Shezad Mohamed

University of Manchester
Department of Mathematics
Oxford Road, Manchester, UK, M13 9PL
Office: Alan Turing Building

I am a PhD student of Omar León Sánchez interested in the model theory, algebra, and geometry of fields and differential fields. My most recent work has been on establishing results about the existence of model companion for various theories of fields with free operators, as well as about neo-stability theoretic properties transferred from the underlying field to the field with operators.

Here is my CV.


The uniform companion for fields with free operators in characteristic zero.
Submitted for publication. 28 pages.

The Weil descent functor in the category of algebras with free operators.
Journal of Algebra, 640:216–252, 2024

Commuting operators as an instance of iterative generalised Hasse-Schmidt rings.
Unpublished note.

Master's thesis

Aspects of Stone duality for Boolean algebras.
Supervised by Hilary Priestley at the University of Oxford.


I have been a teaching assistant for the following courses at the University of Manchester.

Algebraic Structures 1, 2020.
Teaching assistant. Approx. 25 students.
Programming with Python, 2021.
Teaching and programming assistant. Approx. 50 students.
Algebraic Structures 1, 2021.
Teaching assistant. Approx. 25 students.
Contingencies 1, 2022.
Teaching and programming assistant. Approx. 25 students.
Probability 1, 2022.
Teaching assistant. Approx. 15 students.
Introduction to Mathematica, 2023.
Teaching and programming assistant. Approx. 50 students.
0B1: Calculus and Algebra, 2023.
Led problem sessions. Approx. 25 students.