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Yuri Bazlov

professional home page

lecturer in pure mathematics

Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom

yuri.bazlov @ manchester.ac.uk

+44 161 2755816

office: Alan Turing 2.220

research interests

Algebra: representations of Lie algebras, Hopf algebras, quantum groups. See research and supervision.


2024/25 Semester 1
MATH31010 Topology and Analysis
2024/25 Semester 2
MATH11112 Real Analysis

prospective PhD students

If you are interested in doing a PhD under my supervision, please consult my research and supervision page.

undergraduate, MMath, MMathPhys, MSc projects (Manchester)

I supervise projects and dissertations on topics around abstract algebra. Projects can be purely theoretical or include a mix of theory and computation. See my projects page for a selection of possible topics. Some of the past projects are on my research and supervision page.