Wynderand: Five and a half elves (Part 3)

Wynderand-The City
Five and a half elves (Part 1)
Five and a half elves (Part 2)
Five and a half elves (Part 4)
The Smiths (Part 1)
The Smiths (Part 2)
MonOTom gift shop

As the sun set, the dragon rose above the hill fort.

Suddenly the hill became a gigantic serpent, an avatar of Ayammetu, mother of dragons.

Pocomagar rather wishes that he hadn't come to the attention of Ayammetu again.

Sessile used the anti-magic cloak to catch the stone projecting Dynast Auviir.

The sheer beauty of Halaena's playing was too much for the wraith.

And as all the FAE joined in the chorus, the elven wraiths gave up the ghost.

Scattering the bones of your enemies in the entrance hall is an excellent way of deterring unwanted visitors.

Pocomagar's plan ("Hit it with a big stick") proved surprisingly effective.

There was ectoplasm everywhere.

Galbriel really was not happy about all the ghosts.

Pocomagar's attempt to sneak invisibly towards the Black Obelisk was so spectacularly inept that it must have been some sort of cunning scheme to distract Dynast Auviir (who watched on with some bemusement).

Sad Puppet launched a futile attack, charging at Dynast Auviir with a bronze dagger.
He never asked to be animated, but his heroic last act will always be remembered.

As Pocomagar covered the Black Obelisk with the shroud, its connection to Dynast Auviir was severed - sealing his doom at the hands of Jimmy.

And so fall all of our enemies.

The Black Obelisk - its evil power neutered by the Shroud of Martom.

The little carved swan looks so innocuous.

It was when Reg found Eleanor's marker that they really began to understand their fate.

Reg demonstrated his unerring ability to locate pit traps. Again.

Reg and Pocomagar finish off the last of the survivors of Roweena's fireball.

Ten years under the yoke of the Dragon King had aged Chury.

The magpies of Wimburgh see all and hear all.
It is rumoured that, having fledged in nests full of shiny magic globes, some of them can speak.

The magpies of Wimburgh watch the antics of the groundlings with wry amusement.
There will be rich pickings before the night is out, and they are partial to a bit of roasted lizard.

To their alarm, the statue of the dragon leapt down from the temple roof.

Mera took the full blast of the dragon's breath to protect Halaena.

Roweena entertained the enemy troops with a bit of a light show to keep them warm.

She's very thoughtful that way.

And so fall all of our enemies.

Reg and Sessile deal with a gang of Dragonborn.

"You can stop holding my hand now." said Galbriel.

One of the volcanos in the Snowy Mountains as it began to erupt.

One of the ogres. It was no match for the combined might of the FAE and the Shield.

Galbriel's first attempt at a Fire Bolt was more of a fizzle.

The Dragonborn shaman pranced towards Halaena.

A swift blow to the back of the head from Reg's staff soon put a stop to that sort of behaviour.

Foxglove. Older, perhaps wiser, but no less angry.

Dynast Auviir's hourglass.

Some rings, various metals.

One of the hammer amulets worn by the dwarves.

The angry dwarven demon summoned from another realm.

A page from Robert's workbook.

Much to Roweena's disappointment, it seems even invisible dragons are impervious to fire.

Wynderand-The City
Five and a half elves (Part 1)
Five and a half elves (Part 2)
Five and a half elves (Part 4)
The Smiths (Part 1)
The Smiths (Part 2)
MonOTom gift shop

Tim Cootes 2020
World Creation: C.Paul