Week 7 Exercises
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Exercise 7.0. This is an unseen exercise in Applied Topology. In the diagram below, each letter of the English alphabet is drawn as a union of straight line segments and arcs.
Some letters are homeomorphic: for example, C \(\cong \) J, both are homeomorphic to a closed interval. Consider such homeomorphisms to be geometrically obvious.
Some letters are not homeomorphic: here is a topological property that can distinguish them. If \(X\) is a topological space, call \(p\in X\) a point of connectivity \(k\) if \(X\setminus \{p\}\) has exactly \(k\) connected components. The following is easy to prove: any homeomorphism \(X\xrightarrow {\sim } Y\) maps a point of connectivity \(k\) to a point of connectivity \(k.\) Hence, for each \(k,\) the number of points of connectivity \(k\) is a topological property. Example:
O \(\ncong \) P: O has no points of connectivity 2 but P has them;
T \(\ncong \) O and T \(\ncong \) P: T has a point of connectivity 3 while O, P have no such points.
CHALLENGE. Sort the letters into homeomorphism classes. You should have 9 classes.
Class 1:
Class 2:
Class 3:
Class 4:
Class 5:
Class 6:
Class 7:
Class 8:
Class 9:
Exercise 7.1. Consider the topological space \(\mathbb Q\) which is the set of all rational numbers, viewed as a subspace of the Euclidean real line \(\RR .\)
1. Is \(\mathbb Q\) Hausdorff? Is \(\mathbb Q\) compact? Justify your answer.
2. Show that the topology on \(\mathbb Q\) is not discrete.
3. A topological space \(X\) is called totally disconnected if every non-empty connected subset of \(X\) is a singleton. Show that \(\mathbb Q\) is totally disconnected.
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