Dr Sophia Ananiadou


LREC Workshop-- Building and evaluating resources for biomedical text mining

26 May 2008, Palais des Congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech , Morocco

UIMA Award 2007 -- [link] Comparator of NLP tools using UIMA

IBM - University of Manchester Strategic alliance

UK e-Science All Hands meeting, Workshop Interoperability and Adaptability of Text Mining Tools

IBM UIMA Innovation Award

Recipient of the 2006 IBM UIMA Innovation Award.

Supplement Second International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine in BMC Bioinformatics, Vol 7 Suppl. 3, Edited by Sophia Ananiadou and Juliane Fluck

Sophia Ananiadou

Text Mining for Biology and Biomedicine

Here’s the first focused book that puts the full range of cutting-edge biological text mining techniques and tools at your command. This comprehensive volume describes the methods of natural language processing (NLP) and their applications in the biological domain, and spells out in detail the various lexical, terminological, and ontological resources now at your disposal — and how best to utilize them.

You see how terminology management tools like term extraction and term structuring facilitate effective mining, and learn ways to readily identify biomedical named entities and abbreviations. The book offers step-by-step guidance to implement various information extraction methods for biological applications, from pattern matching and full parsing approaches to sublanguage- and ontology-driven extraction techniques. It discusses strategies to make the most of text collections and to use corpora and corpus annotation efficiently in text mining applications, and also gives you tested guidelines for evaluating and optimizing text mining systems. Rounding out the volume are techniques for integrating text mining and data mining efforts to further facilitate biological analyses.

Both a critical review of the state of the art and a solution-focused guide packed with field-tested expertise and advice, this first-of-its-kind work will prove indispensable whether you’re long experienced with text mining from biomedical literature or entirely new to the field.

More information/order this book ...

Co-Chair Semantic Mining in Biomedicine 2006

2nd International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (April 9th-12th 2006)

Organised by the EU Network of Excellence Semantic Mining and the Jena University Language & Information Engineeing (JULIE) Lab. With Juliane Fluck, Fraunhofer SCAI.

Proceedings on the Symposium on line. Selected paper in BMC Bioinformatics Supplement.

Workshop on text mining and social sciences

Bridging quantitative and qualitative methods for social sciences using text mining techniques.

28th April 2006, University of Manchester.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different subject areas (computer scientists, computational linguistics, social scientists, psychologists, etc) in order to explore how text mining techniques can revolutionise quantitative and qualitative research methods in social sciences. New technologies from text mining (e.g. information extraction, summarisation, question-answering, text categorisation, sectioning, topic identification, etc.) which go beyond concordances, frequency counts etc can be used for quantitative and qualitative content analysis of different data types (e.g. transcripts of interviews, questionnaire analysis, archives, chatroom files, weblogs, etc). The semantic analysis of new text types, e.g. weblogs is important for sociologists and political scientists in inferring social trends. Reputation and sentiment analysis collects and identifies people’s opinions, attitudes and sentiments in text. Text mining techniques also aid metadata creation for qualitative data and facilitate their sharing.

Special Issue of the Journal of Biomedical Informatics (2004)

Special Issue:  Named Entity Recognition in Biomedicine
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Volume 37, Issue 6, Pages 393-528 (December 2004)
Edited by S. Ananiadou, C. Friedman and J. Tsujii

Invited speaker 2006 - 2005

Workshop on Text Mining at MIE 2005


30th August 2005

Daiwa Adrian award

Dr Sophia Ananiadou is leading the British team of scientists on Knowledge Mining from Biology Texts. Daiwa Adrian Prizes are triennial awards that recognise significant scientific collaboration between British and Japanese research teams. The leader of the Japanese team is Prof. Jun-ichi Tsujii of Tokyo University. See list of recipients.


Photos from the award ceremony
Photo 1 | Photo 2

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