Yotam Smilansky

I am a Lecturer in Dynamical Systems and Analysis at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Manchester. My main research interest is the study of tilings, aperiodic order and mathematical models of quasicrystals, the associated dynamical systems and their interactions with number theory. Before joining the University of Manchester I was a Hill Assistant Professor at Rutgers University and an Orzen Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I completed my PhD at Tel-Aviv University under the supervision of Professor Barak Weiss.

I am a co-organiser of the Manchester Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar.

Contact: yotam.smilansky@manchester.ac.uk

Full CV

Upcoming events

Workshop: Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, December 9-13, 2024, Warwick, UK.

Workshop: Directions in Aperiodic Order, July 27-August 1, 2025, BIRS, Banff, Canada.

School: Combinatorics, Automata, and Number Theory (CANT), September 29-October 3, 2025, CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France.


  • Discrepancy and rectifiability of almost linearly repetitive Delone sets, with Yaar Solomon.
    Nonlinearity, vol 35 (2022), 6204–6217.
  • Statistics and gap distributions in random Kakutani partitions and multiscale substitution tilings.
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 516(2) (2022), 126535.
  • Classification and statistics of cut-and-project sets, with René Rühr and Barak Weiss.
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society, vol 26(9) (2024), 3575–3638.
  • A dichotomy for bounded displacement equivalence of Delone sets, with Yaar Solomon.
    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol 42(8) (2022), 2693–2710.
  • Multiscale substitution tilings, with Yaar Solomon.
    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, vol 123(6) (2021), 517–564.
  • Neural evidence suggests both interference and facilitation from embedding regularity into visual search, with Anna Vaskevich, Alon Nishry and Roy Luria.
    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol 33(4) (2021), 622–634.
  • Bounded displacement non-equivalence in substitution tilings with Dirk Frettlöh and Yaar Solomon.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, vol 177 (2021), 105326.
  • Uniform distribution of Kakutani partitions generated by substitution schemes.
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol 240(2) (2020), 667–710.
  • The distribution of path lengths on directed weighted graphs, with Avner Kiro and Uzy Smilansky.
    In: Analysis as a Tool in Mathematical Physics. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol 276, Birkhäuser, Cham (2020), 351–372.
  • On the function field analogue of Landau's theorem on sums of two squares, with Lior Bary-Soroker and Adva Wolf.
    Finite Fields and Their Applications, vol 39 (2016), 195–215.
  • Sums of two squares – pair correlation and distribution in short intervals.
    International Journal of Number Theory, vol 9(7) (2013), 1687–1711.
  • Other publications and articles

  • EMS Magazine
    Solved and unsolved problems: Problem 241.
    Rassias, M.T., Solved and unsolved problems. European Mathematical Society Magazine, vol 121 (2021), 58–67.
  • The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)
    Sequence A328074: Coordination sequence for a certain multiscale substitution tiling of the plane by squares.
    OEIS Foundation Inc. (2020), The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, https://oeis.org/A328074.
  • The Tiling Encyclopedia
    Square multiscale substitution tiling and Triangle multiscale substitution tiling.
    D. Frettlöh, F. Gähler, E. Harriss, Tiling Encyclopedia, https://tilings.math.uni-bielefeld.de/substitution/ square-multiscale and https://tilings.math.uni-bielefeld.de/substitution/triangle-multiscale.
  • Oberwolfach Reports
    Classification and statistics of cut-and-project sets Workshop Report 2021, 2, 30–32.
    Schmidt (α,β) Games Workshop Report 2016, 48, 2762–2765.
  • Outreach and public engamenet

  • "What is a million?", Maths activities for reception class, 2024, Chorlton CofE, Manchester, UK.
  • APERIODIC: Exhibition, mathematicians' reflections on artwork, 2024, Kit Form Gallery, Bristol, UK.
  • Maths Society Galois Lectures, 2023, University of Manchester, UK.
  • Undergraduate Colloquium, 2018, University of Houston, TX.
  • Organisation

    Workshop: Dynamical Systems, Number Theory, and Quantum Chaos: New connections and directions, September 10-13, 2024, University of Manchester.


    Invited talks, scientific meetings and seminars

    Analysis and Dynamics Seminar, 2024, University of Manchester, UK.

    Workshop: Aperiodic Order and Approximate Groups II, 2024, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany.

    Conference: APERIODIC: Scientific meeting of the Grimm Network, 2024, University of Bristol, UK.

    Conference: Numeration 2024, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

    Conference: Foliated Spaces, Tilings and Group Actions 2024, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

    Pure Maths Colloquium, 2024, University of Manchester, UK.

    Analysis and Dynamics Seminar, 2023, University of Manchester, UK.

    Ergodic Theory and Analysis Seminar (Online η Seminar), 2023, Rutgers University, NJ.

    Dynamics Seminar, 2023, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

    Probability and Ergodic Theory Seminar, 2023, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

    Groups, Dynamics and Related Topics Seminar, 2023, Technion, Israel.

    Action Now Wandering Seminar, 2022, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

    Mathematics Colloquium, 2022, University of Haifa, Israel.

    Workshop: Mathematics of Tilings and Quasiperiodic Systems, 2022, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan.

    Analysis and PDE Seminar, 2022, UCLA, joint with Caltech and USC, CA.

    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2022, University of Bristol, UK.

    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2022, jointly ETH and University of Zurich, Switzerland.

    Mathematical Colloquium, 2022, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel.

    Mathematics Colloquium, 2021, University of Haifa, Israel.

    Geometric Functional Analysis and Probability Seminar, 2021, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

    Analysis Seminar, 2021, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

    Combinatorics Seminar, 2021, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

    Mathematics Colloquium, 2021, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    Groups, Dynamics and Related Topics Seminar, 2021, Technion, Israel.

    Mathematics Colloquium, 2021, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

    Combinatorics Seminar, 2021, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    Number Theory Seminar, 2021, Rutgers University, NJ.

    Workshop: Geometry, Dynamics and Spectrum of Operators on Discrete Spaces, 2021, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany.

    Conference: Algebraic and Combinatorial Invariants of Subshifts and Tilings, 2021, CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France.

    Probability and Ergodic Theory Seminar, 2020, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

    Dynamical Systems e-Seminar, 2020, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

    Functional Analysis and Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2020, Leipzig University, Germany.

    Group Actions Seminar, 2020, UC San Diego, CA.

    Dynamics Seminar, 2020, University of Maryland, MD.

    Experimental Mathematics Seminar, 2020, Rutgers University, NJ.

    New England Dynamics and Number Theory Seminar, 2020.

    One World Numeration Seminar, 2020.

    Dynamics and Number Theory Seminar, 2019, Brandeis University, MA.

    Mathematical Physics Seminar, 2019, Rutgers University, NJ.

    Mathematics Seminar, 2019, Hofstra University, NY.

    Experimental Mathematics Seminar, 2019, Rutgers University, NJ.

    Geometric Functional Analysis and Probability Seminar, 2019, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

    Mathematics Colloquium, 2019, University of Haifa, Israel.

    Mathematics Colloquium, 2019, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    Analysis Seminar, 2019, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

    Ergodic Theory & Probability Seminar, 2019, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2018, University of Bristol, UK.

    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2018, University of Warwick, UK.

    Dynamics Seminar, 2018, University of Maryland, MD.

    Ergodic Theory & Statistical Mechanics Seminar, 2018, Princeton University, NJ.

    Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2018, Stony Brook University, NY.

    Integrable Systems and Random Matrix Theory Seminar, 2018, University of Michigan, MI.

    Number Theory Seminar, 2018, Rutgers University, NJ.

    Mathematics Colloquium, 2018, The City University of New York, NY.

    Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2018, University of Houston, TX.

    Geometry-Analysis Seminar, 2018, Rice University, TX.

    Groups & Dynamics Seminar, 2018, University of Texas at Austin, TX.

    Model Sets and Aperiodic Order Conference, 2018, Durham University, UK.

    The Israeli Mathematical Union annual meating, 2018, Technion, Israel.

    Analysis Seminar, 2018, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

    Horowitz Seminar on Probability, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2018, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

    Probability and Ergodic Theory Seminar, 2018, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

    The Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on Quasicrystals, Delone sets and Generalizations of Lattices, 2018, Ohalo, Israel.

    Research School: Tiling Dynamical System (short presentation), 2017, CIRM, Marseille Luminy, France.

    Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Diophantine Approximation, Fractal Geometry and Dynamics, 2016, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany.

    From Quantum Chaos to Graphs and Spectral Patterns, 2016, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.



    Teaching experience: Teaching CV.

    Lecture notes: Linear Algebra, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Fall 2016 lecture notes (in Hebrew).

    Selected teaching reviews:

  • Math 477: Mathematical Theory of Probability, Rutgers University, Spring 2021 Section 01 and Section 02.
  • Linear Algebra, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Fall 2016 Instructor report (in Hebrew).
  • Linear Algebra II, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Spring 2017 TA report (in Hebrew).
  • Kakutani sequence