
Web Sites Worth a Look

These are the pick of the web, and as I live on the web, I believe I ought to know.

EDGE Essays by the most brilliant of the digiterati.
The Luddite Reader


Because if you don't know what they're up to, how can you stop them?

The BBC News Broadcasting to the old Empire.
CNN Broadcasting to the new Empire.
Pravda Broadcasting to the failed Empire.
Le Monde Broadcasting to the Republic.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Broadcasting to the Bundesrepublic.
La Repubblica See who is running Italy this week.
Wired News Ha ha, it's all gone pear shaped now hasn't it?
The Daily Telegraph The UK paper that will just have to hunt socialists now fox hunting is banned.
The Spectator As you get older your political views will move right. This magazine is 173 years old.
The Globe and Mail Canadian, and all the better for it too.
The Washington Post The scene from inside the Beltway.
The Age Standing tall in the Pacific basin.
The Nando Times Where the hell is Nando?
TIME You can tell they're serious because they use upper case.
Salon Just don't read the horoscopes.


And keeping the above lot honest, are sites like these:

The Columbia Journalism Review But there are so many Columbias
The Atlantic


Here are some sites that deal with science and technology.

Discover Magazine Excellent educational articles for kids as well as science news
New Scientist Britain's best magazine apart from the Spectator
PI starts with 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 and then goes on for ever
The Why Files Why not?
The James Randi Educational Foundation Homepage Uri Geller sucks
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Because there's precious little terrestrial intelligence


Now that you have seen the pick of the web, here's what's left. None of these is of an offensive nature to my knowlege, but if these links do take you somewhere you think they should not, please let me know as they may have changed since I created this page.

Bonny Doon Vineyard
Learn 2
Make Anagrams
Follow the herd
Coalition Against Unsolited Email
GAP online where even babies get their own store.
Examine the herd
Amazon Buy anything from them except Amazon shares ;)
Merriam Webster Online Dictionary
Glue this to that
Solve the Rubik's Cube My record is 45s.
Tell everyone, why don't you?