Dr Sophia Ananiadou



  1. Wang, X., Tsujii, J. and Ananiadou, S. (In Press). Classifying Relations for Biomedical Named Entity Disambiguation. In: Procedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'09)
  2. Sasaki, Y., Rea, B. and Ananiadou, S. (In Press). Clinical Text Classification under the Open and Closed Topic Assumptions. In: International Journal on Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB), 3(3)
  3. Piao, S., Tsuruoka, Y. and Ananiadou, S.. (In Press). HYSEAS: A HYbrid SEntiment Analysis System. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  4. Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. and Ananiadou, S.. (In Press). Stochastic Gradient Descent Training for L1-regularized Log-linear Models with Cumulative Penalty. In: ACL-IJCNLP 2009
  5. Ananiadou, S., Weissenbacher, D., Rea, B., Pieri, E., Lin, Y., Vis, F., Procter, R. and Halfpenny, P (2009 ). Supporting Frame Analysis using Text Mining. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on e-Social Science
  6. Sierra, G. E., Cedeño, A. B. and Ananiadou, S.. (2009). An Improved Automatic Term Recognition method for Spanish. In: Gelbukh, A.(Ed.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2009), Mexico City, Mexico, pp. 125--136, Springer
  7. Venturi, G., Montemagni, S., Marchi, S., Sasaki, Y., Thompson, P., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou, S.. (2009). Bootstrapping a Verb Lexicon for Biomedical Information Extraction. In: Gelbukh, A.(Ed.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2009), pp. 137--148, Springer
  8. Kano, Y., McCrochon, L., Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii, J.. (2009). Integrated NLP Evaluation System for Pluggable Evaluation Metrics with Extensive Interoperable Toolkit. In: Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Software Engineering, Testing, and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing, pp. 22--30
  9. Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Jun'ichi Tsujii, and Sophia Ananiadou. (2009) Fast Full Parsing by Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields, EACL, Athens.
  10. Ananiadou, S., Okazaki, N., Procter, R., Rea, B. and Thomas, J.. (2009). Supporting Systematic Reviews using Text Mining. In: Social Science Computer Review, special issue
  11. Ananiadou, S.. (2009). Text Mining for Biomedicine. In: Prince, V. and Roche, M.(Eds.) Information Retrieval in Biomedicine: Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Integration, 1--11
  12. Sasaki, Y., Thompson, P., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou, S.. (2009). Three BioNLP Tools Powered by the BioLexicon. In: Proceeedings of EACL 2009 Demonstration Session, pp. 61--64
  13. Kano, Y., Baumgartner Jr., W. A, McCrochon, L., Ananiadou, S., Cohen, K. B., Hunter, L. and Tsujii, J.. (2009). U-Compare: share and compare text mining tools with UIMA. In: Bioinfomatics


  1. Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Jun'ichi Tsujii, and Sophia Ananiadou. (2008). FACTA: a text search engine for finding associated biomedical concepts, Bioinformatics, 24(21):2559-2560. link
  2. Naoaki Okazaki, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Sophia Ananiadou, and Jun'ichi Tsujii. 2008. A Discriminative Candidate Generator for String Transformations, Procs EMNLP, 447-456.
  3. Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Jun'ichi Tsujii, and Sophia Ananiadou (2008) Accelerating the annotation of sparse named entities by dynamic sentence selection.
    BMC Bioinformatics, 9(Suppl 11):S8
  4. Yutaka Sasaki, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, John McNaught, and Sophia Ananiadou. (2008) How to make the most of NE dictionaries in statistical NER. BMC Bioinformatics, 9(Suppl 11):S5
  5. Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, John McNaught, and Sophia Ananiadou. 2008. Normalizing biomedical terms by minimizing ambiguity and variability, BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9(Suppl 3):S2.
  6. Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Jun’ichi Tsujii and Sophia Ananiadou (2008) Accelerating the Annotation of Sparse Named Entities by Dynamic Sentence Selection, BioNLP, ACL.
  7. Sasaki, Y., Thompson, P., Cotter, P., McNaught, J., and Ananiadou, S. (2008) Event Frame Extraction Based on a Gene Regulation Corpus, Coling 2008.
  8. Sasaki, Y., Tsuruoka, Y., McNaught, J. and S. Ananiadou (2008) How to Make the Most of NE Dictionaries in Statistical NER, BioNLP, ACL.
  9. Okazaki, N., Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii, J. (2008) A Discriminative Alignment Model for Abbreviation Recognition, Coling 2008.
  10. Nobata, C., Cotter, P., Okazaki, N., Rea, B., Sasaki, Y., Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. and S. Ananiadou (2008) Kleio: a knowledge-enriched information retrieval system for biology, SIGIR 2008.
  11. Thompson, P., Venturi, G., McNaught, J., Montemagni, S. and S. Ananiadou (2008) Categorising Modality in Biomedical Texts, LREC 2008, Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining, Morocco.
  12. Piao, S., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou S. (2008). Clustering related terms with definitions. Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008), Morocco.
  13. Thompson, P., Cotter, P., McNaught, J., Ananiadou, S., Montemagni, S., Trabucco, A.and Venturi, G. (2008). Building a bio-event annotated corpus for the acquisition of semantic frames from biomedical corpora. Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008), Morocco,
  14. Kano, Yoshinobu, Ngan Nguyen, Rune Sætre, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Keiichiro Fukamachi, Yusuke Miyao, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Sophia Ananiadou and Jun'ichi Tsujii (2008) Towards Data And Goal Oriented Analysis: Tool Inter-Operability And Combinatorial Comparison. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Hyderabad, India, January 2008
  15. Kano, Y., Nguyen, N., Saetre, R., Yoshida, K., Miyao, Y., Tsuruoka, Y., Matsubayashi, Y., Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii, J. (2008) Filling the gaps between tools and users: a tool comparator, using protein-protein interaction as an example, in PSB 2008, Hawaii.
  16. Hirohata, Kenji, Naoaki Okazaki, Sophia Ananiadou and Mitsuru Ishizuka (2008) Identifying Sections in Scientific Abstracts using Conditional Random Fields. In Proceedings of 3rd International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Hyderabad, India, January 2008


  1. Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, John McNaught, Jun'ichi Tsujii, and Sophia Ananiadou (2007)
    Learning string similarity measures for gene/protein name dictionary look-up using logistic regression. Bioinformatics, link
  2. S. Ananiadou (2007) The National Centre for Text Mining: a Vision for the Future, in Ariadne (53) , paper on line
  3. Meziane, F., Athanasakis, N. and S. Ananiadou (2007) Generating Natural Language specifications from UML class diagrams, Requirements Engineering, doi: 10.1007/s00766-007-0054-0, paper on line.
  4. Tsuruoka, Y., McNaught, J. and S. Ananiadou (2007) Normalizing biomedical terms by minimizing ambiguity and variability, LBM2007 and BMC Bioinformatics.
  5. Ananiadou, S., Cotter, P., Nobata, C., Okazaki, N., Rea, B., Sasaki, Y., Tsuruoka, Y. and Tsujii, J. (2007) SemText: a semantically enriched information retrieval system for biology, in 8th ICSB, Long Beach, Ca
  6. Ananiadou, S., R. Procter, B. Rea, Y. Sasaki, and J. Thomas (2007) Supporting Systematic Reviews using Text Mining, in 3rd International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, paper on line.
  7. Sasaki, Y., B. Rea and S.Ananiadou (2007) Multi-topic aspects in clinical text classification, in IEEE BIBM 2007.
  8. Piao, S. , Buyko, E., Tsuruoka , Y., Tomanek , K., Kim, J-D., McNaught , J., Hahn, U.and S. Ananiadou (2007). BootStrep annotation scheme – encoding information for text mining. 4th Corpus Linguistics Conference, Birmingham , UK
  9. Rea, B., Ananiadou, S. (2007). Text Mining Services to Support E-Research. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, UK.
  10. Piao, S., Ananiadou S. and McNaught, J. (2007). Integrating Annotation Tools into UIMA for Interoperability. Sixth UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM2007).
  11. Udo Hahn, Ekaterina Buyko, Katrin Tomanek, Scott Piao, John McNaught and Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Sophia Ananiadou (2007). An Annotation Type System for a Data-Driven NLP Pipeline. The Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) of ACL 2007, Prague , June 28-29, 2007.
  12. Scott S. Piao, Sophia Ananiadou, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Yutaka Sasaki and John McNaught (2007) Mining Opinion Polarity Relations of Citations, in 7th International Workshop on Computational Semantics. [pdf]
  13. Frantzi, K. and Ananiadou, S. (2007) C-value for Authorship Identification, in 8th Conference on Forensic Linguistics, Language and Law, International Association of Forensic Linguistics, 8th Biennial Conference , University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.


  1. Ananiadou, S. & McNaught, J. (2006) Introduction to Text Mining in Biology. In Ananiadou, S. & McNaught, J. (Eds) Text Mining for Biology and Biomedicine, pp. 1-12, Artech House Books. Review of the book
  2. Ananiadou, S. & Nenadic, G. (2006) Automatic Terminology Management in Biomedicine. In Ananiadou, S. & McNaught, J. (Eds) Text Mining for Biology and Biomedicine, pp. 67-98, Artech House Books.
  3. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S. & Katsushima, M. (2006) Terminology-based Knowledge Mining for New Knowledge Discovery, in ACM Transactions on Asian language information processing (TALIP) Special Issue on Text Mining and Management in Biomedicine, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2006, 74-88
  4. Nenadic, G. & Ananiadou, S. (2006) Mining Term Associations from Biomedical Literature to Support Knowledge Discovery, in ACM Transactions on Asian language information processing (TALIP) Special Issue on Text Mining and Management in Biomedicine, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2006, 1-22 [pdf]
  5. Ananiadou, S., Nenadic, G., Mima, H. & Tsujii, J. (2006) Mining biomedical literature from literature, in P. ten Hacken (ed): Terminology, Computing and Translation, Forum fur Fachsprachen-Forschung, Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen, 117-140.
  6. Okazaki, N. and Ananiadou, S. (2006) Clustering acronyms in biomedical text for disambiguation, in Proceedings of LREC.
  7. Nenadic, G., Okazaki, N. and Ananiadou, S. (2006) Towards a terminological resource for biomedical text mining, in Proceedings of LREC.
  8. Okazaki, N. and Ananiadou, S. (2006) A Term Recognition Approach to Acronym Recognition, in Proceedings of Coling / ACL, 643-650.
  9. Frantzi, K. and Ananiadou, S. (2006) Automatic Authorship Identification, in Second European IAFL Conference on Forensic Linguistics, Barcelona.
  10. Kim, J.D, Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii, J. (2006) Ontology based Semantic Annotation for Knowledge Extraction, in 2nd International Digital Curation Conference, Glasgow
  11. Ananiadou, S. and Fluck, J. (eds.) (2006) Second International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM), BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7 (Suppl 3) : S1  link full set of proceedings.
  12. Ananiadou, S., Kell, D.B. and Tsujii, J. (2006) Text Mining and its Potential Applications in Systems Biology, in Trends in Biotechnology (TIBTECH) [web link]
  13. Okazaki, N. and Ananiadou, S. (2006) Building an Abbreviation Dictionary using a Term Recognition Approach, in Bioinformatics, link


  1. Spasic, S., Ananiadou, S., McNaught, J. & Kumar, A. (2005) Text Mining and Ontologies in Biomedicine: Making Sense of Raw Text. Briefings in Bioinformatics 6(3), September 2005. [pdf]
  2. Tsuruoka, Y., Tateishi, Y., Kim, J-D, Ohta, T. McNaught, J., Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii J. (2005) Developing a Robust Part-of-Speech Tagger for Biomedical Text, LNCS, Springer, pp. 382-392 [pdf]
  3. Mima, H. & Ananiadou, S. (2005) A Visualization-based Approach to Web Information Mining Utilizing Natural Language Processing, in Proceedings of 10 th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Volos , Greece
  4. Tsujii, J. & Ananiadou, S. (2005) Thesaurus or logical ontology, which one do we need for text mining? In Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer Science and Business Media B.V., vol. 39, no 1, 77-90. [pdf]
  5. Tsuruoka, Y., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (2005) A Machine Learning Approach to Acronym Generation, BioLink 2005. [pdf]
  6. Irena Spasic, Sophia Ananiadou and Junichi Tsujii. (2005) MaSTerClass: a case-based reasoning system for the classification of biomedical terms, in Bioinformatics 21(11), pp. 2748-2758. [pdf]
  7. Ananiadou, S., Chruszcz, J., Keane, J., McNaught, J. & Watry, P. (2005) The National Centre for Text Mining: Aims and Objectives. In Ariadne, Issue 42, January 2005. [url]
  8. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. & Ananiadou, S. (2005) Mining Biomedical Abstracts: What’s in a Term? In Keh-Yih Su, Jun’ichi Tsujii, Jong-Hyeok Lee, et al (Eds.) Natural Language Processing – IJCNLP 2004 First International Joint Conference , Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3248 [pdf]
  9. Spasic, I. & Ananiadou, S. (2005) A Flexible Measure of Contextual Similarity for Biomedical Terms, in Proceedings of Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB, 2005), Hawaii , USA .[pdf]


  1. Ananiadou, S., Friedman, C. & Tsujii, J (2004) Introduction to Named Entity Recognition in Biomedicine, editorial, Special Issue, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 37 (6), 393-395
  2. Spasic, I. & Ananiadou, S. (2004) Using Automatically Learnt Verb Selectional Preferences for Classification of Biomedical Terms, in Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol.37, (6), 483-497. [pdf]
  3. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. , Ananiadou, S. (2004) Automatic Discovery of Term Similarities Using Pattern Mining, in International Journal ofTerminology.10:1, 55-80 [pdf]
  4. Spasic, I. , Nenadic, G. & Ananiadou, S. (2004) Learning to Classify Biomedical Terms through Literature Mining and Genetic Algorithms. In Zheng Rong Yang, Richard Everson & Hujun Yin (Eds.) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2004, LNCS 3177: 345-351: Springer-Verlag. [pdf]
  5. Ananiadou, S. and Zervanou, K. (2004) Techniques and problems in Automatic Term Recognition, GreekTerminology: Research and Applications (in Greek) Kastaniotis editions, Athens [pdf]
  6. Nenadic, G., Ananiadou, S. & McNaught, J. (2004) Enhancing Automatic Term Recognition through Term Variation, in Proceedings of 20 th Int. Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2004, Geneva, Switzerland. [pdf]
  7. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S. & Matsushima, K. (2004) Design and Implementation of a Terminology-based literature mining and knowledge structuring system, in Proceedings of international workshop of Computational Terminology, CompuTerm, Coling, Geneva , Switzerland .


  1. Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (eds). (2003) Natural Language Processing in Biomedicine, ACL Workshop, Sapporo, Japan. [accepted papers, pdf]
  2. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. & Ananiadou, S. – (2003) Terminology-Driven Mining of Biomedical Literature, in Bioinformatics, Vol. 19(8), 938-943, Oxford University Press [pdf]
  3. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. & Ananiadou, S. (2003) Reducing Lexical Ambiguity in Serbo-Croatian by Using Genetic Algorithms, in Kosta, P. et al. (Eds.) Investigations into Formal Slavic Linguistics, Linguistik International, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 287-298.
  4. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. & Ananiadou, S. (2003) Terminology-Driven Mining of Biomedical Literature, in Proceedings of 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Melbourne, Florida, USA.
  5. Spasic, I, Nenadic, G., Manios, K. & Ananiadou, S. (2003) An Integrated Term-based Corpus Query System, in Proceedings of EACL, Budapest, Hungary, 243-250. [pdf]
  6. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. and Ananiadou, S. (2003) Morpho-Syntactic Clues for Terminological Processing in Serbian, in Proceedings of EACL, Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages, Budapest, Hungary, 79-86.
  7. Spasic, I. , Nenadic, G. and Ananiadou, S. (2003) Using Domain-Specific Verbs for Term Classification, in Proceedings of ACL, Workshop on NLP in Biomedicine, Sapporo , Japan , 17-24
  8. Nenadic, G., Rice, S., Spasic, I., Ananiadou, S. and Stapley, B. (2003) Selecting Features for Text-based Classification: from Documents to Terms, in Proceedings of ACL, Workshop on NLP in Biomedicine, Sapporo, Japan, 121-128.


  1. Spasic, I., Nenadic, G., Manios, K., & Ananiadou, S. (2002) Supervised learning of term similarities, in Yin, H. et al. (eds) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL’02,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2412, Springer Verlag, 429-434. [pdf]
  2. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I., & Ananiadou, S. (2002) Term clustering using a corpus-based similarity measure, in Sojka, P. et al. (Eds) Text, Speech and Dialogue- TSD 2002, Vol. 2448, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, 151-154.
  3. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S., Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. & Tsujii, J. (2002) Terminology-based literature mining and knowledge acquisition in biomedicine. International Journal of Medical Informatics 67(1-3), 33-48. [pdf]
  4. Nenadic, G., Spacic, I. & Ananiadou, S. (2002) Reducing lexical ambiguity in Serbo-Croatian by using genetic algorithms. Proc. 4 th Eur. Conf. on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-4). Potsdam , Germany .
  5. Spasic, I. , Nenadic, G., Ananiadou, S. (2002) A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Unsupervised Learning of Context Features. In Proc. of the 5th National Colloquium for Computational Linguistics in the UK (CLUK) , Univeristy of Leeds , UK , 12-19
  6. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S., Nenadic, G. & Tsujii, J. (2002) TIMS: A workbench for ontology-based knowledge acquisition and integration, in Proceedings of Workshop onNatural Language Processing in Biomedical Applications, Nicosia, Cyprus, 11-15
  7. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S., Nenadic, G. & Tsujii, J. (2002) XML tag information management system: A workbench for ontology-based knowledge acquisition and integration, in Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference (HLT 2002), San Diego, California, USA, 286-292
  8. Spasic, I. , Nenadic, G. & Ananiadou, S. (2002) Tuning Context Features with Genetic Algorithms, in Proceedings of LREC-3, 3 rd International Conference on Language, Resources and Evaluation, Las Palmas , Spain , 2048-2054 [pdf]
  9. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I., & Ananiadou, S. (2002) Automatic acronym acquisition and management with domain specific texts, in Proceedings of LREC-3, 3 rd International Conference on Language, Resources and Evaluation, Las Palmas, Spain, 2155-2162 [pdf]
  10. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S., Nenadic, G. & Tsujii, J. (2002) A methodology for terminology-based knowledge acquisition and integration, in Proceedings of 19 th Int. Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, 667-673
  11. Nenadic, G., Spasic, I. & Ananiadou, S. (2002) Automatic discovery of term similarities using pattern mining, in Proceedings of international workshop of Computational Terminology, CompuTerm, Coling, Taipei, Taiwan, 43-49
  12. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S., Nenadic, G., Tsujii, J.: An Integrated System for Ontology-based Knowledge Structuring and Discovery, poster at SOFG 2002 (Standards and Ontologies for Functional Genomics), Hinxton, Cambridge , 2002


  1. Maynard, D. & Ananiadou, S. (2001) Term extraction using a similarity-based approach.In Bourigault, D., Jacquemin, C. & L'Homme, M-C. (eds.) Recent Advances in Computational Terminology. Natural Language Processing Series Vol. 2. John Benjamins, Amsterdam , 261–279.
  2. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S. & Nenadic, G. (2001) The ATRACT Workbench: Automatic term recognition and clustering for terms. In Matousek, V., Mautner, P., Moucek, R. and Tauser, K. (eds.) Text, Speech and Dialogue. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2166. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg , 126–133. [pdf]
  3. Ananiadou, S., Nenadic, G. & Mima, H. (2001) A terminology management workbench for Molecular Biology. Proc. 19 th ESF/Twente Workshop on Language Technology: Information Extraction in Molecular Biology. Twente, The Netherlands , 7–12.
  4. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S. & Nenadic, G. (2001) Improving knowledge acquisition through term recognition. Proc. PC-HCI 2001. Patras , Greece . 177-182.
  5. Ananiadou, S. & Kehagia, K. (2001) Term variation as an integrated part of automatic term recognition, in Proc. of Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP-2001), Bulgaria .


  1. Frantzi, K., Ananiadou, S. & Mima, H. (2000) Automatic recognition of multi-word terms. International Journal of Digital Libraries 3(2), Special issue edited by Nikolau, C. & Stephanidis, C. (eds.), 117–132. [pdf]
  2. Maynard, D. and Ananiadou, S. (2000) TRUCKS: A model for automatic multi-word term recognition. Journal of Natural Language Processing 8(1), 101–125.
  3. Mima, H. & Ananiadou, S. (2000) An application and evaluation of the C/NC-value approach for the automatic term recognition of multi-word units in Japanese. International Journal of Terminology 6(2), 175–194. [pdf]
  4. Maynard, D. & Ananiadou, S. (2000) Creating and using domain specific ontologies for terminological applications. Proc. 2 nd Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2000). Athens , Greece , 869–873.
  5. Maynard, D. & Ananiadou, S. (2000) Terminological acquaintance: The importance of contextual information in terminology. Proc. Int. Workshop on Computational Terminology for Medical and BiologicalApplications. Held at Int. Conf. on Natural Language Processing (NLP2000). Patras , Greece , 19–28.
  6. Maynard, D. & Ananiadou, S. (2000) Identifying terms by their family and friends. Proc. 18 th Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics (COLING ’2000). Luxembourg , 530–536. ISBN 1 55860 717 X.
  7. Ananiadou, S., Albert, S. & Schuhmann, D. (2000) Evaluation of automatic term recognition of nuclear receptors from Medline. Genome Informatics Series, vol.11 [pdf]


  1. Frantzi, K. & Ananiadou, S. (1999) The C-value / NC-value domain independent method for multi-word term extraction. Journal of Natural Language Processing 6(3), 145–179.
  2. Maynard, D. & Ananiadou, S. (1999) Identifying contextual information for multi-word term extraction. Proc. 5 th Int. Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE 99). Innsbruck , Austria , 212–221.
  3. Frantzi, K. & Ananiadou, S. (1999) Clustering terms using the C-value method for automatic term recognition. Proc. 5 th Int. Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE 99). Innsbruck , Austria , 356–366.
  4. Frantzi, K. & Ananiadou, S. (1999). Classifying technical terms. Proc. ICCC/IFIP 3 rd Conf. on Electronic Publishing. Ronneby , Sweden .
  5. Frantzi, K., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1999). Automatic classification of technical terms using the NC-value method for term recognition. Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Lexicography (COMPLEX ’99). Budapest , Hungary , 57–66, ISBN 963 9074 20 9.
  6. Mima, H., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1999) A Web-based integrated knowledge mining aid system using term-oriented Natural Language Processing. Proc. Natural Language Pacific RimSymposium (NLPRS ’99). Beijing , China , 13–18.
  7. Maynard, D. &Ananiadou, S. (1999) A linguistic approach to terminological context clustering. Proc. Natural Language Pacific RimSymposium (NLPRS ’99). Beijing , China , 346–351.


  1. Maynard, D. & Ananiadou, S. (1998) Term sense disambiguation using a domain-specific thesaurus. Proc. 1 st Computational Linguistics , UK Research Colloquium (CLUK1) , University of Sunderland , UK .
  2. Mima, H., Frantzi, K. & Ananiadou S. (1998) The C-value / Example-based approach to the automatic recognition of multi-word terms for cross-language terminology. Proc. Int. Joint Workshop on Cross-Language Issues in AI. Held at 5 th Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Artificial IntelligenceI (PRICAI ’98). Singapore , 10–21.
  3. Frantzi, K., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1998) The C-value/NC-value Method of Automatic Recognition of Multi-word Terms, ECDL, 585-604.
  4. Ananiadou, S. (1998) Machine translation trends in Europe and in Japan . Proc. Translating and the Computer 20. Aslib, London.


  1. Frantzi, K.T., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1997) Term identification using contextual cues. Proc. 2 nd Workshop on Multilinguality in the Software Industry: the AI Contribution (MULSAIC ’ 97). Held at the Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97). Nagoya , Japan .
  2. Radford, I. , Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1997) Adding structural constraints to lexically based context matching techniques. Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97). Poster. Nagoya , Japan .
  3. Frantzi, K.T. & Ananiadou S. (1997) Context information for the extraction of terms. Proc. 18 th Ann. Mtng. of the Department of Linguistics. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki . Kyriakides pub.
  4. Ananiadou S. & Tsujii, J. (1997) Term disambiguation by adding structural constraints to lexically-based context matching techniques. Proc. Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS ’97). Phuket , Thailand , 195–200


  1. Ananiadou, S. (1996) Towards a linguistic treatment of compounds in a machine translation environment. Journal of Natural Language Processing 3(1), 45–66. ISSN 1340-7619
  2. Frantzi, K., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1996) Extracting terminological expressions. The Special Interest Group Notes of Information Processing Society of Japan , IPSJ SIG Notes. Natural Language No. 112, 83–88.
  3. Frantzi, K., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1996) Extracting nested collocations. Proc. Second Ann. Mtng. of the Association for Natural Language Processing. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo , Japan , 209–212.
  4. Frantzi, K.T. & Ananiadou, S. (1996) A hybrid approach to automatic term recognition. Proc. Int. Conf. on Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications. Moncton , Canada , 93–98.
  5. Frantzi, K.T. & Ananiadou, S. (1996) Extracting nested collocations. Proc. 16 th Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics (COLING ’96). Copenhagen , Denmark , 41–46.
  6. Ananiadou, S., Radford, I. & Tsujii, J. (1996) Dynamic hypertext navigation using a conceptual graph representation. Proc. 4 th Int. Conf. on Conceptual Structures. Sydney , Australia .


  1. Ananiadou, S. (1995) Automatic recognition of medical terminology (Immunology). Proc. MedInfo ’95. Vancouver, 3–8
  2. Ananiadou, S. & McNaught, J. (1995) Terms are not alone: Aids for term choice and choice terms. Aslib Proceedings 47(2), 47–60.
  3. Frantzi, K. & Ananiadou, S. (1995) Statistical approaches for collocation extraction and term recognition. Proc. 16 th Ann. Mtng. of the Department of Linguistics. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 681-693. Kyriakides pub.
  4. Frantzi, K. & Ananiadou, S. (1995) Towards automatic term recognition. Proc. 7 th Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Applications (EXPERSYS-95). San Francisco .
  5. Arranz, M.V., Radford, I. , Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii J. (1995) Tools for sublanguage-based semantic knowledge acquisition from corpora. Proc. SEPLN ’95 Congress. Bilbao , Spain . Published as Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 17, 182–194.
  6. Ananiadou, S., Radford, I. & Tsujii, J. (1995) Sublanguage knowledge acquisition for hypertext optimisation. Proc. Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS ’95) . Seoul , Korea , 455–460.


  1. Tsujii, J. & Ananiadou, S. (1994) Knowledge-based processing in machine translation. In Fuchi, K. and Yokoi, T. (eds.) Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing. IOS Press, Tokyo , 68–81.
  2. Ananiadou, S. (1994) A computational linguistic approach to automatic term recognition. In Albrechtsen, H. & Oernager, S. (eds) Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Vol. 4. Indeks Verlag, Frankfurt , 134–141.
  3. Ananiadou, S. (1994) A methodology for automatic term recognition. Proc. 15 th Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics (COLING ’94). Kyoto, Japan, 1034–1038.
  4. Ananiadou, S. (1994) Automatic term recognition. Proc. 15 th Ann. Mtng. of the Department of Linguistics. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Kyriakides pub., 799–809.
  5. Ananiadou, S. (1994) Systematic knowledge elicitation from natural language texts. Proc. 6 th Int. Conf. on Expert Systems Applications & Artificial Intelligence (EXPERSYS-94), 467–472.


  1. Ananiadou, S. (1993) A sublanguage approach to automatic term recognition. Proc. Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS ’93). Fukuoka, Japan, 159–164.
  2. Tsujii, J. & Ananiadou, S. (1993) Epsilon [e]: Tool kit for knowledge acquisition based on a hierarchy of pseudotexts. Proc. Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium ’93 . Fukuoka , Japan , 93–100.


  1. Sekine, S., Carroll, J.J., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1992) Automatic learning for semantic collocation. Proc. Third Conf. on Applied Natural Language Processing. Trento, Italy. 104–110.
  2. Sekine S., Ananiadou, S., Carroll, J.J. & Tsujii, J. (1992) Linguistic Knowledge Generator. Proc. 14 th Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics (COLING ’92). Nancy, France, 560–566.
  3. Olivier P., Ananiadou, S. & Tsujii, J. (1992) A visualisation architecture based on the systematicity of language. Proc. Pacific Rim International Conference on AI (PRICAI). Seoul, Korea.
  4. Olivier P., Ananiadou, S., Maeda, T. & Tsujii, J. (1992) Visualization: Mediating the interchange of information from the verbal to the visual domain. In Zimmermann, H., Luckhardt, H-D., Schulz, F. (eds.) Mensch und Machine-Informationelle Schnittstellen der Kommunikation(Proc. 3 rd ISI). Konstanz, 324–337. Number 7 in series Schriften zur Informationswissenshaft.


  1. Ananiadou, S. & Antona, M. (1991) Multilingual linguistic aspects of machine translation. Proc. 12 th Ann. Mtng. of the Department of Linguistics: Studies in Greek Linguistics. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Kyriakides pub., 291–305.
  2. Tsujii, J., Ananiadou, S., Carroll, J.J. & Phillips, J.D. (1991) Towards interaction during transfer. Proc. RCOLING III. Taiwan, 141–157.
  3. Ananiadou, S., Ralli, A. & Villalva, A. (1991) The treatment of derivational morphology in a multilingual transfer-based machine translation system: EUROTRA. Language Research 27(4), 627–638.


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  2. Ananiadou, S. (1987) A brief survey of some current operational systems. In King, M. (ed.) Machine Translation Today. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 171–191.
  3. Ananiadou, S. (1988) The impact of knowledge engineering on the training of terminologists. In Czap, H. & Galinski C. (eds.) Terminology and Knowledge Engineering. Indeks Verlag, Frankfurt , 118–120.
  4. Ananiadou, S. (1989) Machine translation: Unfulfilled promise? Medium 9(3). Hogeschool voor vertalers en tolken, Leuven, 24–44.
  5. Ananiadou, S. & McNaught J. (1990) Treatment of compounds in a transfer-based MT system. Proc. 3 rd Int. Conf. on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation. Austin , Texas , 57–63.
  6. Ananiadou, S., Ralli A. & Villalva, A. (1990) The treatment of derivational morphology in a multilingual transfer-based machine translation system: EUROTRA. Proc. Seoul Int. Conf. on Natural Language Processing (SICONLP/90). Seoul , S. Korea , 351–359 (33)
  7. Ananiadou, S. (1990) Sublanguage studies as the basis for computer support for multilingual communication. Proc. Terminology and Planning (Termplan-90). Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia
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