Wynderand: Five and a half elves (Part 1)

Wynderand-The City
The Smiths (Part 1)
Five and a half elves (Part 2)
Five and a half elves (Part 3)
Five and a half elves (Part 4)
MonOTom gift shop

Some of the heroes

Roweena Regicide Halaena
Palin Sessile Millie Follie
Vincent Blackthorne Huwell of Werbany Agrajag Razorclaw
Jimmy Wulfwy Agne
A Halfling

Gregor the Magnificent

Type I Green Dragon, possibly after eating some dwarves:

Typical shrine to Hames

The Greenwood

A track across the High Moors

Wynderand's West Gate welcomes the weary traveller into the city's warm embrace.

A strange Wyvern-like creature attacks the party

The Lesser Mountain Ogre:

A largish Cave Troll in a smallish cave:

Typical shrine to Nathye, the Master Smith . Statue of One Eyed Anew - the Warrior:

Dare you enter the cave?

The dead wyvern incubates something rather nasty.

The Occultist had no response to the well aimed arrow.

The restless spirit.

An ignoble end for the great bard Erinduith.

In the dusk, Reg rescues the bear from the pit.

In the mountains.

The old guard post.

The carcass of the dragon wedged high in the rocks.

Reg merges with a tree.

Some members of the merry band

In the temple to Buchazzu

In the sewers

Reg smites the aggressors.

In the sewers beneath the city, a giant spider lurks.

Halaena: Poetry in motions.

Halfling ghosts bear witness to the horror.

Pocomagyar, an Albar (white elf) from the deeps.

Still life. Still death.
Skulls, bowl and hand.
The skulls encourage the viewer to contemplate their own mortality.
The bowl is a sign of humble acceptance of all that the gods provide.
The severed hand represents the gratuitous slaughter of innocents for personal gain.

The dragon portal and the summoned reaper

A cutting from the Illustrated News:
Newcomer Disappoints

The regulars at the Silvern Newt were underwhelmed by a new performer at their weekly folk night. The landlord, Billy Burrows, said "She's the worst 'Elven cabaret' act we've ever had. Why does she call herself Hilly-Anna if she's just going to sing songs?".

Reg charges the zombies.

Pocomagar pokes the blood filled bowl on the altar.

Pocomagar finds a dragon.


Kinnamu, the librarian beneath the city.

Noldok The Blue Peronix Belinda

Our heroes emerge blinking into the evening light.

The weary explorers return to the city through the East Gate, where they are acclaimed by the local street urchins.

Ruffolk and Phelia Biscotti, proud proprietors of The Golden Cow

Reg plots the downfall of the Office of Sedition from his well appointed cell.

Mithelborne, the Master of White Magic, in his chambers in the White Tower.

Robert Carde is very excited about the chance to collect some more rare specimens.

Galbriel, Jimmy and faithful steed.

Roweena, in eagle form, flies above the old guard tower at Chalice Ridge.

Under the old guard post, something lurks.

Someone is watching you.

Jimmy's Bag of Holding. Anything placed inside is hidden from view until it is taken out.

The demon is summoned through a tear in the fabric of this reality.

The Dragon Bombe proved to be rather effective.

Reg uses his direct method of finding traps.

Bori the dwarf turns to smoke.

In the heat of the battle, Halaena uses her considerable command of their language to taunt the Dragonborn.

Pocomagar fumbles a Dragon Bombe. As the Albar say: "Oops! Mushroom-fingers."

Roweena is perhaps the most deadly amongst them.

Sessile rescues Pocomagar, who had been poisoned
by the dread Dragonipede.
The Dragonipede

The barrels behind which Robert hid.

Wynderand-The City
The Smiths (Part 1)
Five and a half elves (Part 2)
Five and a half elves (Part 3)
Five and a half elves (Part 4)
MonOTom gift shop

Tim Cootes 2020
World Creation: C.Paul