Conferences organised
- Model-Theoretic Methods in Number Theory and Algebraic Differential Equations
Manchester, August 2018.
- Workshop on effectivity and ineffectivity for unlikely intersections (woeful)
Manchester, July 2018.
- Around functional transcendence
Oxford, June 2018.
- Diophantine problems (diop)
Manchester, September 2017.
- O-minimality and Diophantine applications
Toronto, June 2017.
- O-minimality and Diophantine Geometry: a one-day meeting.
Manchester, 7 September, 2016.
- Future directions in model theory and analytic functions
Manchester, 7-10 July, 2015.
- O-minimality and diophantine geometry (LMS-EPSRC Short Instructional Course)
Manchester, July 2013.