Link to Yuri Bazlov's home page
Bazlov, Y., & Jones-Healey, E. (2025). Twists of representations of complex reflection groups and rational Cherednik algebras.
Bazlov, Y., & Chen, R. (2025). Quantum Segre maps via cocycle twists.
Bazlov, Y., Berenstein, A., Jones-Healey, E., & Mcgaw, A. (2023). Twists of rational Cherednik algebras. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 74 (2023), 511-528.
Bazlov, Y., & Berenstein, A. (2014). Mystic reflection groups. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications , 10, paper 040.
Bazlov, Y., & Berenstein, A. (2013). Cocycle twists and extensions of braided doubles. Contemporary Mathematics, 592, 19-70.
Bazlov, Y., & Berenstein, A. (2009). Noncommutative dunkl operators and braided Cherednik algebras. Selecta Mathematica, 14 (3-4), 325-372.
Bazlov, Y., & Berenstein, A. (2009). Braided doubles and rational Cherednik algebras. Advances in Mathematics, 220 (5), 1466-1530.
Bazlov, Y. (2006). Nichols-Woronowicz algebra model for Schubert calculus on Coxeter groups. J. Algebra, 297 (2), 372-399.
Bazlov, Y. (2001). Graded multiplicities in the exterior algebra. Advances in Mathematics, 158 (2), 129-153.
Bazlov, Y. (1998). The homology of graded infinite-dimensional Lie algebras in connection with the Macdonald identities. J. Math. Sci. (New York), 96 (5), 3447-3454.