Wynderand: The City

Dare you cross the bridge to Rimfall tower?

The Tower of White Magic, from the Street of the Toymakers

The Dragon Tower in Six-Way Plaza

The Council Chambers and Courts within the castle grounds

The Imperial Library within the castle grounds

Bloated General Wythryng

Mary Marte Gylew Seve
Head of the Merchant's Guild Head of the Guild of Goldsmiths
Chair of the Executive Council.
Hammond None Stephe Macey
Head of the Grocer's Guild Leader of the Merchant Tailors

The castle grounds:

Sunset over the River Yarrow

Typical shrine to Hames

The Greenwood

A track across the High Moors

Wynderand's West Gate welcomes the weary traveller into the city's warm embrace.

Typical shrine to Nathye, the Master Smith . Statue of One Eyed Anew - the Warrior:

Tim Cootes 2020
World Creation: C.Paul