Karel Dorey Laboratory

Tzung K-H., Lalonde R.L., Prummel K.D., Mahabaleshwar H, Moran H.R., Stundl J., Cass A.N., Le Y., Lea R., Dorey K., Tomecka M.J., Zhang C., Brombacher E.C., White W.T., Roehl H.H., Tulenko F.J., Winkler C., Currie P.D., Amaya E., Davis M.C., Bronner M.E., Mosimann C. and Carney T.J. (2023) A median fin derived from the lateral plate mesoderm and the origin of paired fins Nature
Phipps L., Marshall L., Dorey K. and Amaya E. (2020) Models for studying regeneration: Xenopus Development 147 (6) dev180844
Qu Y., Lees M., Parkin J., Voelzmann A., Hahn I., Dorey K., Rathbone A., Friel C.T., Allan V.J., Okenve-Ramos P., Sanchez-Soriano N. and Prokop A. (2019) Efa6 protects axons and regulates their growth and branching by inhibiting microtubule polymerisation at the cortex eLife (8) e50319
Gwozdz T and Dorey K (2017) Western blot in Basic Science Methods for Clinical Researchers
Nagamuri Y., Roberts S., Maciej M. and Dorey K. (2015) Activin ligands are required for the re-activation of Smad2 signalling after neurulation and vascular development in Xenopus tropicalis International Journal of Developmental Biology 58, 783-91
Engel U., Zhan Y., Long J.B., Boyle S.N., Ballif B.A., Dorey K., Gygi S.P., Koleske A.J. and Van Vactor D. (2014) Abelson phosphorylation of CLASP2 modulates its association with microtubules and actin Cytoskeleton 71 195-209
Zhang S., Li J., Lea R., Amaya E. and Dorey K. (2013) A functional genome-wide in vivo screen identifies new regulators of signalling pathways during early Xenopus embryogenesis PLOS ONE 8(11):e79469
Love N.R., Chen Y., Han Y., Ishibashi S., Kritsiligkou P., Lea R., Gallop J.L., Dorey K. and Amaya E. (2013) Amputation induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) are required for successful Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration Nature Cell Biology 15 (2) 222-228. Recommended three times by the Faculty of 1000
Collu G.M.*, Hidalgo-Sastre A., Oliveira S., Gildea C., Owens T.W., Bayston L., Dorey K.* and Brennan K.* (2012) Dishevelled Limits Notch Signalling in Vertebrates through Inhibition of CSL Transcription Factors Development 139 (23) 4405-4415 *Co-corresponding author
Love N.R., Thuret R., Chen Y., Ishibashi S., Sabherwal N., Paredes R., Alves-Silva J., Dorey K., Noble A.M., Guille M.J., Papalopulu N., Sasai Y. and Amaya E. (2011) pTransgenesis: A cross-species, modular transgenesis resource Development 138 (24) 5451-5458
Panagiotaki N., Dajas-Bailador F., Amaya E., Papalopulu N. and Dorey K. (2010) Regulation of axonal branching by Sprouty3 Development 137 (23), 4004-4015. Recommended twice by Faculty of 1000)
Dorey K. and Amaya E. (2010) FGF signalling: diverse roles during early embryogenesis Development 137 (22), 3731-3742.
Zhang Y., Forinash K.D., McGivern J., Fritz B., Dorey K. and Sheets M.D. (2009) Spatially restricted translation of the xCR1 mRNA in Xenopus embryos. Mol Cell Biol 29 (13), 3791-802.
Lea R., Papalopulu N., Amaya E. and Dorey K. (2009) Temporal and spatial expression of FGF ligands and receptors during Xenopus development. Developmental Dynamics 238 (6), 1467-79.
Huang J.K*., Dorey K*., Ishibashi S. and Amaya E. (2007) BDNF promotes target innervation of Xenopus mandibular trigeminal axons in vivo. BMC Dev Biol (7), 59. *co-first author / Highly accessed article
Dorey K. and Hill C.S. (2006) A novel Cripto-related protein reveals an essential role for EGF-CFCs in Nodal signalling in Xenopus embryos. Developmental Biology (292), 303-316.
Hantschel O., Nagar B., Guettler S., Kretzschmar J., Dorey K., Kuriyan J. and Superti-Furga G. (2003) A myristate/phosphotyrosine switch regulates c-Abl. Cell 112, 845-857.
Barilà D., Rufini A., Condò I., Ventura N., Dorey K., Superti-Furga G. and Testi R. (2003) Caspase-dependent cleavage of c-Abl contributes to apoptosis. Mol Cell Biol 23 (8), 2790-9.
Furstoss. O., Dorey K., Simon V., Barilà D., Superti-Furga G. and Roche S. (2002) c-Abl is a downstream effector of the Src family tyrosine kinases for growth factor-induced c-myc expression and DNA synthesis. EMBO-J (21), 514-524. Recommended by Faculty of 1000
Pluk H*., Dorey K*. and Superti-Furga G. (2002) Autoinhibition of c-Abl. Cell (108), 247-259. *co-first author / Recommended by the Faculty of 1000
Dorey K., Engen J.R., Kretzschmar J., Wilm M., Neubauer G., Schindler T. and Superti-Furga G. (2001) Structure-based functional analysis of c-Abl reveals multiple regulatory roles for the activation loop. Oncogene (20), 8045-8084.
Dorey K., Barilà D., Gavin A.C., Nebreda A.R. and Superti-Furga G. (1999) Regulation of human c-Abl tyrosine kinase activity in Xenopus oocytes and acceleration of progesterone-induced G2/M transition by oncogenic forms. Biol Chem (380), 223-30.