3 Coding Your Future

Your future is bright, your future needs coding. So let’s starting coding your future.

Coding Your Future is a guidebook written to help students design, build, test and code their futures in computing, see figure 3.1. Written by yours truly, (Hull 2025a) the full text of the book is freely available online at www.cdyf.me. If you’d prefer to read it in ebook format, you can also download it in a single file, see section 3.2.

Coding your Future is a guidebook to help students design, build, test and code their futures in computing, see www.cdyf.me. Coding your Future illustration by Visual Thinkery is licensed under CC-BY-ND

Figure 3.1: Coding your Future is a guidebook to help students design, build, test and code their futures in computing, see www.cdyf.me. Coding your Future illustration by Visual Thinkery is licensed under CC-BY-ND

3.1 Reading Your Future

Coding your future is a guidebook and course is aimed at ALL students in higher education. While the guide supports undergraduate teaching at the University of Manchester, it doesn’t actually matter:

  • where in the world you are studying
  • what stage of your degree you are at, from first year through to final year
  • what level you are studying at, foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate
  • what institution you are studying at, this book is University and institution agnostic
  • what subject you are studying, as long as you are computationally curious

Coding your Future has something for any student of computing, both those inside and outside of Computer Science departments. 👨🏿‍💻👨‍💻👩🏽‍💻👩‍💻👩🏿‍💻

3.2 Downloading Your Future

The full text of the guidebook is freely available at www.cdyf.me, this means the web version (that’s all the *.html) is searchable, browsable and linkable in any web browser on your phone, tablet or desktop computer. If you’d prefer to read the guidebook in a single ebook file, you can download a copy at:

Since the guidebook is published open access and open source, I welcome constructive feedback from students, employers, academics and any other contributors, see cdyf.me/#contributing