
in the U.S. They also just published a new wall poster map of European
Terrestrial Networks.
- Barabasi A-L., 2002, Linked:
The New Science of Networks, Perseus Publishing. [Buy
the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]
- Hayes B., 1997, "The
Infrastructure of the Information Infrastructure", American
Scientist, May-June 1997, Vol 85, No. 3, pages 214-218.
30th April 2002:
- GeoTel provides detailed geographic
data on Internet and telecommunications network infrastructure in the
- www.networkgeography.org,
a research project by Sean Gorman. The aim of the research is the study
of geographic aspects of complex networks, particularly the Internet.
- Skupin A., 2002, A
Cartographic Approach to Visualizing Conference Abstracts, IEEE
Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 1, pages 50-58.
- Special issue
of the Communications of the ACM with a number of useful review
articles looking at different ways of supporting community and building
social capital online (Vol. 45, No. 4, April 2002). Two notable papers
- Donath J., 2002, "A
semantic approach to visualizing online conversations",
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 45, No. 4, pages 45-49.
- Smith M., 2002, "Tools
for Navigating large social cyberspace", Communications
of the ACM, Vol. 45, No. 4, pages 51-55.
- Internet
Traffic Exchange and the Development of End-to-End International Telecommunications
Competition, a report by Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, March 2002.
- The
Networked Readiness Index: Measuring the Preparedness of Nations for
the Networked World, by Geoffrey S. Kirkman, Carlos A. Osorio, and
Jeffrey D. Sachs. This is part of a much larger report, The
Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002, by the World Economic
Forum in collaboration with the Center for International Development
at Harvard University.
- Huberman B.A., 2001, The
Laws of the Web: Patterns in the Ecology of Information, (MIT
Press). [Buy
the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research] See
also, Adamic L.A. & Huberman B.A., 2001, "The
Web's Hidden Order", Communications of the ACM, September
2001, Vol. 44, No. 9, page 55-62.
- Winners don't take all: Characterizing
the competition for links on the Web, a NEC study by David Pennock,
Gary Flake, Steve Lawrence, Eric Glover, C. Lee Giles, April 15, 2002.
- Pomeroy S.M., 2000, "Tracking the Cyberspace Elephant",
The Geographical Review, Vol. 90, No. 4, pages 636-645.
- Walcott S.M. & Wheeler J.O., 2001, "Atlanta in the
Telecommunications Age: The Fiber-Optic Information Network", Urban
Geography, Vol. 22, No. 4, pages 316-339.
- Sternberg R. & Krymalowski M., 2002, "Internet
Domains and the Innovativeness of Cities/Regions - Evidence from Germany
and Munich", European Planning Studies, Vol. 10, No.
2, pages 251-274. (Abstract only.)
- Zook M.A., 2002, "Grounded
capital: venture financing and the geography of the Internet industry,
1994-2000", Journal of Economic Geography, Vol 2, No.
2, pages 151-177.
7th February 2002:
- A new French
language mirror site of cybergeography is being translated by Nicolas
- A new Australian
/ Asia-Pacific mirror site of the Atlas of Cyberspaces is available.
This is kindly provided by Planet Mirror.
- Broadband Map UK by Paul
Buck and Karl Orbell.
- Reinventing
Email, a project by the Collaborative User Experience group at the
IBM Watson Reseach Center. See their recent paper for more information.
Rohall, S.L., Gruen, D., Moody, P. & Kellerman, S., 2001,
Visualizations to Aid Communications", Proceedings of the
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis) 2001, 22-23rd
October 2001, San Diego, pp. 12-15.
- Site Map Usability,
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, 6th January 2002. There is also a full report
from the Nielsen Norman Group called
"Site Map Usability: 30 design guidelines based on usability studies
with people using site maps".
- Ciolek, T.M., 2001, "Networked
information flows in Asia: the research uses of the Altavista search
engine and 'weblinksurvey' software", July 2001.
- Bennahum, D.S., 2001,
"Be Here Now", Wired Magazine, Vol. 9.11, November
2001. ("Forget the World Wide Web on your cell phone. The key to
the always-on, everywhere wireless Internet comes down to three things:
location, location, location".)
- Perfiliev Y., 2000, "Internet
Development In Russia: Territorial and Institutional Particularities",
July 2000.
- Quarterman J.S., 2002, "Monoculture
Considered Harmful", First Monday, February 2002, Vol.
7, No. 2.
- Zook M.A., 2001, "Connected
is a Matter of Geography", netWorker, September 2001,
Vol. 5, No. 3, pages 13-17.
7th December 2001:
- A couple of telecommunications / Internet maps in National Geographic
magazine, December 2001 (Vol. 200, No. 6), as part of the article "The
Future is Calling", Thomas B. Allen. (One of the maps is available
- Internet World, a new wall posters from Peacock
Maps. The poster presents the geography of key Internet routes as
arcs around 3 globe views centred on Europe, North America and the Pacific.
- Cockburn A. & McKenzie B., 2001, "3D
or Not 3D? Evaluating the Effect of the Third Dimension in a Document
Management System". Proceedings of ACM CHI'2001 Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 434-441.
- Nooface, a blog covering 'post-PC
interfaces'. Includes lots of stories on information visualisation and
cyberspace mapping.
- Paltridge S., 2000, "Local
Access Pricing and the International Digital Divide", OnTheInternet,
October 2000.
- Pelletiere D. & Rodrigo G.C., 2001, "An
Empirical Investigation of the Digital Divide in the United States",
paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Technology,
Policy and Innovation, 26-29th June 2001, Netherlands. (Word doc
- Information
Infrastructure Indicators, 1990-2010, provides a useful assemblage
of national-level statistics on telecommunications and Internet for
many countries, with projections into the future to 2010. Part of the
World Bank's infoDev project.
- The Development
of Broadband Access in OECD Countries, a report by the Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development, October 2001.
- Multiresolution
Analysis of Global Internet Measurements Workshop, 10-14th September
2001, Leiden, Netherlands.
- Allen T.B., 2001, "The
Future is Calling", National Geographic, December 2001,
Vol. 200, No. 6, pages 76-83.
- Castells M., 2001, Internet
Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society (Oxford
University Press). Includes a useful chapter on the geography of the
Internet. [Buy
the book from Amazon.com and support Cyber-Geography Research]
- Grubesic T.H. & O'Kelly M.E., "Using
Points of Presence to Measure City Accessibility to the Commercial Internet",
The Professional Geographer, forthcoming. (pdf format, password
- grubesic)
- Wellman B., 2001, "Computer
Networks As Social Networks", Science, 14th Sept. 2001,Vol.
293, pages 2031-2034.
17th October 2001:
- Danesh, A., Rubin, S.H., Smith, M.H. and Trajkovic, L., 2001,
the Internet", paper presented at IFSA/NAFIPS 2001,
July 2001, Vancouver, Canada. (pdf format)
- Internet Topology Project,
useful research by Ramesh Govindan and colleagues in the Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan.
- CAIDA's core AS Internet graph is available to buy as a large
wall poster.
- Global
Communications Cable and Satellite Map 2002, September 2001.
- The First Maps of the Internet
poster by Peacock Maps presents a range of maps and diagrams of ARPANET
and other packet networks from the 1970s and 80s.
- Fiore, A. and Smith, M., 2001, "Tree
Map Visualizations of Newsgroups", Technical Report MSR-TR-2001-94,
4th October 2001 (Word doc format). You can also try out their treemaps
of Usenet at Netscan.
- Gibbs, W.W., 2001, "A
Wide Web of Worlds: New Internet Browsers Add an Extra Dimension -
But Little Depth", Scientific American, October 2001.
Also, see the follow-on discussion thread on Slashdot about 3D
Web browsing.
- The Topaz
WeatherMap, a custom Internet backbone monitoring service by Mercury
Interactive. Includes map presentation of Internet performance data.
- Cockburn A. & McKenzie, B., 2001, "What
Do Web Users Do? An Empirical Analysis of Web Use", International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 54, no. 6, page 903-922.
- Packet
Geography 2002, a comprehensive report on global Internet infrastructure.
Published TeleGeography, September 2001.
- U.S.
Internet IP Traffic Growth, a powerpoint presentation by Lawrence
Roberts, Caspian Networks Inc., August 2001.
- Branigan, S., Burch, H., Cheswick, B., & Wojcik, F., 2001,
"What Can
You Do with Traceroute?", Internet Computing, September/October
2001, Vol. 5, No. 5, page 96.
- Economist, 2001, "Geography
and the net: Putting it in its place", The Economist,
9th August 2001, pages 18-20.
- Economist, 2001, "The
Internet's new borders", The Economist, 9th August
2001, pages 9-10.
- Gillespie, A, Richardson, R and Cornford, J., 2001,
"Regional development and the new economy", European
Investment Bank Papers, Vol. 6, No. 1, pages 109-131. (pdf format)
- King A.B., 2000, "Mapping
the Unmappable: Visual Representations of the Internet as Social Constructions",
CSI Working Paper No. WP00-05, Center For Social Informatics
Indiana University.
- Mann C.C., 2001, "Taming
the Web", Technology Review, September 2001.
- Course title: "Virtual
Geographies", 2001; Lecturer: Andy Gillespie; Institution:
Department of Geography, Newcastle University.
(Previous "What's
New" are available.)
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