Edmond Halley

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Great Britain





Silk first day covers






Silk maxi cards


1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet (1st issue)


SG1494 5c Tombaugh & Dudley observatory
SG1495 20c Space shuttle
SG1496 40c German comet medal
SG1497 4$ Sodom and Gomorrah
MS1498 5$ Halley's comet over Grenada

First day covers

1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet (2nd issue) - First day covers


SG1533 5c Tombaugh & Dudley observatory
SG1534 20c Space shuttle
SG1535 40c German comet medal
SG1536 4$ Sodom and Gomorrah
MS1537 5$ Halley's comet over Grenada


1989.   Appearance of Halley's comet (3rd issue)


SG1980 25 + 5c Nebulae
SG1981 75 + 5c Astronomical experiments
SG1982 90 + 5C Moon's surface
SG1983 2$ + 5c Halley & Newton
MS1984 5$ + 5c Warships & astrological signs


Grenadines of Grenada

1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet (1st issue)


SG748 5c Copernicus and telescope
SG749 20c Sputnik I
SG750 40c Brahe's notes and comet
SG751 4$ Halley and comet





1989.   Appearance of Halley's comet


SG1374 100 + 25f Nebular
SG1375 150 + 25f Nebular
SG1376 200 + 25f Nebular
SG1377 250 + 25f Nebular
SG1378 300 + 25f Nebular
SG1379 500 + 25f Nebular


1999.   New Millennium. People and events (1050-1100)


SG5721-37 17 x 35$ People & events (5724 - Halley comet)





1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet


Sc2972 2fo Comet
Sc2973 2fo Comet
Sc2974 2fo Comet
Sc2975 4fo Comet
Sc2976 4fo Comet
Sc2977 6fo Comet

Used covers


1985.   International astronomical union


Sc1101 1r Halley's comet




1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet


SG383 10p People and comet
SG384 22p Carteret, Halley and comet
SG385 31p TV screen

First day cover




1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet


SG922 50c Comet over Athens
SG923 1k Tapestry and comet
SG924 2k Halley and comet
SG925 3k Space probe and comet
SG926 4k Galileo and comet
SG927 5k Comet
SG928 6k Space probe and comet



1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet


Sc530 4m Comet over Lesotho




1986.   Appearance of Halley's comet


SG742 8t Halley's comet and spacecraft
SG743 15t Comet above Earth
SG744 20t Comet and dish aerial
SG745 1k Spacecraft



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