- S. Savitz, F. Siperstein, R.J. Gorte, A.L. Myers "Calorimetric Study of Adsorption of Alkanes in High-Silica Zeolites ” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (35): 6865-6872 (1998) PDF
- S. Savitz, F. Siperstein, R. Huber, S.M. Tieri, R.J. Gorte, A.L. Myers, C.P. Grey, D.R. Corbin "Adsorption of hydrofluorocarbons HFC-134 and HFC-134a on X and Y zeolites: Effect of ion-exchange on selectivity and heat of adsorption ” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (39): 8283-8289 (1999) PDF
- F. Siperstein, R.J. Gorte and A.L. Myers "Measurement of Excess Functions of Binary Gas Mixtures Adsorbed in Zeolites by Adsorption Calorimetry ” Adsorption 5 (2): 169-176 (1999)
- F. Siperstein, R.J. Gorte and A.L. Myers "A New Calorimeter for Simultaneous Measurements of Loading and Heats of Adsorption from Gaseous Mixtures ” Langmuir 15 (4): 1570-1576 (1999) PDF
- D.M. Shen, M. Bulow, F. Siperstein, M. Engelhard, A.L. Myers "Comparison of experimental techniques for measuring isosteric heat of adsorption ” Adsorption 6 (4): 275-286 (2000)
- F.R. Siperstein, A.L. Myers "Mixed-gas adsorption ” AIChE J. 47(5): 1141-1159 (2001)
- A.L. Myers, F.R. Siperstein "Characterization of adsorbents by energy profile of adsorbed molecules ” Colloids and Surfaces A-Pnysicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 187-188: 73-81 (2001)
- F.R. Siperstein, K.E. Gubbins "Synthesis and characterization of templated mesoporous materials using molecular simulation ” Molecular Simulation 27(5-6): 339-352 (2001)
- F. Siperstein, A.L. Myers, O. Talu "Long range corrections for computer simulations of adsorption ” Molecular Physics 100 (13): 2025-2030 (2002)
- C.M. Colina, M. Lisal, F.R. Siperstein, K.E. Gubbins "Accurate CO2 Joule-Thomson inversion curve by molecular simulations ” Fluid Phase Equilibria 202(2): 253-262 (2002)
- F.R. Siperstein, K.E. Gubbins "Influence of synthesis conditions on surface heterogeneity of M41 type materials studied with lattice Monte Carlo ” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 144: 647-654 (2002)
- F.R. Siperstein, K.E. Gubbins "Phase separation and liquid crystal self-assembly in surfactant-inorganic-solvent systems ” Langmuir 19 (6): 2049-2057 (2003)
- C.M. Colina, C.G. Olivera-Fuentes, F.R. Siperstein, M. Lisal, K.E. Gubbins "Thermal properties of supercritical carbon dioxide by Monte Carlo simulations ” Molecular Simulation 29 (6-7): 405-412 (2003)
- M. Lisal, J.K. Brennan, W.R. Smith, F.R. Siperstein “ Dual control cell reaction ensemble molecular dynamics: A method for simulations
of reactions and adsorption in porous materials” Journal of Chemical Physics 121 (10): 4901-4912 (2004)
- F.R. Siperstein “ Determination of Azeotropic behavior in Adsorbed Mixtures ” Adsorption 11 (Suppl. 1): 55-59 (2005)
- F.R. Hung, E.E. Santiso, B. Coasne, K.E. Gubbins, F.R. Siperstein, M. Sliwinska-Bartkowiak “ Effect of confinement on freezing of CCl 4 in cylindrical pores ” Adsorption 11 (Suppl. 1) 391-396 (2005)
- N. Chennamsetty, H. Bock, L.F. Scanu, F.R. Siperstein, and K.E. Gubbins “ Cosurfactant and cosolvent effects on surfactant self-assembly in supercritical carbon dioxide ” Journal of Chemical Physics 122 (9): 094710 (2005)
- F.R. Hung, B. Coasne, E.E. Santiso, K.E. Gubbins, F.R. Siperstein, M. Sliwinska-Bartkowiak “ Molecular modelling of freezing of simple fluids confined within carbon nanotubes ” Journal of Chemical Physics 122 (14): 144706 (2005)
- B. Coasne, F.R. Hung, F.R. Siperstein, K.E. Gubbins, “ Molecular simulation of gas adsorption in realistic models of silica nanopores ” Annales de Chimie-Science des Materiaux, 30 (4): 375-383 (2005)
- F.R. Siperstein and A.D. Macke “ Phase behaviour of a model surfactant/solvent system at intermediate and high density ” Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 270: 277-284 (2005)
- B. Coasne, F.R. Hung, R.J.-M. Pellenq, F.R. Siperstein, K.E. Gubbins, “ Adsorption of Simple Gases in MCM-41 Materials: The Role of Surface Roughness ” Langmuir, 22 (1): 194-202 (2006)
- A. Patti, A.D. Mackie and F.R. Siperstein "Monte Carlo simulation of self-assembled ordered hybrid materials" Langmuir 23 (12): 6771-6780 (2007)
- A. Patti, F.R. Siperstein and A.D. Mackie " Phase Behaviour of Model Surfactants in the Presence of Hybrid Particles " JPCC in press
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