Week 4 Exercises (answers at end)

Version 2023-11-04. These exercises in PDF

  • Exercise 4.1. Write down the weight enumerator of \(\Rep (n,\F _2),\) more generally of \(\Rep (n,\F _q).\)

[Answers to these exercises]

Notation: below, \(C\subseteq \F _q^n\) is a linear code, \(d(C)=d,\) and \(t=\left [\frac {d-1}{2}\right ].\)

  • Exercise 4.2. Prove that each vector \(\ul a\) of weight \(\le t\) in the space \(\F _q^n\) is a unique coset leader (that is, \(w(\ul a)\) is strictly less than weights of all other vectors in its coset \(\ul a+C).\)

    Hint. If \(\ul a\ne \ul b\) are in the same coset, show that \(d \le w(\ul a)+w(\ul b).\) Then use \(d-t>t.\)

[Answers to these exercises]

  • Exercise 4.3 (important fact about perfect linear codes — needed for exam).

    Assume \(C\) is perfect. Use the Hamming bound to show that the number of cosets equals \(\#S_t(\ul 0),\) i.e., there as many cosets as vectors of weight \(\le t\) in the space \(\F _q^n.\) Deduce that every coset has a unique coset leader, and that the coset leaders are exactly the vectors of weight \(\le t.\)

[Answers to these exercises]

  • Exercise 4.4 (not done in tutorial). Find standard arrays for binary codes with each of the following generator matrices. For each code, determine whether every coset has a unique coset leader (i.e., if there is exactly one coset leader in each coset). Find the probability of an undetected / uncorrected error for \(\mathit {BSC}(p)\) and argue whether the code is worth using for this channel, compared to transmitting unencoded information.

    \[ G_1=\begin {bmatrix} 1&0 \\ 0&1 \end {bmatrix}, \qquad G_2=\begin {bmatrix} 1&0&1 \\ 0&1&1 \end {bmatrix}, \qquad G_3 = \begin {bmatrix} 1&0&1 &1&0\\ 0&1&0&1&1 \end {bmatrix}. \]

[Answers to these exercises]

  • Exercise 4.5 (more weight enumerators — not done in tutorial). (a) As usual, let \(W_C(x,y)\) denote the weight enumerator of a \(q\)-ary linear code \(C.\) Show that \(W_C(1,0)=1\) and that \(W_C(1,1)=q^k\) where \(k=\dim C.\)

    (b) Show that the weight enumerator of the trivial binary code \(\F _2^n\) is \(W_{\F _2^n}(x,y)=(x+y)^n.\) Can you write \(W_{\F _q^n}(x,y)\) in a similar form?

    (c) Write down \(W_{E_3}(x,y).\) Can you suggest a compact way to write \(W_{E_n}(x,y)\)?

[Answers to these exercises]